I was just gonna make this topic but then went for a shower. Shoulda made the topic QQ.
And no I didnt go for a shower because all the missleading topics made me wanna masturbate...
Edit: Multiposting rule broken. Fixed.
This thread is dedicated to che and all those who were disappointed about the other misleading threads.
Do you do it?
Have you done it?
Are you doing it now?
How often?
And most importantly have you ever been embarrassingly caught in the act of self pleasure.
Anybody who said they have never done it or even tried it is lying. I am masturbating right now............ok done.
I used to do it when I was an adolescent young man. It is good stress or pressure release
A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
--Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.
Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.
The finer details of a signature:
I was just gonna make this topic but then went for a shower. Shoulda made the topic QQ.
And no I didnt go for a shower because all the missleading topics made me wanna masturbate...
Edit: Multiposting rule broken. Fixed.
Last edited by Pug; 09-14-2011 at 01:10 AM.
Two words:
Rampant Rabbit!
"...For the stronger we our houses do build,
The less chance we have of being killed." ~ William Topaz McGonagall (1830-1902)
I'm just going to say **** people that judge and tell you the truth. I do it at least 3 times a week. When I don't, I get irritated. More is good. Less is not. Especially when the mere thought of sex most of the time turns me off. It's completely normal. Those who don't masterbate should start. You'll be a better person if you do. Proven fact.
Also, **** you people and your misleading topics....If this was intentionally misleading, you fooled me.
The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!
Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!
Im pritty sure you worded that first sentence wrong. and TO tell you the truth? ... damn it now im starting to sound like my mentor... must make a list of all the people im starting to sound like.
Anyway the thought of sex turns you off? Im not gonna start asking personal questions like how many people youve tried it with or why it turns you off but it does seem a little strange. (Not judging just curious)
I 'fudderwaken' .....vigorously
Haha seriously though, there's nothing embarrasing about greasing the pipe. Men and women all enjoy it and it's natural.
Spoiler: My TFF Family:
My TFF girlfriend who hearts root beer - Chocobo_Lover 17
My brother of honourable justice - Judge Magistrate
My Canadian sister who travels the skies- R.Kyra
My nameless brother of legend - Hero without a Name
My brother, the Gunblade master - Lion Heart
My supernatural sister of mysterious intrigue - belleZ
I <3 how everyone is (more or less) mature, sensible, and rational enough to discuss this openly.
Masturbation (or things-sexual in general) is not something to hide. (Well, sorta. I don't want to see you masturbating, but it's totally cool that you do it.)
One time when I was younger my mum decided to show me some clothes freshly grown-out-of by my older brothers. (Ahh, hand-me-downs.) So she comes barging into my room when I'm having some self-love.
Most. Awkward. Thing. Ever.
She quickly closed the door and never brought it up. I couldn't look her in the eyes for days. Ultimately it just reinforced the 'shame' we're told to feel, but hey, natural reactions are natural reactions. It is a pretty private thing, as much as I think we should be able to discuss it.
Oh for sure. It is a private thing. My mum walked in on me once....You think your thing is awkward...I wasn't going to bring it up. I don't talk about my sex life with my family. Well, my mum knows I have had sex...I'm pretty honest with her, but everyone else, I don't really feel too compelled to talk about it.
I was brought up in the Catholic School system. They didn't encourage us to talk about anything sex related and even then it was almost like Taboo. I found it weird when I started to know what sex/masterbation is. It shouldn't be hidden. It should be encouraged, just on your own time..out of site from pblic eye..That's what 'personal time' is. (for me anyway...I like my alone time)
The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!
Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!
Well I went through the Catholic school system, and my mother is the Head of Department of Religious Studies at a Catholic college (high school)*... the one I attended, no less (just after I finished, thankfully).
Totes was never awkward learning about sex there. They told us all about condoms and everything. I hate stereotypes.
*Although she's technically an English teacher who just did some Religious Education, and then just went into the role as it emerged. And my dad is a non-practising Scottish Presbyterian and probably an apathetic atheist. /FamilyHistory.
Last edited by Alpha; 09-14-2011 at 04:44 AM.
Don't worry this thread is totally not meant to be misleading.
I very rarely flog the one eyed snake, spank the monkey any more now that I am married but the missus and I are honest if we do, I do more than she does though.
When I was younger my mum walked into the bath room when I was in the shower having a fap that was pretty embarrassing what was worse is she wanted to talk to me about it god damn her lmao that was usually typical of her straight up and front, pardon the pun
A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
--Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.
Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.
The finer details of a signature:
Do you do it? At least once every day!
Have you done it? Obviously.
Are you doing it now? Nah, I just finished about twenty minutes ago.
