Yeah, I know there's more than 5, but for the sake of simplicity, let's just talk about the "traditional" ones: hearing, sight, taste, smell, and touch.

When I was younger, I would sometimes have a discussion with my friends or my brothers about if you had to live without one of your basic senses, which one they choose to give up and what they thought life would be like without it. More often than not, either the sense of smell or taste was chosen, since those two seemed to be the easiest to adjust to living if they were to suddenly disappear.

So I thought it would be interesting to see what other TFF members would choose to live without if they had to give one up, and what kind of impact it would have on your everyday life.

Also, to help open this topic up for further discussion (since I assume many would also pick to just lose their sense of smell or taste), do you know or have you been around anyone that lost one or more of their senses?

I don't know anyone personally that is living without one (or more) of their five senses, but I recall quite a few times when I served customers that couldn't hear, and also a customer that couldn't see. The customers that were deaf, it was just a matter of writing things down to ask what they needed, or speaking to where they could read my lips to what I was saying a little easier, and then going about my usual manner. The blind customer had a friend/family member with him to help with anything he needed assistance with, so I didn't really do anything much different.

And if I had to pick a sense to live without? Probably smell. Yeah, that will effect my sense of taste as well, but like stated earlier, I think it would be easier to adjust to not having those than the others.