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Thread: If you're bored...

  1. #1

    If you're bored...

    Here is a random list of awkwardly intriguing Questions for you to answer!

    1. What’s a question you’re afraid to ask? To whom?

    2. What’s something you hide about your personality?

    3. What’s something other people think about you that you don’t agree with?

    4. How do you deal with criticism?

    5. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?

    6. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?

    7. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?

    8. Post a photo/draw a picture/write a poem (pick one) of a moment of personal significance.

    9. Which fictional character would you most like to have lunch with and why?

    10. Who would you say is your “anti” role model? Someone who serves as a warning rather than an inspiration?

    11. What colour and/or kind of underwear eg.boxers, briefs etc are you wearing right now?

    12. What’s one of the most difficult things you’ve ever had to do?

    13. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why?

    14. What’s the most infuriating thing your parents (or caregiver) do?

    15. Which Disney Princess do you most identify with and why? Which is your favourite and why? And yes- ANYONE can answer this question.

    16. You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy?

    17. What did you think about before you fell asleep last night?

    18. What’s the oddest term of endearment you’ve ever used or that someone’s used for you?

    19. What motivates you in life?

    20. What was something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What’s the story behind that?

    21. How do you think you will fare when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives?

    22. Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? And if you could be any mythological creature, which would you want to be? Why?

    23. Write a brief story about an actual adventure you’ve had.

    24. Describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life.

    25. What’s something that scares you about the future?

    26. List 5 quirky things about yourself.

    27. If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like?

    28. Do you have any “rules” about food?

    29. What’s something you want to do that you’d be embarrassed to tell other people about?

    30. Describe a time/event in your life that you’re nostalgic for.

    31. How do you approach social situations?

    32. What is your ideal bed?(Up to interpretation) Why?

    33. Post a short excerpt from a fanfiction based on your life.

    Feel free to answer as many questions as you like.

  2. #2
    I invented Go-Gurt. If you're bored... Clint's Avatar
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    1. What’s a question you’re afraid to ask? To whom?

    I'm afraid to ask Barney where he hid the bodies.

    2. What’s something you hide about your personality?

    I'm a fairly flamboyant homosexual.

    3. What’s something other people think about you that you don’t agree with?

    Some people think of me as a rapist. I respectfully disagree.

    4. How do you deal with criticism?

    I don't. I have a friend named Barney who deals with criticism for me.

    9. Which fictional character would you most like to have lunch with and why?

    Darth Vader, because how the hell does he eat?

    10. Who would you say is your “anti” role model? Someone who serves as a warning rather than an inspiration?

    Beyonce Knowles. I know this is a strange answer coming from me, but I'm honestly being dead serious. She's a feminist, which is fine, and she preaches a message about equality between the sexes, while simultaneously dancing on a strip pole while wearing no pants. She is not a good role model for any young women. The only thing she teaches is to use sex to sell yourself, to have no respect, and to preach a hypocritical message.

    11. What colour and/or kind of underwear eg.boxers, briefs etc are you wearing right now?

    Under Armour Boxer Jocks, which are the single most comfortable underwear I've ever owned. They are so comfortable that I refuse to wear any other kind. My problem was always support for my junk, and I always found that regular cotton underwear lost its shape about midway through the day. Under Armour doesn't.

    12. What’s one of the most difficult things you’ve ever had to do?

    I had to take this really massive dump one time, but the poo was so compacted in my colon that it refused to come out. I guess that's my punishment for eating so many bagels, but I just can't help it. Bagels are good.

    13. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why?

    Americium, because America is the best place on earth.

    14. What’s the most infuriating thing your parents (or caregiver) do?

    Borrow $1,500 without paying it back.

    15. Which Disney Princess do you most identify with and why? Which is your favourite and why? And yes- ANYONE can answer this question.

    Pocahontas, because we both wear skintight buckskin dresses.

    16. You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy?

    I would use a napkin and shout "You stink. Go away."

    17. What did you think about before you fell asleep last night?

    I don't think. I let Barney do my thinking for me.

    19. What motivates you in life?


    20. What was something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What’s the story behind that?

    I used to enjoy doing crack, but burning out and hitting rock bottom really ruined that.

    21. How do you think you will fare when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives?

    I should be alright. I've seen The Walking Dead. All I have to do is act like the people from that show. I should show no emotion, have no character development, and be generally boring and generic. I got that in the bag, man.

    22. Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? And if you could be any mythological creature, which would you want to be? Why?

    I'm most like a cyclops, except I have two eyes instead of one. If I could choose to be any mythological creature, I would be a great white shark. I would swim around in the ocean and eat fish.

    23. Write a brief story about an actual adventure you’ve had.

    One time I got lost in the woods, and there was a bee hive and birds, and cell phone reception was really bad. Then I found my way out.

