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Thread: The perfect breakfast.

  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. The perfect breakfast. RamesesII's Avatar
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    The perfect breakfast.

    Okay just had the perfect 'Australian' breakfast (although we had it for dinner)

    Bacon, Eggs sunny side up, Honey sausages, grilled tomato, hash browns.

    But it got me wondering if this perfect breakfast is reflected around different parts of the world.

    What is your perfect breakfast.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
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  2. #2
    #LOCKE4GOD The perfect breakfast. Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Weet-Bix and lots of milk, with a banana and some strawberries over the top, with a large glass of orange juice.

    OMG exactly that was the first image in the search for 'Weet-Bix':


    If I'm hung over, what you had. Otherwise I couldn't think of a worse way to start the day.

  3. #3
    Asking all the personal questions. The perfect breakfast. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    If I'm hung over, what you had. Otherwise I couldn't think of a worse way to start the day.
    Good point but in saying that I cook the sausages in the oven the only fat I use for them is what is already in it, I usually poach the eggs just because you get all the flavour of the egg, the only thing that requires oil is the hash browns. But yeah perfect breakfast for a hangover.
    Although My hangover cure was usually some nachos piled with cheese and a Solo lemon soft drink because it was usually 12pm by the time I got up from a big night out.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
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  4. #4

    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    I usually only eat some bread... with jam or whatever I find in our fridge. ^^"
    Sometimes (rarely) I even eat cornflakes.

    I'd NEVER EVER eat bacon and eggs and all those fat things in the morning. x_x I'd probably puke all over my breakfast if I only had to SMELL it. That's way too much for me. x_x

    Nevertheless, Alpha's breakfast seems to be tasty. <3

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  5. #5
    Memento RK The perfect breakfast. Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Back in the day when I was in summer camp, we ate basically what Ram said in his first post. We'd have a plate of pancakes/french toast/whateverthehelltheydecidedtomakeandcallfood, eggs, bacon and some form of potato. The only reason why I ate was was because of all of the Physical fitness I was doing, and the next meal wouldn't be until 12 or 1pm.

    Now, the perfect breakfast for me is simple. Bowl of cereal with milk, yogurt (any kind really), and possibly some toast if I'm not in a rush. It keeps me full until lunch. Fruit is nice when it's available as well.
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  6. #6
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! The perfect breakfast. Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    McDonald's breakfast (Sausage and egg McMuffins) is the breakfast of champions!

    Though these days I hardly ever have that, way too much fat and grease and things that are bad for you. I usually have a bowl of honey nut cornflakes (Tesco's own brand; Kellogs is too sweet...)
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  7. #7
    Registered User The perfect breakfast. Pug's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    I tend to dissagree with everyone in the world on this subject. The hangover breakfest you lot were describing is my perfect morning meal, but if I do it for a hangover im just running to the toilet and then I feel even more ill afterwords. The fact that the hangover breakfest is supposed to get everything out of your system just doesn't do me any justice. I have a better tactic. Stop drinking an hour before you go to bed and drink some water instead!

  8. #8

    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Quote Originally Posted by RamesesII View Post
    Okay just had the perfect 'Australian' breakfast (although we had it for dinner)

    Bacon, Eggs sunny side up, Honey sausages, grilled tomato, hash browns.

    But it got me wondering if this perfect breakfast is reflected around different parts of the world.

    What is your perfect breakfast.
    As a fellow Aussie, i do believe you have described my perfect breakfast. Although i usually enjoy having Milo cereal with milk as well.

    To enforce the stereotype, what about Vegemite on toast?
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  9. #9
    #LOCKE4GOD The perfect breakfast. Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Quote Originally Posted by RavenZecht View Post
    To enforce the stereotype, what about Vegemite on toast?
    To hell with stereotypes, THIS is the perfect breakfast. Although I eat it for lunch when I'm having bum days at home. Delicious.

  10. #10
    Asking all the personal questions. The perfect breakfast. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    To hell with stereotypes, THIS is the perfect breakfast. Although I eat it for lunch when I'm having bum days at home. Delicious.
    Yeah Vegemite on toast but I have to spread it quickly so the toast melts the butter and Vegemite together mmmmmm
    Haha I love how my spell check makes me put Vegemite with a capital letter just proves how awesome it is.

