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Thread: Losing one of the five senses

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  1. #1
    Bananarama Losing one of the five senses Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Losing one of the five senses

    Hmm, hearing would suck. I love listening to music and it's pretty useful.

    Sight would also be terrible, seeing as I play sports and kiiind of rely on it for hitting and catching.

    Touch would also be horrible. You'd never really experience pain, or pleasure for that matter.

    Taste and smell are largely linked. I love food, but I don't think it would entirely taste the same without the sense of smell. Then again, even without being able to smell, like when I've had colds, food has been pretty close to what it should taste like.

    That being said, I think if I absolutely had to, I'd go without the sense of smell. It'd suck not to be able to smell good smelling things, like my girls perfume, or steak... but at the same time, I wouldn't have to smell nasty things... like poop.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  2. #2
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Losing one of the five senses

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Hmm, hearing would suck. I love listening to music and it's pretty useful.
    Oddly enough I was going to make comment on this. I have a few friends that are hearing impaired (some completely deaf and some partial deaf) and oddly enough they (even the ones that are 100% hearing impaired) still highly enjoy "listening" to music and dancing, one of which is actually an exceptional dancer and could out dance most people that can hear. He even can depict words while "listening" to music solely by feel of the vibrations of the music. Truly amazing to witness.

    Seeing, most of the time, with the loss of one of the major senses the others will compensate for the loss of one making the functional ones stronger. This is something else to remember while making a selection on if you had to loose one.

    For instance, say you enjoy smelling good fragrances, in a heightened state things that are enjoyable now, such as a woman's perfume, could possibly become very unbearable and unpleasant. Sensory over load could quite possibly be something that would happen, specially during the initial on set of the heightened senses.

    As for me, I think the loss of hearing would be the easiest for me to transition to. Due to the fact that I do have hearing impaired friends I already know the basic signs and also some advanced American sign. Also with 28 years of being able to hear, I would still retain the ability to speak somewhat clearly with out having to hear myself do so and be comfortable while doing so.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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