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Thread: The Pill and your experiences?

  1. #1
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    The Pill and your experiences?

    Birthcontrol Pills.

    So Pills. Bad experiences?

    How many Pills have you had to go through to find the right one?

    Good ones? Bad ones? Share your thoughts.

    I used to take Microgynon 30, which was an absolute dreeeeeam for the first year or so. I started to notice moodiness and weight gain over the second year, which I know was nothing to do with myself since my diet had remained pretty much the same and my body had already gone through the main process of becoming a woman.

    After a while, I decided to switch, and the nurse recommended Marvelon. For a few months, it was awesome, I lost weight (and then gained less than half a pound, which wasn't really an issue with me), and now I realise it's given me terrible headaches.

    The reasons I began taking the Pill was because of terrible menstrual pains... which is pretty common in women these days. Before, I couldn't walk and could barely even talk for days during my period, and the Pill has made life a lot easier... I just feel like crap because as soon as I think I've found a perfect Pill, I start to notice side effects.

    I heard Yasmin is good. Anybody tried that? Thoughts?

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  2. #2
    Banned The Pill and your experiences? Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    I like the pink ones my girlfriend takes. I don't know the name but they taste awesome.

  3. #3
    As a man, I appreciate the birth control pill. The condom is the bain of my existence.

    Robyn takes them, but I don't know how they work. It seems terribly complicated.

  4. #4
    I've not tried Yasmin, no longer have the need for the Pill. But really, with all being said, there are side effects with all birth control pills. Everyone's chemistry is different, therefore, some experience side effects, some don't. I was never one that was able to take the pill because they caused me more problems than I was already having. There are several options out there now for birth control other than the pill or condoms. I would suggest talking to your doctor and explaining the problems that you are having. He/She should be able to give you other options. Have you tried the shot? I believe it lasts like 3 months before you have to go in for another one. But that too can have side effects.
    Unfortunately there aren't any medications of any kind that don't have possible side effects. It just may take you some time to find the right one.
    I can relate to the incredible cramping. I also was one that suffered with that every single month. (and men think they have it so And I don't care what the advertisements say, if you have severe cramps, there is no over the counter medication that will make you feel well enough to be dancing in wheat fields or chasing butterflies.
    I know I haven't helped you much, but I do remember it all quite well, so I understand completely. But do check with your doctor and see if there isn't something else you might want to try.

  5. #5
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I am on the pill, well I've gone off of it for a little but I've been on it for a long time and plan to go back to it soon. I have no side effects with it really, some people get sick from them but I guess I'm lucky. I was put on it because of my mysterious pain but it never helped with that, I stayed on it though because it is meant to be good for keeping pimples away and such so why not? It's rather useful really. I haven't had any experience with other versions of it, I've only been on the one type.

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    Registered User The Pill and your experiences? winterborn86's Avatar
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    I use to be on a pink pill (dnt know the name) but thery went out of stock at the docs and put me on Microgynon 30, which worked well so they kept me on it, but i did have a bad experiance with them due to my own fault, I realised that that when i stop my pill at a certain point my period will always start 3days after, so i started stopping and starting my pill to take control other the periods to fit the days when i knew my boyfrind was coming other, but doing that messed me up and i ened up bleeding for 17days non stop whilst taking the pill (which was not supposed to happen) so i stopped taking it for a month to let it all settle down but that was when i fell pregnant so overall somthing good came outta it

    My mum has been on the same pill as me for 11years then the nurses changed it to a pill that will stop her having periods all together (somthing to do with her age) but it dint work out to well cos she went to the docs for a check up a few months later and they told her she was 6 months pregnant, she was NOT happy cos shes 40 and dint want another one, and that pill was ment to prevent all that

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  7. #7
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    The condom is the bain of my existence.
    Aye. Women aren't supposed to feel too much of a difference between "with a condom" or "without a condom", but I do! And I hate it. It always feels lukewarm and the lubricants make it feel more sticky than it should do afterwards. I hate dried lubricant. Water-based or not, it makes me feel more dirty than if I hadn't used a condom at all. Which is ironic to me. Andrew hates them as well, but I think that just comes with the territory of being a man.

