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Thread: what do you usually do when you're sick?

  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! what do you usually do when you're sick? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    what do you usually do when you're sick?

    I've been sick for 3 days now and what i usually do is just try to relax, watch a movie, if i have the energy enough i would play some games for a bit and of course I take naps when needed. What do you guys do when you are feeling sick and are stuck at the house?
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  2. #2
    .............. what do you usually do when you're sick? smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    Well the one constant is that I would constantly be drinking hot drinks, especially Lemsip, when Im awake. And in full knowledge that I need to take my mind off the fact I cannot breath through my note et al, as well as the fact I have time on my hands I would do marathon sessions of RPGs, though especially games like Oblivion and Fallout more recently. Helps the time fly when you are feeling like sh*t.
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  3. #3
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    Eat soup, sleep, watch movies. Depending on how fuzzy my head is I may do some reading as well. On the whole I just try to conserve my energy and let the illness run its course. I don't think there's really much else to do when sick.

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  4. #4
    Crash Boom Bang what do you usually do when you're sick? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    depends how sick I am, but I'l generally just carry on as normal with extra complaining

  5. #5
    Lord Deity of Harmony what do you usually do when you're sick? Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    I simply sleeps through everything, I drink, eat and goes to the toilet whenever it's necessary, But i usally play games as well, Depending how sick i am.

    Sometimes, I watch movies to help me sleep, Some old classic disney movies always makes me feel better, So im not much diffrent than you other guys...
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  6. #6
    Bananarama what do you usually do when you're sick? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    I work through it. I'll pretty much keep up all of my normal activities, including going to the gym, unless I'm on some kind of medication that knocks me out. I really only try to take stuff like that before I sleep though, because I won't lie, I'm a total bitch when I'm sick and can't get my sleep.

    Otherwise, it's business as usual.
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  7. #7
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    Usually I just carry on as normal, but there's been times when I've needed the rest and comfort, and I've gotten my brother to do my chores. I just more or less stay in bed and sleep, I just eat tinned soup with added ingredients from the cupboard (I swear, pepper and jerk seasoning cure everything), and if my headache isn't too bad, I'll watch a film or play a game, or browse the web.

    As for hot drinks, I stick to honey tea. I hate the taste of Lemsip as I'm not too fond of lemons. Green tea helps when I feel like I'm going to be sick, if I sip it slowly. I avoid drinks I like with milk in them.

    I also knock back loads of soluble paracetamol, Cuprofen (it's been known to knock me out once or twice when I've been really ill) and breath in Sinex three times in the recommended time period between each dose - if I can't breath through my nose, I can't sleep.

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  8. #8
    Registered User what do you usually do when you're sick? kupo's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    chill out on the couch and find an awesomely bad movie to watch; i'll spend the entire day on the couch and only get up if i need to go to the bathroom. i feel fortunate that i have an awesome immune system and get sick to the point of staying home once a year if that.
    as for food - green tea and snack on some ritz crackers if i can keep it down. im not a big fan of taking medicine and will do anything to avoid it.

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  9. #9
    I invented Go-Gurt. what do you usually do when you're sick? Clint's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    Ah, yes. I know a lot about sickness. After all, I am the oldest member of this forum. Anyway, when I'm sick, depending on the severity of the illness, I'll probably just carry on as normal. If I'm not throwing up or having sever bouts of diarrhea then it really isn't that big of a deal.

    However, if I am severely sick and cannot move without bodily fluids spewing out all over the place, I spend one full day lying down resting, I take a lot of Tums to calm my stomach and compact the poopoo in my intestines, and in the morning, I'm not sick anymore.

  10. #10
    Registered User what do you usually do when you're sick? CloudvsLightning's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonHeart View Post
    Eat soup, sleep, watch movies. Depending on how fuzzy my head is I may do some reading as well. On the whole I just try to conserve my energy and let the illness run its course. I don't think there's really much else to do when sick.

    Couldn't have worded it any different myself.

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  11. #11
    This ain't no place for no hero what do you usually do when you're sick? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    Lemme tell you... having a kid changes how you deal with being sick. First off if you aren't already caring for them then you know its just a matter of time before they catch it too.