    I tend to dissagree with everyone in the world on this subject. The hangover breakfest you lot were describing is my perfect morning meal, but if I do it for a hangover im just running to the toilet and then I feel even more ill afterwords. The fact that the hangover breakfest is supposed to get everything out of your system just doesn't do me any justice. I have a better tactic. Stop drinking an hour before you go to bed and drink some water instead!
    Well although that would be the best solution generally people feel sick because the alcohol has ripped the lining of their stomach away so a nice greasy breakfast usually helps protect the stomach again. But I wouldn't say it is for everyone.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

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  11. #11
    Registered User The perfect breakfast. Pug's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Quote Originally Posted by RamesesII View Post
    Well although that would be the best solution generally people feel sick because the alcohol has ripped the lining of their stomach away so a nice greasy breakfast usually helps protect the stomach again. But I wouldn't say it is for everyone.
    Hmm never had a problem with the stomach so I guess thats why

  12. #12
    Registered User The perfect breakfast. Diyala's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    I think it would be a loaf of bread , cheese and a cup of tea , though sometimes I have to satisfy mommy by replacing tea with hot milk .but if we are all around the table we would add egg , sausages , salad and orange or pinapple juice . Sometimes I feel like I have no appetite to eat anything so I just take a cup of water and a spoon of honey which might be the perfect healthy one .

  13. #13
    Gingersnap The perfect breakfast. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    My hangover breakfast is usually macaroni and cheese... idk. One morning after a night of ridiculousness, my compadres and I went to a Cracker Barrel. I got pancakes, two eggs overeasy, and macaroni and cheese. It was soooo good.

    What I do for breakfast every day is a bit different. Typically, I'd drink my coffee black, but I've been getting a kick out of adding cashew milk and a bit of stevia to it early in the morning. I might then munch of fruit while I get ready (muscadines this morning). For my main breakfast, I'll take a bit of (grass-fed) butter and sautee some of whatever vegetable I have in the fridge... usually peppers or kale or something similar. This morning was Swiss chard. Then I'll crack one egg over it all (local, pasture-raised) and break the yolk, cook, flip, cook. When it's solid, I'll take it off heat and smear some goat cheese on top. If I have salsa, I'll add that too.

    I like sneaking veggies into my breakfast.

    That's on a weekday, though. On weekends, I'll usually just have fruit or a smoothie or something.

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  14. #14
    The Brave The perfect breakfast.
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Some toast with cheese and cucumber will get you going.

  15. #15
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    A six pack of Jim Beam Black.
    Always gives me the energy to start my day.

    And though I've only had it once, one time I had cocopops and ran out of milk so I used Absinthe instead and it tasted surprisingly good.
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  16. #16
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared The perfect breakfast. The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    I grew up on the poor mans breakfast which is biscuits and gravy where I'm from.

    Now, the perfect breakfast for me is biscuits & gravy, eggs, and bacon! With tons of bacon!

    Just like that old man on Grumpy old men, I'll die happy eating bacon!
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  17. #17
    Crash Boom Bang The perfect breakfast. Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.

    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    i love breakfast. full english is the best when im hungover

  18. #18
    Registered User The perfect breakfast. Pug's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Quote Originally Posted by Furore View Post
    A six pack of Jim Beam Black.
    Always gives me the energy to start my day.

    And though I've only had it once, one time I had cocopops and ran out of milk so I used Absinthe instead and it tasted surprisingly good.
    Wouldn't you be a bit drunk after filing up a whole bunch of coco pops with absinth?

  19. #19
    Oh, My Giddy Aunt! The perfect breakfast. The Doctor's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    You ever cut the center out of a piece of toast and fry and egg in it? Little salt and pepper. That with a glass of Orange juice is great. I don't like rich heavy breakfasts like they do up north or anything too substantial. I can barely eat when I wake up and I have to force myself to. Cereal is disgusting.

  20. #20
    Whistling Songbird The perfect breakfast. Asectic's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    I'm not one of those "full" meal kinds. Since I'm still a student and simply CANNOT eat on mornings.

    But my meals consist of a warm "sandwich of the day" and some cold, plain-but-good milk. After which is nicely deserted with an Ice coffee.


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  21. #21
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. The perfect breakfast. Polk's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    My hangover breakfast is usually macaroni and cheese... idk. One morning after a night of ridiculousness, my compadres and I went to a Cracker Barrel. I got pancakes, two eggs overeasy, and macaroni and cheese. It was soooo good.
    If you go to Cracker Barrel and you're not eating your body weight in hash brown casserole, you're not doing Cracker Barrel right.

    As for breakfast, I'm not really a breakfast person, although lately I've been having a bowl of cheerios more often than not. I've been telling myself lately that I have to start eating more oatmeal, but I have not found a way to make oatmeal appealing yet.
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  22. #22
    Gingersnap The perfect breakfast. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    You could toast some oats the night before (with raw honey and cinnamon or something) and then pour milk over them like you would cereal in the morning. Or! Make like.... oat clusters with nuts and ripe bananas and bake them and then pour milk over THAT in the morning.

    I might actually try that.

    I did not get my own hashbrown casserole, you're right. But someone at the table did and I stole from his plate a lot.... but he kept taking my mac and cheese so I was being completely appropriate.