    Koda, thanks. I did talk to my doctor... she was the one who suggested Marvelon. I might ask about Noriday or Yasmin next time. I hear they're USUALLY better than worse.

    winterborn86, with Microgynon, you never need to switch the days you take the Pill, and you're not supposed to, either. The changes of anybody getting pregnant on that Pill, is about one in a billion, trillion. Even on the seven day break and the period, I didn't need to use condoms because they provide you with protection throughout. Although period sex is DISGUSTING, the only thing you can really do about that is wait until the flow isn't as heavy.

    Did you ever try skipping the seven day break so that you wouldn't bleed? It's not bad for you, you just have a slightly heavier period next time you take the week break. I skipped with Microgynon 30 one time, and the only damage it did was slightly more cramping than usual whilst on the Pill.

    I'm not looking forward to skipping the week break whilst on Marvelon. I might suffer a freaking brain clot with the way they've treated me.

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  8. #8
    Gingersnap The Pill and your experiences? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I'm on Yasmin right now, actually. I have been for over two years and it's never given me any cause to complain. Though, Walgreens just switched to the generic Yasmin, apparently, so that's what this month has been. It's called Ocella, and I haven't noticed any side effects, but I am tempted to call my OBGYN to ask about it.

    Anyway. My periods never lasted very long anyway (around 3-4 days of any bleeding at all), but the cramps I got on the first day... Jesus. They were enough to make me sick. I usually just took Advil and made it through the school day the best I could, but enough was enough. Now, I get sort of a dull ache but it's hardly noticeable and I can go about my day as usual. And, if you can believe this, my periods managed to get shorter. The most recent one only lasted for about 26 hours. It also cut back on mood swings and irritability (though I still suffer from them occasionally) and I haven't had any weight gain that wasn't the result of poor diet and lack of exercise. I did not gain weight from a pill.

    It makes periods easier, but I don't feel unnatural. If that makes sense. I don't think I could take one of those pills that only gives you 4 periods a year. That seems freaky to me. And haha I kind of look at my once a month period as a "Hooray! I'm not pregnant!" So I like having it and knowing for sure each month.

    My point is, Yasmin works for me. Everyone's health is different, so I can't speak for everyone. But for me, my doctor got it right on the first try.

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    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Christ View Post
    I like the pink ones my girlfriend takes. I don't know the name but they taste awesome.


    My friend used to take the Pill, but had to stop becuase of some reaction it was giving her. I think because the Pills weren't ment for her... thats another story and you'd better not ask.

    Instead, she has been having this injection every few weeks/months to temp stop her periods. Its doesn't completely stop them for good though as far as I know... So far, its been ok for her. No side effects, no weight gain or loss, no... nothing. Just no periods. So no pain. But yeah, I don't know if that works like the Pill as a contraception... Do you guys know?

    As for condoms... Meh, they do the job well 99.9% of the time, but in the worse way I guess. The Pill seems to be a good idea and stuff, but as long as you get the right one thats works with you. The injection... like I said, I don't know all the details about it, just that it temp stops periods. Ha, I'm just glad I ain't gotta deal with this for a little while lol! So many options, and too many confuse me... O_O

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    Banned The Pill and your experiences? Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post

    You'd say that till you try em. Real tasty, they are.

  11. #11
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Unknown Entity, he means the sugar coated ones. Micrgynon 30 was sugar coated as well, although those were little white things.

    A lot of medicine is sugar coated to make it slide down the throat better. Ibrupofen is sugar coated as well. I don't know why they bother sugar coating the Pill, though... they're ****ing tiny.

    My current Pill Marvelon isn't sugar coated.

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    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    Unknown Entity, he means the sugar coated ones. Micrgynon 30 was sugar coated as well, although those were little white things.

    A lot of medicine is sugar coated to make it slide down the throat better. Ibrupofen is sugar coated as well. I don't know why they bother sugar coating the Pill, though... they're ****ing tiny.

    My current Pill Marvelon isn't sugar coated.
    Ha, I guess that makes sence lol. Now I know!

    One thing I still don't know though, is about that injection. I tried ringing my friend, but her phone is being screwy with just about anyone who rings her, so I couldn't ask her more about it.

    Like I said, I all know about it is that it temp stops periods, and you have this injection every... few months I think it is.

    But, are there any risks from having this injection - like periods stopping completly, so you can't have kids. And does it work as a contraception too? I'm guessing if your not getting periods, their is no egg, so there is no chance of a pregnancy (sorry about details to funny folk lol)...

