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Thread: Breakfast

  1. #1


    One of the three meals of the day. Breakfast.

    People say that it is the most important meal of the day... If you choose to skip it can mess up your metabolism, weight and concentration.

    Breakfast can also vary from country to country... some decide to be healthier than other (lets look at the classic British fry-up! How healthy is that? ).

    Anyway, so I thought a breakfast thread could prove to be random ^~.

    Who actually has breakfast?

    What do you have for breakfast / What is your favourite breakfast?

    Do you think breakfast is important?

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  2. #2
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    I don't think many families have the time to cook up a fry up in the mornings here before work or school.

    I think it's pretty important to get some energy inside you before the day starts. There have been times when I've not had breakfast, and I get this terrible headache just before lunch, and I feel really run down and sick. It feels like a sugar crash, but I've not had sugar. I usually have cereal or toast. I like Shredded Wheat, but only when I can put some honey on it. With toast, it's usually just butter, butter with jam, or just peanut butter.

    It goes with either some tea or a glass of juice. ^^

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  3. #3
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Breakfast Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    Who actually has breakfast?
    I have breakfast maybe an average of two to three times a week.

    What do you have for breakfast / What is your favourite breakfast?
    It depends. Usually cereal or yogurt. It is nice when I have nothing going on and I can have waffles, bacon, and hash browns. I don't know if I've had anything better for breakfast.

    Do you think breakfast is important?
    I wouldn't say it is necessary, but it is a lot easier to get through the morning if I have time to eat breakfast. I guess you get used to not eating breakfast that often, though.
    Last edited by Treize; 06-13-2010 at 05:43 AM.
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  4. #4
    Gingersnap Breakfast OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    Yes, I have breakfast. It's probably my favorite meal, in terms of the traditional selections. I LOVE omelettes. I never make them for myself, but if I go to breakfast or brunch or IHOP at 1:30AM, I'll probably get an omelette. Or eggs overeasy and bacon. Bacon is something special. Again, I never buy it (because I'd eat it), but on special occasions, I eat several pieces at a time.

    And black coffee, when I go out for the meal. Black coffee, an omelette, and toast.

    When I make it at home (which is what happens normally), I make tea (usually of a black or mate variety). My recent favorite breakfast has been raw oats, walnuts, raisins, agave nectar, cinnamon... and then I pour milk over it like cereal and eat it with a spoon. Takes no time to make and sometimes the taste reminds me of rice pudding (which I love).

    I'd love to try a traditional Japanese breakfast. It was described to me once and it sounds so different and interesting.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 06-13-2010 at 06:31 AM.

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  5. #5
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Breakfast RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    I always wake up hungry. Really.

    As a kid I used to eat a lot of cereal with milk before going to school.

    These days I prefer to eat bread. When I don't have anything to do that day, I will most likely make some eggs.
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  6. #6
    Asking all the personal questions. Breakfast RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    I have to eat breakfast because as you said it affects my metabolism, I am ectomorphic I think the term is and I have an extremely effecient metabloism so I have to eat high carb foods all the time and If I don't eat breakfast that affects me for the rest of the day. I ran out of energy because my body starts to eat away at the muscles because I haven't filled up with food same goes for tea and supper lunch isn't to important I am more hungry at 10:30 in the morning that at lunch time.
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  7. #7
    Breakfast Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    Cereal is where it's at. It's easy, quick and delicious, much like a prostitute.

    My brand of choice is Oatmeal Crisp; the kind with maple nut clusters in it. Been eating it for 6 or 7 years now. I used to switch cereals monthly when I tired of them, but I've yet to get tired of this.

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  8. #8
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    I usually eat breakfast every day, even if it's just grabbing a piece of toast or something. And coffee, always with coffee. I love omelettes as well but I can never make them right. =/ So I only have it on the very rare occasion when I go out for breakfast. A good old fashioned plate of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon and homefries is always great though.

    Breakfast is important for me. When I don't eat I get hungry and when I'm hungry I get very, very irritable. So I try to avoid skipping meals in general. And if I go without my morning coffee I will murder someone.

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  9. #9
    I will finish the hunt Breakfast Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    It's 1018 over here in Texas. I have yet to eat breakfast. In fact by the time my husband gets done cooking it; it will be lunch. I am not a big fan of breakfast. However, I like bacon and egg breakfast burritos a lot. Everything else is bland compared to lunch and dinner.
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  10. #10
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    Usually porridge/readybrek with orange juice. Or toast. Or bread, if I'm running late for an event or something. I eat breakfast most days. I feel better for having eaten in the morning.

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  11. #11
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Breakfast Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    I got used having breakfast every day so I don't feel really good if I skip it, I usually make something fast and easy, toast with peanut butter, eggs and bacon or just make myself some kind of sandwich, tea is probably the most important part of my breakfast, can't eat without a good tea.