How often? Once or twice a day. Sometimes 3, 4, 5, God knows how many. Just depends on the day and how I'm feeling. Sometimes, I can even go twice and even three times in a row! Looking on it now, I guess that little ability can be good when it comes to sex, but for masturbation, I guess it's actually kind of sad. I now feel like I've degraded myself by posting this whole thing.
Oh yeah, and yes I've been busted. Quite a few times, actually. But thankfully never by anyone outside the family.
For the record, lesbian porn is where it's at. And if you wanna be a bit creeped out, I'm also into shemale porn. I urge you to not let that make you think less of me.
Like Alpha said, I'm glad people can discuss things like this here with no real shame or embarrassment. If I were to post this on this other forum I visit, I'd be humiliated for months. This place just feels more mature than others.
Last edited by Cereal~Killer; 09-14-2011 at 05:19 AM.
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy
Up Next: Final Fantasy II
A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
--Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.
Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.
The finer details of a signature:
Nothing wrong with waxing the dolphin.
Its even normal to do it when you're in a relationship.
Never been caught, although i've been close to being caught.
Stealth penis.
Of course, whenever I'm in a mood for it. It's something I have to do right before I'm about to study as it helps me relieve tension =D I have a lot privacy during the day, it's nearly impossible to be caught, though there were few sticky situations I got out more by luck than anything else.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
I do before work a lot...... I'm way more pleasant to deal with.
I'm in a relationship and the two of us have sex fairly often. But my libido is rather ridiculous, so I often have to take care of myself (because seriously, we'd never get anything done if we had sex as much as I'd like). I know he does too, but truth be told, I can't tell if it's as often as me.
Also, he knows I have certain uh... tools... to make the job easier and is totally cool with it. He's even asked to bring them into our combined efforts on occasion. Amazing.
I've never been caught, but if I'm pretty careful.
It's about time for work. Brb.
Read more.
TFF Awards:
"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."
. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.
Speaking of masturbation I havent drank any water for a good few hours now... bet you don't know where this ones going do ya? eh? eh?
Anyway I have a small dehydration problem and it causes all sorts of wierd body functions. Like forum trolling because the level of concentration my brain can take is next to 0. Tiredness, yawning, lack of feeling in the face bla bla bla.
But when I yawn in this state blood rushes to my long john for some reason and I get a hardon. Then when I stretch afterwords the blood flows away and it goes straight back down.
Wierd stuff o_O
Edit: Before my master sees this post I would just like to add its "Wierd" not "Weird" because I hate that spelling
Last edited by Pug; 09-14-2011 at 07:42 AM.
Do you do it?
-Of course, I don't think theirs one person on here who hasn't.
Have you done it?
-Yep, more then I probable should have
Are you doing it now?
-No, I'm right handed, but I like using my left hand because it feels like someone else is doing it for you! (Old joke)
How often?
-About once or twice a week, depends on the week though.
gaming service ID:
If masturbating makes you a better person, I'm definitely the best person in the world.
I'm sure anyone above 14 who says they don't is just jerking our chain. (Pun intended )
Me, 8 years and going strong.
I have my active and passive periods though.
@ Che: Is this the time to post that video I have of you?
Last edited by RagnaToad; 09-15-2011 at 08:58 AM.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
Of course I masterbate. I have a quite high libido, and it can easily lead me down the road of frustration if I don't. Sometimes I'm still frustrated after a successful session - and I'm successful 98% of the time. Most of my frustration comes from the actual need to please someone else and have someone please me, and... well. Yeah... none of one of those about. =(
I usually double click the mouse/polish the pearl once a day, but it's been slightly rarer with my hours lately. It's been almost a week now, and yesterday before I went to bed was the most I'd been frustrated about it since my birthday earlier this year, but I was so tired that I really couldn't be ****ed (excuse the pun) with it.
As for when and where? Usually after midnight when everyone's asleep so that I'm not disturbed. Shower masterbation doesn't really get me off, so I'm always on my bed. I don't think I've ever been caught - just constantly disturbed during the times I've tried to do something about it during the day. My nan and my brother have walked in on me in separate occasions, both of which I was ninja about it and I don't think they ever guessed. I was PISSED off both of those times.
Do you do it?
Have you done it?
If I could have a dollar for every time I have, I could probably afford a decent car.
Are you doing it now?
How often?
Pretty much daily, sometimes several times a day (I've gone from regular sex back in july to none at all for the foreseeable future, so....yeah)
And most importantly have you ever been embarrassingly caught in the act of self pleasure?
Never been caught, but there have been a few near-catchings where my keen sense of hearing someone walking down the hall, etc tipped me off.
(TFF Family):
Such a chain letter response.
any women who says they don't play with themselfs is a lier. how do i know? caz alot of women i know do it..and there all straight.
What kinda shit is this.
Now how I know I'm not gay. I have lots of STRAIGHT female friends who masturbate.
Wait just a single minute here, gay people can't masturbate?!
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Only if they are mormon.