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    There is a contraceptive injection, which minimizes periods altogether. I've not personally taken it, but I've done a little research on the Pill, the marina coil and the shots... I think I'll stick with trying Yasmin before going off for shots.

    The injections are similar to the Pill in a way. I've heard the injections have less side effects, though...

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    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    I've heard the injections have less side effects, though...
    Yeah, I heard that too, though I've always thought that you get fewer, but greater side effects with the injection. The Pill has effects like weight loss/gain, thrush/irritations and some other things, but the injection (from what I heard anyway) CAN seriouslly mess with your cycle depending on how long you've been having it done. It can even stop it completely. Not too sure how much is true, but until proven otherwise, I'm staying on the safe side.

    What on earth is a coil lol?

    (Yes, I know. I wasn't taught much of this at school because my teacher was always in "meetings" in my first year...)

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    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
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  15. #15
    Registered User The Pill and your experiences? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Im not 100% sure what the coil is either all i know was that it something that gets inserted up you by a nurse, i dont much like the sound of that lol

    With the injection, my nurse told me that even when you stop having it, you cant normally fall pregnant in the first 6months

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    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86
    Im not 100% sure what the coil is either all i know was that it something that gets inserted up you by a nurse, i dont much like the sound of that lol
    Ooohhhhh.... Ew... Niether do I!

    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86
    With the injection, my nurse told me that even when you stop having it, you cant normally fall pregnant in the first 6months
    So its not a perminant thing - as in it doesn't **** you up for good?

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
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  17. #17
    Registered User The Pill and your experiences? winterborn86's Avatar
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    From what i was told it not permenant, but i maybe wrong, i was also told its more effective than the pill, cant really forget to take it can ya? lol

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    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86 View Post
    From what i was told it not permenant, but i maybe wrong, i was also told its more effective than the pill, cant really forget to take it can ya? lol
    Ha, true true... But NEEDLES!? I hate having injections, even though they gotta be done. Don't like the sound of it...

    But then again, I don't like the sound of long term use of condoms, so you gotta make some kind of sacrifice lol. The Pill, a coil thingy, an injection, condoms, or the morning after pill.

    I HATE choice lol!

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
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    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  19. #19
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    The injection is not a permanant thing.

    A coil is a small device with "wings", which gets pushed up through the vagina and rests inside the womb to stop sperm from getting through.
    When inside the womb, you won't be able to feel it. It isn't a tight fit getting up there either, so it's only a little worse than having a smear test.
    It should be replaced every couple of years depending on your body.
    It's about a quarter of a centermetre in width.

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  20. #20
    Born Again Atheist The Pill and your experiences? Sarah's Avatar
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    From my experience (being as ancient as I am now), there are a few things I would like to share.

    If you have any side effects that make you even slightly consider switching the type of pill you are taking, DO NOT have the depo provera shot done. It is a much higher dosage of the active ingredients in birth control medication. I went through absolute hell because of it seven years ago. Seventeen day periods. Crazy heart palpitations. Unbearable muscle pain. Severe depression. Vision problems. Weight gain. It all lasted long after the three month period. Having that high a dosage of progestin (a progesterone replacer) in your body puts you through a sort of temporary menopause. Along the same line, also avoid the patch.

    Intra-uterine devices(coil) can cause severe menstruation and spotting, as it is placed in the lining of the uterus. The heavy bleeding is often a result of your body trying to expel the foreign object. There is also a slightly increased chance of pelvic inflammatory disease within the first twenty days after placement due to possibility of bacteria being introduced into the system. Also, an extremely small chance exists of complications due to expulsion of the device or possible uterine perforation. Often times, IUD's contain progestin to be released into the body over a 5 year period, so there's a probability of the same side effects as depo provera. The other type of IUD is copper based, which could trigger possible allergies (extremely rare).

    IUD is not recommended for younger women, or women who have not had children, due to risk of complication.

    Avoid the sponge. It's a lot of work and leaves more room for error.

    In my opinion, simply just tell your doctor that you have a high tendency for side effects and want to be on the lowest dosage pill possible. That is what I did for several years. It worked until my stomach problems got too severe to allow my body to absorb medication. That was fun, as it added a whole load of more painful and expensive problems to deal with. (That's not so likely to happen with any of you, though. Please, don't freak out thinking that it will.)

