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Thread: Can you be perfect?

  1. #1

    Can you be perfect?

    Is there such a thing as the perfect human? Is it even possible for a person to be perfect?

    I realize a lot of religions are going to say that there is no possible way for a mortal to be "perfect", but let's not turn this into a religious debate.

    I want to know, if a child was born in a forest, with parents who were...campers (something that gets away from society), and they are not brought up with any religious teachings, can they be perfect?

    What does it take to even be perfect as a human?

    Does it just mean that you reproduce and create another life, thus continuing on the human race?

    Does it mean that you do not impose any values on others while you follow your own?

    These are just a couple of my own ideas, I'd love to hear any others.

    Can you be perfect?

  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I think it depends on what you mean by human firstly, and even after that a person likely wouldn't be completely perfect.

    If you're referring to the human as a species, to be perfect may be to lack genetic mutations and whatever else making you less than perfect genetic material-wise.

    If referring to human behaviour, a perfect human would probably just be the most typical behaving human.

    If you mean in some kind of moral/ethical sense, I don't feel that itself is possible as we all have different views on what kind of human is perfect there, though we or perhaps even others might appear more or less perfect in our own eyes.
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3
    Air from my lungs. Can you be perfect? Violet's Avatar
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    No, I do not think we can be perfect. Perfection is one's opinion... but I prefer embracing flaws than trying to be something I'm not.

  4. #4
    The Persistent Flourish Can you be perfect? Alice's Avatar
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    I personally do not believe it is possible to be 'perfect'. Everyone has some sort of flaw in them. It's also those same flaws that make a person who they are.

    That, and most of us most likely have different ideas of what is perfect. I suppose it all comes down to your opinion.

  5. #5
    Asking all the personal questions. Can you be perfect? RamesesII's Avatar
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    No one is perfect, if any one such person was perfect than that individual would cease to exist because it is that of human nature to strive for perfection in everything and anything that we do even if we don't understand or comprehend that we are actually doing it. For example aren't 'we' as a human race always looking for the perfect job the perfect partner or the perfect life and if we were to achieve this then what would be the purpose from then on.

    Which lights up another idea for me, I said that we are constantly looking for 'something' perfect to achieve happiness or perfection in ourselves there therefore we could never be perfect by ourselves as an individual perfection is the perfect balance of light with a little bit of dark and dark with a little bit of light or Ying-Yang therefore perfection is balance so once we find the epicenter of balance in our life maybe then we have found perfection.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

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  6. #6
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violet View Post
    No, I do not think we can be perfect. Perfection is one's opinion... but I prefer embracing flaws than trying to be something I'm not.

    You only ever really hear someone say something is perfect when they're giving their own, personal opinion. Everyone has their own ideas of what perfect is.

    My perfect Friday evening is inside, with some tea and a book/DVD/video game/computer/cuddle. Someone else's idea of a perfect evening might be to go out and get wasted at a party.

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    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  7. #7
    Can you be perfect? Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Che
    Can you be perfect?
    Me? Yes.

    Everyone else? Probably not.
    Last edited by Jin; 01-12-2010 at 03:07 PM.

    Until now!

  8. #8
    Spectral Patriot Can you be perfect? Chaos_Weapon's Avatar
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    Well, being perfect never was stated to be an impossibility. Thing is, everyone and everything is open for mistakes. Personally though, in my opinion, I believe being perfect is a state of mind that keeps all who try on their toes. Nothing with doing so either. I do it, and its kinda fun! You find out what kind of person you really are.

    The Spirals of Death Shall Yield to No One...So Good Luck!

  9. #9
    Bananarama Can you be perfect? Pete's Avatar
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    I think it really depends on the eye of the beholder and one's ability to look past things. Can I be perfect in someone's eyes? I suppose it's possible, but highly improbable. We all have too many flaws and quite frankly, things wrong with us.

    Perfect is something that I don't think we could really comprehend. Our own actions are governed largely by ourselves and then groomed by society's standards. In our own minds we can do the right thing all of the time, and yet it can still leave others hurt or in a lurch.

    There's really so many factors that it's beyond ridiculous. To be perfect, you'd really have to be equal parts of everything good and then at the same time, you'd technically be imperfect for being too good.

    I think that part of being a human is being flawed though. It's innately human to struggle with our own flaws and personal demons. If we didn't have flaws, we would be Gods.

