Originally Posted by
Alright, to be fair, what I said (well, typed) was probably a little insensitive. Shucks.
You would, and it doesn't. C'mon, be honest.
He committed suicide because he was getting made fun of at school. Would you be defending him as much if he did it because of harassment over his religion, hair color, height, etc.?
Sure, making fun of anybody is wrong. But it happens. Especially with children. For any and every conceivable reason. The rest of us just deal with it.
And how many times have you been to Iraq? Obviously you don't know enough to recognize the term "man-love Thursday".
But once again -- whine about some injustices, but ignore others. It's either all or none, kid. If you want to talk about Islamic culture's treatment of homosexuals, also (at least) mention their (even worse) treatment of Jews, Christians, and women.
"It will mean what it was before" ... you mean happy?
First, because South Park mocks everything, and if they weren't hypocrites, they'd be pissed about everything being mocked. And second, how exactly has the "mormon church [sic]" "hated on the LGBT community since the dawn of time" when the "mormon church [sic]" has only existed for a couple hundred years?
Then where are your posts bitching about their "interepations [sic]" of Christianity, race, God, etc.?
Where is your outrage over abortions, or Muslim wishes to slaughter all Jews and wipe out Israel, or Christians in many African and Asian countries being tortured and murdered? Why do you only care about bad things when they happen to homosexuals? Why do you flat-out ignore (you know, pass off as "trivial") bad things when they happen to any other group of people -- or when they're done by homosexuals?
Says who -- you? GLAAD? "Pink News"? Because nobody else is ever made fun of, right? No, keep trying to label martyrs because they're for your cause but ignoring those of other causes.
Really? Getting beat up is part of everyday life for homosexuals?
The episode took it in the complete opposite direction -- not using "fag" as a "slur" at all. It wasn't a reference to homosexuals, or to "gay hate discrimination".
Because this episode included the word "fag". GLAAD didn't care when they made fun of every other group.
Every 11-year-old is bullied for who he is. Most don't commit suicide over it.
If somebody made a car that blew up when the gas pedal was pushed, would you just say, "Well not all cars are built at the same factory"?
And you would have had every right to. See, in America, we can say things that others might not agree with -- even things that offend others. Like advocating Social Darwinism or soft eugenics, or the word "fag".