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Where is GLAAD's response to South Park's mockery of Christianity?
Who in the "gay community" is up in arms over South Park's satire of every religion?
Or race?
Or movie? Or game? Or person?
It's funny -- and shows true character -- when everything is allowed EXCEPT that which might offend ME. "Of, you can make fun of those people ... you can poke fun at that issue ... but wait, you said something about an issue that I'm involved in? Bigots! Evil!"
"Just this year, an 11-year-old Massachusetts student named Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, unable to endure the unrelenting anti-gay bullying and name-calling he experienced at school, committed suicide."
-Some kid in Massachusetts committed suicide because he couldn't take being bullied? Boo-friggin'-hoo. It's good that the kid took himself out of the gene pool before he got a chance to pass his genes or vote. We all get bullied. We all get made fun of. If it's not about being gay, it's about being ugly, or being fat, or being too tall, or too short, or having red hair, or being of a certain religion, o having a certain skin color. Deal with it.