    Long story short, what Ann said.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  10. #10
    If I met a perfect person I'm fairly sure I'd want to punch them. We have no business being perfect, that'd be boring.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by RamesesII View Post
    No one is perfect, if any one such person was perfect than that individual would cease to exist because it is that of human nature to strive for perfection in everything and anything that we do even if we don't understand or comprehend that we are actually doing it. For example aren't 'we' as a human race always looking for the perfect job the perfect partner or the perfect life and if we were to achieve this then what would be the purpose from then on.
    Why would they cease to exist? They'd die from being so perfect?

    You also asked what would be the purpose from then on. The "purpose" is probably to recreate life, and enjoy the one you have. What is the purpose of having a purpose?

    As much as I like pointing out the flaws of other people (be it friends or enemies), I'd like to think that one person can "get it right". No, I'm not talking about becoming rich or morphing into Tiger Woods, or being extremely beautiful.

    It's hard for me to define what I'm talking about by saying perfect, but do you think anyone in the history of Earth has ever come close?

  12. #12
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    I think in order for me to think of some person who has came close to being perfect, I would like someone to define the term "perfect" for this thread's sake. It seems to vague for me to give an example, because like Violet said, I really think that perfection is more in the eye of the beholder. If we wanted to, we could give a list of 100 different people who could be considered perfect, but then we could go down the list and nitpick, which would ruin the 'perfect' image that they would have.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  13. #13
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    To be a perfect human being, you would have to have the capacity to excel at any physical or mental activity. Meaning, if you took the time to learn the subject or sport, you would be the best in that subject or sport in a reasonable amount of time. Or you already are the best at that subject or sport already, from birth.

    You also never make mistakes. You would always know exactly the right thing to say or do, given the current situation. And you would have the right amount of modesty and pride to be able to gracefully handle any situation. Also, you'd be so damned beautiful to look at or listen to, that anyone would orgasm at your sight or sound. Also, you could shit gold if you wanted to.

    To me, that's what a "perfect" human being would be, minus my religious perspective on the matter. And that's pretty much impossible, anyway. So no, I don't think perfection is possible for a human being. I don't think you could even be perfect for one specific purpose. Human beings are flawed, and will always make mistakes. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  14. #14
    Can you be perfect? rJ floW's Avatar
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    Che, this is the stupid question you've ever asked.

    Can I be perfect? Last time I checked, I AM perfect!

    I have nothing to backup my claim, but I dare someone to try to prove me wrong. Those who try obviously dont know me well enough....

    I'm like Roger Dodger.....PERFECT

    I hope someone gets that referance...though I'm sure they will, cause I'm perfect

    tHe ChOsEn
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    Human crack in the flesh, im the last of the best, one word to describe me? Spectacular yes"-Juelz Santana-

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Violet View Post
    No, I do not think we can be perfect. Perfection is one's opinion...
    This is exactly why I believe it is possible to be perfect. You or someone can be perfect in your own eyes, or the eyes of someone else.

  16. #16
    Registered User Can you be perfect? Locke4God's Avatar
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    No, and I'll tell you why,

    Because you can't define what perfection means. Is it being nice? Is it being smart? Is it being good looking? Is it being successful? Is it being all of those? Can you be too much of any of those?

    The beauty of humanity is that it's a constant struggle to learn and grow by failure and success. So unless you succeed at everything, and everybody loves you, which means that nobody hates you because everybody loves you, then no you can't be perfect.

  17. #17
    Can you be perfect? Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God
    No, and I'll tell you why
    You had me at "I".

    Until now!

  18. #18
    Just kind of there. Can you be perfect? Calvan's Avatar
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    There is no such thing as perfect.
    Anyone who thinks so is a fool.
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    And then just like that i'm gone again.

  19. #19
    #LOCKE4GOD Can you be perfect? Alpha's Avatar
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    I find it interesting that people say that we all have flaws, so it is therefore impossible to be perfect. If we all have flaws, identify them, (hypothetically) remove them, and we would have a perfect human. I mean, that's the kind of logic that is required, right?

    Just as there is no perfection, there is no imperfection. We're all on this boat called SS Humanity, and everything this entails.

  20. #20
    Can you be perfect? Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    We're all on this boat called SS Humanity, and everything this entails.
    The captain was drunk at the helm. It's sinking.

    Until now!

  21. #21
    Just look to the wrestler Mr Perfect. He was fat and ugly, a juice bag, and a boring wrestler. With a name like perfect in your name he really didn't live up to it. Speaking of living he's dead from heart failure. The ultimate perfect plex.