    You could also get sterilized or have your partner sterilized, if you plan on having no children. That's the method I'll be going through, depending on the risks to my particular health. I just need to find a doctor that will actually say "We can do that," when I ask to get my tubes tied. I ask every time I go to the doctors and every time I have a new doctor. Bastards still won't let me do it. I think I know whether I want kids or not at this age. Plus, I have health reasons valid enough to not have children.

    Here's a word of wisdom for those who are asking what things are in this thread. For the love of the people around you, please, do some research. Don't go by hearsay. Look it up. Google it. Wikipedia it. Find legitimate stories of other women's experiences with the various methods of birth control. Discuss it with your family and partner. Discuss it with your doctor. Ignorance is no excuse. The information is out there. It is not something to take lightly.
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  21. #21
    The Old Skool Warrior The Pill and your experiences? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I'm on Inexpugnabilis. It's supposed to destroy the fertility of your eggs, and I've got to say, it's doing the job. I've yet to get pregnant, even when trying to do so. Of course, I have experienced a bit of excessive bleeding around the time I take the meds, but that tends to happen any time you have to directly inject something into your body. Maybe the excessive bleeding comes from the anemia that I never had before I started taking it.


    That said, side effects vary between consumers. I don't mind a little extra bleeding in exchange for becoming impregnable.

    DISCLAIMER: The previous post was in jest. Anyone blind enough to miss the sarcasm should be smacked.

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    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  22. #22
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Yeah, Sarah, my mother had problems with the coil. She wouldn't stop bleeding. Whilst we knew this could happen, I was really scared for her because the doctors in the area couldn't make anytime to see her for about a month.

    As for being totally sterilized... I don't think that's a good idea. Whilst I don't really want children and can't imagine ever having them, my fiancee is desperate for a child one day, and if I ever grow to accept that, then I guess it'll happen.

    I think you're right about low dosage Pills, although Marvelon was low dosage and I still had significant side effects with it. At least I know a couple of Pills are more renound for good things than bad, so I'll have to go through them all until I find a good one.
    I know I could still get side effects, but I'd rather try that than jump straight onto shots or sterilization, I'm only twenty next month, I'm nowhere near ready to make that kind of decision.

    I already pretty much knew about everything you said anyway, but I think a lot of people will learn something from your post. Thanks.

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  23. #23
    The Pill and your experiences? Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    Personally the pill has failed for me, and me and my doctors figured out it was because of my medications that I was taking interfered with it. This is what happens when your Gyno and regular doctors don't talk. The regular doctor said they would be fine together, and then I visitd my gyno and they said some unfortunately news.

    I've heard the pill worked well for many woman, but watch the medication you take and you won't get a medical mistake like me. I am not a mother because the birth control failed if you get my drift, but it was a dreadful process to deal with, failed birth control pills, especially at my age (I'm 18 years old).

    I use Implanon, a type of implant that releases hormones directly into your bloodstream. It doesn't get messed up with my meds now thank god. Implanon's effectiveness percentage is 99.5%, because it is nearly impossible to use incorrectly (which is a great advantage), while most birth control pills are 92-99.7% effective, because of possible human error. Implanon is a newer thing in the US, and I'm not sure of its availability where you are Chez. Implanon, relases a controlled amount of hormones, so the side effects that Sarah mentioned are more then likely never to happen. And considering my age they said it was the best alternative to the Pill.

    The coil you are referring too (also called commonly IUD) is for woman who have already had a pregnancy. IUD are inserted by a Gyno, not a nurse; its a very delicate procedure. Copper IUDs are on average of 99.2% effective, Progesterone IUDs are 98%, and LNG IUDs are 99.9% effective.

    Originally Posted by Unknown Entity

    But then again, I don't like the sound of long term use of condoms, so you gotta make some kind of sacrifice lol. The Pill, a coil thingy, an injection, condoms, or the morning after pill.

    I HATE choice lol!
    You are forgetting the diaphram, the patch, the implant, spermacide, the ring (NuvaRing), the female condom, and withdrawal. The effectiveness of each is questionable, but if down completely correctly, is usually above 90%.
    Last edited by Rinoa.Heartilly; 07-30-2008 at 08:44 AM.