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  23. #23
    #LOCKE4GOD The perfect breakfast. Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Alisyn, quick question? How much time do you spend preparing breakfast?

    IDK about you, but I only have like ten minutes to find it, make it, and eat it. Then I've got to shower/dress/pack and leave.

  24. #24
    Gingersnap The perfect breakfast. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Depends. Something like baking oats I'd do the night before. Prepare everything so I just pour milk (or milk alternative, because of my lactose intolerance) and eat.

    But typically, my breakfast is what I described earlier. Cook veggies for a couple minutes in grass-fed butter (like a little square of it... I can do a bit of butter, but not an entire bowl of milk) on medium heat, crack an egg over it, cook until solid on both sides, spread goat cheese over it (goat cheese doesn't bother me). It takes me around 10 minutes to cook and eat that breakfast. If I'm using a leafy green as my veggie, I'll just tear off pieces as I cook, but if I'm doing peppers or something, I'll chop them up the night before and put them in the fridge for when I need them. And I go for veggies that cook quickly or taste okay without a lot of heat.

    Although, I do wake up earlier specifically so I can have plenty of time to eat what I want for breakfast. I don't like rushing, it kills my appetite. I have to be at work at 9:30am and I'll usually wake up at 8 (7 if I got to bed early enough).

    And a lot of my preparation (for breakfast or if I want to make something special for the week.... like raw tacos on Tuesday woohooooo) is done right when I get home from work while I'm still in "get it done" mode. If I sit down, it's over..... I'm heating up store-bought soup for dinner.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 09-14-2011 at 10:10 PM.

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  25. #25
    Fueled by Coffee The perfect breakfast. Elise's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    I don't really have a perfect breakfast >.<
    But a weet-bix breakfast like in that picture would be awesome!!

    I'm usually in a hurry in the morning, but I always make sure to eat something, so it's usually just coffee or tea with bread, just bread no jam or anything... putting jam on bread takes a one precious minute haha, I love bread alone =)

  26. #26
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pug View Post
    Wouldn't you be a bit drunk after filing up a whole bunch of coco pops with absinth?
    Nope, Australia gets gyped, the Absinthe we buy in liquor stores is only around 70%, I drink it by the bottle.

    Some of the imported stuff I've tried on the other hand was mindblowing. I think the only alcoholic beverage on it's own that I've not handled well is Midori, as it's only around 20% I think I'd say it might the sweetness of it or something.
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  27. #27
    Registered User The perfect breakfast. Pug's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Quote Originally Posted by Furore View Post
    Nope, Australia gets gyped, the Absinthe we buy in liquor stores is only around 70%, I drink it by the bottle.

    Some of the imported stuff I've tried on the other hand was mindblowing. I think the only alcoholic beverage on it's own that I've not handled well is Midori, as it's only around 20% I think I'd say it might the sweetness of it or something.
    Ah right. Our laws on it were lifted. The % wasn't the problem but the plant that the REAL Absinth was made from. (In some countries its fake). I think the plant is actually called Absinth but im not sure on that one.

    Anyway they decided to ban it because of the plants hallucigenic (among other) propperties but decided it was exagurated and brought it back. Though my mate once drank alot (he weighed 24 stone!) and went chasing this imagined elephant down the road -.-
    Last edited by Pug; 09-15-2011 at 03:13 PM. Reason: Typo

  28. #28
    Registered User The perfect breakfast. Chocobo_Lover17's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    my favorite breakfast of all time is pancakes with whip cream and strawberries! it's so delicious, I don't always get to have it though, usually just on my birthdays The whip cream and strawberry combination also works quite nicely on waffles and french toast!
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    HRH Albha The perfect breakfast. Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    I'd like to try a stereotypical 'American' breakfast of pancakes or waffles, but it's just not done all that often over here.

    I like to have a good tasting breakfast, but in the mornings I'm just not awake enough to do anything complicated - even toast bread. Most mornings all I have for breakfast is a large mug of tea and two buttered slices of white bread (or rolls on a Saturday).

    Despite being a Scot, I don't particuarly care for porridge.

    Whenever I get the opportunity though, I like to have a full cooked Scottish breakfast - bacon, link sausage, square sausage, potato scones, fried potatoes, fried bread, black pudding, baked beans, and fried egg. I don't think I've ever had all of the ingredients listed above toghether since that would be quite minging, however the bacon and potato scones are essential. If you don't have potato scones then you're basically eating a full English which is just wrong.

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  30. #30
    I will save the world The perfect breakfast. Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: The perfect breakfast.

    Perfect breakfast for me is...and I'm a big guy 6'1, 223 lbs, I like my food

    3 poached eggs on whole wheat toast with 4 sausages, 3 pieces of bacon and orange juice on the side....makes me wanna get some breakfast....or just something...I'm hungry now, pardon me!

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