    But no nobody can be perfect. I mean people can make themselves happy, wealthy, or anything they please. You need experience on the way to get to it. And success you don't really read into what you could have done better since it worked. When you struggle it's when you become more aware of yourself and surroundings

    As for people who think they are perfect. Well there's a saying that you never announce your destiny before it happens. You can say you'd like to do that. But don't play the I'm already there game.

  22. #22
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    I find it interesting that people say that we all have flaws, so it is therefore impossible to be perfect. If we all have flaws, identify them, (hypothetically) remove them, and we would have a perfect human. I mean, that's the kind of logic that is required, right?

    Just as there is no perfection, there is no imperfection. We're all on this boat called SS Humanity, and everything this entails.
    ...I'm seriously confused as to what you're trying to say. You suggest we remove people's flaws... how? Some physical flaws can be corrected via surgery and/or lifestyle, but others cannot. And as for the mental and/or spiritual flaws, they are possible to work out, but it would take lots of hard work, and after they are gone, another would likely take its place. And like the physical flaws, there are some mental/spiritual that are impossible to remove, as well.

    If you're saying our flaws all serve a purpose, and therefore there are no "imperfections," then I get you there. Maybe I need to take more philosophy classes, though. Explain, plz. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  23. #23
    #LOCKE4GOD Can you be perfect? Alpha's Avatar
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    I meant it in the sense that if it is possible to say that 'Trait A' is a flaw, while 'Trait B' is not, then a perfect human is hypothetically possible.

    So, by saying that humans all have flaws, let me know what they are. If it is possible to remove/treat/hide them, then we should have perfect people.

    I just think it's ridiculous reasoning. I'm saying there is no such thing as an imperfection at all. We're all people, deserved of the same respect and dignity, all in the same category. Ergo, no perfection, and no imperfection; just people.

  24. #24
    Death Before Dishonor Can you be perfect? Josh_R's Avatar
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    I think that I am pretty perfect, of course I am also narcisitic.... There could be someone out there who is perfect no flaws, nothing. This is not the case for most, cause most people are flawed. Look at me I am flawed, but due to my narcisitic tendencies it doesn't matter...

    Quote Originally Posted by Maridia View Post
    Just look to the wrestler Mr Perfect. He was fat and ugly, a juice bag, and a boring wrestler. With a name like perfect in your name he really didn't live up to it.
    I watched one of my grandpa's older wrestling tapes, and he was on it. It showed a little video of him throwing a football down the field, and then running 60-70 yards, and catch the damn thing. Coolest thing I have seen in a while. This makes me wonder if any NFL QB's can do this hmm.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  25. #25
    Bananarama Can you be perfect? Pete's Avatar
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    Based on what Alpha is saying, I kind of have to agree with Telegraph. We all do have flaws, but maybe what's flawed to me is perfect to someone else. For instance, I tend to like girls who are shorter. So to me, my "perfect" girl would range from about 5'1" to about 5'4." To someone else that may be way too short.

    I mean that's just an example, but you can adjust it to fit any schema. It's just like saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We all have our own ideals for what makes something perfect.

    But going back to Alpha's point, I think that it's largely impossible to remove our flaws. Some of them are due to the our upbringing or even genetics. Alcoholism is a flaw, as is obesity. Granted you can take the booze away and you can put someone on a strict diet and exercise regimen, but at the same time, those factors are still looming.

    I will agree with the last thing you say though. We are all people and we all do deserve the same rights, respect and dignity. However, I also think it's human nature, hell, straight up Darwinism to go and find our most perfect mates. We do this by a process of elimination, those with the bigger "imperfections" get eliminated first. This goes for both looks and personality. Eventually, when we find the "most perfect" or "least flawed" person for us, we're set.

    I also think it's in our own nature to think that we're good at things. Perfect at anything? Probably not, but I'll give things my best shot. I think that's really all anyone can ask for and expect from others. **** trying to be perfect, just try to be your best self.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  26. #26
    Do the elements trust you? Can you be perfect? bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    First and foremost I'm not religious and this is just my point of view-perfection is an impossibility for to know what something is we need an example and in perfection one must know everything so the perfect being would need an example first which would be unavailable and cannot be gained so in essence I think perfection is a corrupted human ideal
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

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  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Based on what Alpha is saying, I kind of have to agree with Telegraph. We all do have flaws, but maybe what's flawed to me is perfect to someone else. For instance, I tend to like girls who are shorter. So to me, my "perfect" girl would range from about 5'1" to about 5'4." To someone else that may be way too short.

    I mean that's just an example, but you can adjust it to fit any schema. It's just like saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We all have our own ideals for what makes something perfect.