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  12. #12
    Registered User Breakfast darknesse's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    Personally, i really love penut buttered toast. However i really dont eat breakfast that often, just bigger meals since i usually wake up at 2pm+
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  13. #13
    Registered User Breakfast kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    Who actually has breakfast?
    i do most of the time

    What do you have for breakfast / What is your favourite breakfast?
    on the weekdays i only usually have a quick bowl of cereal before i have to head to work. but lately, ive been keeping some bagels and cream cheese, breakfast biscuit sandwich things and a box of apple jacks in the kitchen. im not usually hungry until i get to work then all the sudden i feel like my stomach is going to collapse upon itself.
    on the weekends its a little different. saturdays i usually try and cook up some chorizo con huevos (slap that stuff in a tortilla with hot sauce, and its heaven) or french toast. im usually up before everyone else, because of the kiddo, so i might as well do something productive. sundays, my dad makes pancakes, bacon and eggs before we go to church.
    as far as my favorite breakfast goes...defiantly the chorizo with a glass of milk

    Do you think breakfast is important?
    it is when you realize its 10:30 and your starving

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  14. #14
    Registered User Breakfast
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    Re: Breakfast

    I eat breakfast, even when I'm not all that hungry for it. I try to eat at least something so I can kick-start my day and get some calories in me for energy. I usually just stick to cereals. Doesn't take a lot of preparation, and it's doesn't dirty too many dishes either.

    I think it's important to me, because if I go too long without food, I get kind of cranky. I think it has to do with my blood sugar or something.
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  15. #15
    I feel epic... Breakfast Ralz's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    Who actually has breakfast?

    I used to have breakfast every morning before school. Now that I'm on break, I've sorta slept my breakfasts(?) away. But I woke up early today, and it is in fact breakfast time still... So I'll grab me some toast, probably.

    What do you have for breakfast / What is your favourite breakfast?

    It was a simple cereal bowl for me. From Frosted Flakes to Cheerios, from the bland and tasteless, to the marshmellow-filled nightmares. But there's the occasional pancake or waffle breakfast which is so much better. I wouldn't say there's a particular favourite for me.

    Do you think breakfast is important?

    I think it is. Definitely before school, anyway. If your day doesn't require much thinking, then you can probably skip it. But, its different things to different people, so...

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  16. #16
    Registered User Breakfast Satrus's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    I rarely eat breakfast but without it your hungryer threw out the day.
    Eating breakfast is important, it can help your mind and keep you from eating to many snacks.

  17. #17
    Tsuna Feesh Breakfast Fate's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    I don't like breakfast, really. In all, I avoid eating in the morning, mostly, especially when I have school. For some reason, I can't eat anything in the morning without my stomach hurting. Happens to my mom and sister, too. Heh, guess it runs in the family? x3 But yeah, I usually don't even desire food when I wake up. All I need is something to drink.

    Do I think breakfast is important, though? Honestly, no. They all say it's the most important meal of the day, but I've eaten breakfast about five times in nine months and I managed just fine. XX It doesn't make me feel any different than if I had eaten breakfast. I can still focus, concentrate, do what I normally do every day without something to eat in the morning.

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  18. #18

    Re: Breakfast

    Who actually has breakfast?

    Me. I'm used to eating it every morning, and if I miss it, my body goes into haywire.

    What do you have for breakfast / What is your favourite breakfast?

    Usually cereal. I love to eat frosted flakes and honey nut cheerios. But if I'm not on a schedule, I'll usually have an omelet and some bacon, or an english muffin. And top that off with some good old tea.

    Do you think breakfast is important?

    It is to me. I've tried to go without breakfast for the day, and my body doesn't receive the change so kindly. I'll usually get heavy migraines, and just feel both mentally and physically exhausted. So, I've gotta get some breakfast into me.

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    Ellipsis Breakfast Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    Sometimes I skip breakfast. ^_^; Now that my mom insists on eating 3 meals a day, because it's horrible for my health if I don't.... But now it's summer, so I just sleep through the morning almost everyday.

    Sometimes I eat eggs, a vegetable bun, or miso soup for breakfast.

    Now that I think about it, maybe it's better to eat breakfast sparingly if I don't want to eat it. xD Better than nothing, right?
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  20. #20
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Breakfast ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    I never skip breakfast. However I never eat as soon as I wake up, because it makes me feel sick. So I always wait about 30 mins before I have it.

    I always have cereal. If I have anything else I feel sick. I'm really picky with breakfast

    But yeah, it's the most important meal of the day. I used to skip all together, but it's not wise.

  21. #21
    Registered User Breakfast winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Breakfast

    I almost never eat breakfast, the thought of food in the morning makes me feel physically sick. If I do happen to have anything it's normally a slice of toast. I sometimes have a cup of tea in the morning too.

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