  24. #24
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rinoa.Heartilly View Post
    We'll assume you're joking here. Actually, I saw a couple of Jeremy Kyle where this man thought his wife had slept with another man to get pregnant. It turns out it was his child, she'd never cheated and that it was his belief that the withdrawal method actually worked to prevent pregnancy.

    I lol'd so hard when that couples' face dropped. I guess they'll have to use their money from his job seekers allowence to buy condoms. *Snickers*.

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  25. #25
    The Old Skool Warrior The Pill and your experiences? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rinoa.Heartilly View Post
    You are forgetting the diaphram, the patch, the implant, spermacide, the ring (NuvaRing), the female condom, and withdrawal. The effectiveness of each is questionable, but if down completely correctly, is usually above 90%.
    Even without the right body parts for this discussion, I think I can still say that abstinence is most likely the most effective way not to get pregnant.

    Just throwing that one out there.

    In regards to what you mentioned about withdrawal, and the little note that Chez made about it... I'd hardly think that you can give that one a 90% efficiency rating like everything else in your list. Even if you do it "right," it's still a SIGNIFICANTLY higher risk than anything else because there's no protection whatsoever.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  26. #26
    I really don't get the pill at all, my girlfriend takes one, don't have a clue what it is or what it specifically does but she still makes me wear a condom, does she think i'm AIDS ridden or can you never be sure its good contraception.

    I'm very uneducated on these matters.

  27. #27
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gun_blade View Post
    I really don't get the pill at all, my girlfriend takes one, don't have a clue what it is or what it specifically does but she still makes me wear a condom, does she think i'm AIDS ridden or can you never be sure its good contraception.

    I'm very uneducated on these matters.
    No offense, but if you're uneducated about sex, you shouldn't be having sex. How old are you, and how old is your girlfriend? To me, it doesn't even sound like you're old enough. No offense. But having sex before you know what how to protect yourselves is totally irresponsible.

    The Pill is 97% - 99% effective IF taken correctly. She may want you to wear a condom for a number of personal female reasons.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    No offense, but if you're uneducated about sex, you shouldn't be having sex. How old are you, and how old is your girlfriend? To me, it doesn't even sound like you're old enough. No offense. But having sex before you know what how to protect yourselves is totally irresponsible.

    The Pill is 97% - 99% effective IF taken correctly. She may want you to wear a condom for a number of personal female reasons.
    I've never had sex without a condom, would never do it if i knew there wasn't a form of contraception in place.

    I'm twenty by the way and she is 19, though the pill is something i have zero knowledge on, should probably bring it up with her one day.
    Last edited by Gun_blade; 08-07-2008 at 08:59 AM.

  29. #29
    The Pill and your experiences? Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    Its all about getting educated. I was 17 when I had sex on a regular basis, I made damn sure I knew about all my choices and how to utilize them.

    Coitus interruptus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    It says here, with perfect use that withdrawal is 96% effective, with perfect use. But typical effectiveness of withdrawal is around 72-85%.

    Diaphragm (contraceptive) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The weird thing is that the diaphragm with perfect use is only 94% effective, with spermicide. Typical effectiveness rates are 61%-90%.

    Typically, the diaphragm is less effective than withdrawal. Who would have figured? I never considered withdrawal, I'm just saying its an option Chez. The options are out there. But I wouldn't take the diaphragm list, despite it being less effective than withdrawal, so why take withdrawal off the list?
    Last edited by Rinoa.Heartilly; 08-08-2008 at 08:38 AM.

  30. #30
    I tried two Pills, and then settled with Microgynon 30. Never had any problems with it, and I've been on it for over two years now. I'm starting to wonder what it's like not being on it, to be honest.

    Anyway. I'm getting fed up losing my packs, forgetting to take my Pills, etc., so I'm taking the implant route. I can't remember its name right now, but it's basically a three inch long, very thin little tube that is inserted under local anasthetic into the flesh on the underside of your upper arm. It's basically a slow release Pill that last for - get this - FIVE YEARS. You just shove it in your arm and unless there's a complication, you're free of baby worries for literally years. A woman in my college class had it, but I was a bit young then; also, it's free on the NHS.

    My friend's big cousin tried the jab. She ate tattie scones insatiably and put on 2 stone. My mother's coil tried to remove itself stuck. That was a fun night in A & E, let me tell you.

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