    Being sick is a bone of contention in my house. When my guy gets sick, he calls into work and sleeps for 14 hours while I take care of our daughter. However, if I happen to get sick I have to buck up and watch our high-octane toddler while secretly wanting to die. No flopping on the couch, no cold meds as they make me groggy and I need to be clear headed to make sure Claire doesn't get into anything.

    But, if I happen to get sick while my guy is off I tend to relax on the couch. Well, I try to. Try explaining that you aren't feeling well to a 21 month old and that Mommy just needs to rest when they want to play.

  12. #12
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    When I'm sick? I take long hot baths and fall asleep in them. Drink lots of Water and Ginger ale and well just chillin and relaxing, just focusing on getting better.

    Depends on the sickness though, the other week I had the flu and I just laid in bed, threw up when I had to and just toughed it out for 3 days. If it's some weak sickness where I have the energy and will to get up and do things then I'll do it. Take some medicine and head on out.
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  13. #13
    Sir Prize what do you usually do when you're sick? Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

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  14. #14

    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    I don't stay home unless I'm extremely ill and can spread my vicious disease to people around me, so when I'm home sick, I sleep. I don't do any work or have the energy to get into a game, so I sleep. I usually don't leave my room to eat either. That can wait until after when I feel like eating again. The whole day goes like this, but in a continuous cycle:
    -Wake up
    -Lie in bed and fall asleep again

    If I'm well enough to do other shit, I'll usually attempt to go to school.

  15. #15
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    Quote Originally Posted by kupo View Post
    i feel fortunate that i have an awesome immune system and get sick to the point of staying home once a year if that.
    I'm the same way. I generally only get sick enough to stay home once a year. Usually when I do get this sick it knocks me flat for a minimum of one week. I'm hoping I get lucky this year since last year's ailment put me down for two weeks straight. I don't worry much about the flu anymore though since I get my flu shot for free at work.

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  16. #16
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    A few weeks ago I was ill a few times within a couple or so weeks, it was rather sucky. My immune system wasn't coping too well apparently.

    I had a bad cold one week then the next I had like a migraine for the whole day and it was awful, pain killers wouldn't even help too much. It was only some virus but still, not good. I spent the whole afternoon in bed, closing my eyes made my head throb more.

    Usually I spend my time in bed, if I'm really ill but if it's only minor then I try to keep up my daily routines. I work with children so I have to try and keep my immune system boosted. =\ It's tough, they cough and sneeze all over you and they never remember to cover their mouths lol.

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  17. #17
    what do you usually do when you're sick? Jin's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    When I'm sick, I usually cough a lot, blow my nose a lot and sometimes spit up or go to the bathroom a lot, depending on what I'm sick with. That's what I do when I'm sick.

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  18. #18
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    I get put in a straightjacket for a few days when I'm sick until the people from the funny farm feed me my get well soon pills.
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  19. #19
    Cilla vs. Games what do you usually do when you're sick? Priscilla's Avatar
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    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    I usually just do what I would do any other day. The only time I've really been sick is recently with a bad cold but it's not bad enough to keep me in bed. Plus I can't sleep during the day anyway.

    So I spend my time watching TV, playing video games or whatnot.

  20. #20

    Re: what do you usually do when you're sick?

    I don't get sick often, so when I do it usually kicks my butt. I would say that I spend my sick days gaming, but it's more like I make an attempt to game and end up getting tired and irritated. Not so much irritated with the game but from rubbing my sore nose all day and not being able to breathe etc. not to mention that having a runny nose is extremely distracting. Also, my eyes get heavy and struggling to look at the tv screen just adds to my drowsiness.

    So basically I just sleep all day, and maybe get on the comp to stay occupied without doing too much. (with the screen brightness turned down all the way btw.)

    I hate being sick because even sleeping is difficult for me depending on how sick, especially at night time. If I'm sick enough to have even just runny nose it makes me feel out of wack. If I'm at home I'm constantly getting up to wipe my nose and if I'm out in public I'm doing/thinking one of 3 things:

    "I hope I don't have boogers in my nose =_=", trying to keep snot from dripping out (I end up irritating my nose more :s)

    Trying not to sneeze or cough too much, like in class for example, is horrible.

    and lastly, trying not to sneeze too hard because I don't want snot flying everywhere. This is a tragedy if I don't have tissue.

    Last edited by GypsyElder; 11-23-2010 at 01:28 AM.

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