    But going back to Alpha's point, I think that it's largely impossible to remove our flaws. Some of them are due to the our upbringing or even genetics. Alcoholism is a flaw, as is obesity. Granted you can take the booze away and you can put someone on a strict diet and exercise regimen, but at the same time, those factors are still looming.

    I will agree with the last thing you say though. We are all people and we all do deserve the same rights, respect and dignity. However, I also think it's human nature, hell, straight up Darwinism to go and find our most perfect mates. We do this by a process of elimination, those with the bigger "imperfections" get eliminated first. This goes for both looks and personality. Eventually, when we find the "most perfect" or "least flawed" person for us, we're set.

    I also think it's in our own nature to think that we're good at things. Perfect at anything? Probably not, but I'll give things my best shot. I think that's really all anyone can ask for and expect from others. **** trying to be perfect, just try to be your best self.
    Who's to say alcoholism or obesity is a problem? Being an alcoholic is one of my traits of working towards being a perfect person.

    In all seriousness though, and relating to what Alpha, Tele and Pete are talking about with the genetics and such: it may not be possible to remove these flaws today, but maybe in the future.

    Bad genes die out. People who die of any disease and didn't reproduce before they died are the last of their family. Thus the gene doesn't live on. People who don't have diseases and live until they're 120 years old and reproduce live on.

    Basically what I'm asking is if somewhere in the future, can we catch up to being more "perfect" (no diseases, no bad eyeseight, etc, etc)? Or with medicine and our health care saving people who should have died long ago and allowing them to live longer, are we just polluting our gene pool and doomed to imperfection?

    It's kind of sickening to think about it in that way, but it is definitely something to think about.

  28. #28
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Well, considering that today's medicine, means of getting food, etc. make it a lot easier for anyone to live a long, sedentary life... although something in the future might change that. Although any instant answer to those things is probably not the best answer. If people have an instant answer-easy button-for a problem, that means they didn't have to work for a solution.

    Tto what Alpha was saying, all I can really think to say is this: the moment we deny that we have flaws is the moment we stop trying to better ourselves as people. The moment I become satisfied with where and who I am is the moment that I might as well put up the white flag and die. We can't tell kids in school, "It's okay that you have bad grades; you're just a human. That's how you were made. You don't need to work for better grades, because we will accommodate for you." Or any other number of examples. That might not be what you are saying, but it does imply that, whether you meant it to or not. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  29. #29
    #LOCKE4GOD Can you be perfect? Alpha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    To what Alpha was saying, all I can really think to say is this: the moment we deny that we have flaws is the moment we stop trying to better ourselves as people. The moment I become satisfied with where and who I am is the moment that I might as well put up the white flag and die. We can't tell kids in school, "It's okay that you have bad grades; you're just a human. That's how you were made. You don't need to work for better grades, because we will accommodate for you." Or any other number of examples. That might not be what you are saying, but it does imply that, whether you meant it to or not.
    Hmm, I'm not sure if I either anticipated that, or meant it that way at all, but I see your point.

    But think about it this way, to continue your example. Just because Person A gets good grades, and Person B does not, who's to say that Person A is closer to 'perfection'? In terms of their grades, they are. But people are more than their grades, correct?

    Looking at a whole person (grades and everything else under the sun), if we can't measure that Person A is closer to perfection than Person B, then we can't say that Person B is closer to imperfection, either, as both logical statements require each other. They are both just people, getting whichever grades they are able/wish to receive.

    I don't think it is either appropriate or desirable to tell people what is flawed and what is not. I received good grades at school, but one of my best friends didn't pass his final year of high school. But he was the nicest person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and he was really buff. Which one of us was 'more perfect'? It's impossible to judge on a holistic basis.

    Also, to make no suggestion about what is and isn't desirable would be the ultimate Darwinian statement, in a strange way. Having a broad gene pool is desirable. To let traits die out simply because we judge them undesirable would be foolhardy, in genetic sense, unless we lived in some kind of world where people who possessed a specific trait could not function. Like the trait of the absence of lungs.

  30. #30
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I would say that if you get good grades, but you consider yourself wimpy, you might try to get stronger. And if you're strong, but you don't get good grades, you should work to get good grades. But in order to do either, you will likely sacrifice time spent to keep up your good grades for your muscles, or vice versa. Thus, you can't be perfect. And that's okay.

    I think we agree for the most part; we just don't agree on the wording, heh. You seem to take offense to the terms "perfect" and "imperfect." I don't care if they're used or not. They are legitimate in describing anything, although they might not be particularly sensitive words to use. I will not deny that those terms exist. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

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