    24. Describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life.

    Any time I'm around my female coworkers and they randomly start talking about sex. I have no idea why women have to be so filthy. None of the guys I work with talk about anything even remotely related to sex.

    25. What’s something that scares you about the future?

    The fact that we're still reliant on fossil fuels, despite that it lowers air quality and is a nonrenewable resource. Why not use solar energy? A natural resource that would get renewed every single day.

    Also, people don't recycle. That pisses me off. A lot of people don't respect nature and animals, and people who do are generally criticized for some illogical unknown reason. I can't count how many times I've been called a tree hugger, which is ironic, because I have literally never hugged a tree in my life. Nor would I. Trees are crawling with insects. I don't want bugs on me. That's gross.

    28. Do you have any “rules” about food?

    If you're eating meat, cook the damn thing. If it's not well done, it's not cooked enough. Eating meat that isn't cooked enough is one way that people can get food poisoning, and I refuse to go through that shit again.

    31. How do you approach social situations?

    With my eyes to the exit.

    32. What is your ideal bed?(Up to interpretation) Why?

    A tempurpedic mattress. I can get five hours of sleep on one of those, and it feels like I've been asleep for a full eight hours.

  3. #3
    The Mad God If you're bored... Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    New Sheoth
    1. Does the set of all sets that don't include themselves, include itself? I don't want to ask that to an evil AI in close proximity. Because everyone knows robots explode when confronted with a paradox. Okay but for real, anymore I don't have one. It used to be "are you into bondage/" or any other variant suggesting engaging in such acts. hat's pretty much either the okay for awesomeness, or the end of a relationship. I got lucky though with a yes, so I haven't had to think about asking that for a while.

    2. I have a general disdain for humanity. I've also been told I don't hide it very well.

    3. That I think I know everything. In fact, I believe that I ultimately know nothing.

    4. Identify source, deconstruct, is criticism valid? If so, improve. If not, refute. If accuser is stupid, troll.

    5. I probably haven't noticed it yet. I tend to be oblivious to that kind of thing. My girl got my a gift last year, and left it in front of my computer monitor where I'd notice it. I moved it aside that day, and it sat there fore 2 months. You'd think she would have said something, or been mad that I ignored it. But instead she made a game of it, trying to see how long it'd take me to realize that my birthday had passed, and I hadn't seen a present yet, so I'd start looking for it. Not only did it take me 2 months, I spent an hour looking for it. And i only noticed because she made a remark that got me thinking about it. She had to give me a hint. I am oblivious. I suppose in a sense, her making a game out of my obliviousness where most would be bothered by it is sweet.

    6. I don't do touchy feely. It was probably something involving sex.

    7. Something involving sex.

    8. This is a haiku.
    It's not really about me.
    I despise haiku.

    9. Lieutenant commander Data. I find him immensely interesting, and he was largely responsible for my interest in science and philosophy as a child.

    10. Pretty much the entirety of the human race. People that don't disgust me are the exception, not the rule.

    11. Short legged boxers, black.

    12. Un**** a database at work. So much stupid... So much... I kinda just wanted to take a flamethrower to the whole thing and start over. It took 3 days.

    13. A noble gas of some sort. I don't really react to shit. Probably radon. I like to **** shit up, like radiation.

    14. Try to organize my things. Yes, it's a cluster**** of random piles. But I know what things are in what piles and their approximate location within. I have no ****ing idea where you hide things.

    15. Mulan. She was just like, yeah, **** your shit, I'm doin' what I want.

    16. Katana. "See you in Hell."

    17. Whether one could defeat Heisenberg uncertainty if they were able to measure position and momentum of entangled particles at exactly the same time, like, down to the Planck second.

    18. "You're like, some freakish hyrbid between House and MacGyver... And Jigsaw... And that omnipotent guy from Star Trek with the twisted sense of humor (he was referring to Q)."

    19. I have no idea. If you ever find out, I'd love to do something besides go through the motions every day. Closest thing i have to motivation is an interest in knowledge, but that motivation doesn't apply to anything I don't want to do.

    20. Chinese at Bakers. Dragonfire chicken specifically. 3 days making a run to the toilet every 30 seconds. After that, the stuff even smelled repulsive.

    21. It'll probably be my fault. I won't count myself among the lucky few who survived the zombies. Any remaining zombies will count themselves amongst the lucky few who survived ME. Everyone else will be going for survival. I'll be going for a high score.

    22. A faerie, or leprachaun of some sort. I'm a tricky bastard, and i get off on messing with people. I'd like to be a dragon, so I could so all of that stuff, but while breathing fire all over shit.

    23. Once upon a time, the end.

    24. I had pants that were too big one day in gym. And I was doing jumping jacks. Yeah, that was cool.

    25. That I'm going to have to endure at least part of it.

    26. I'm a sociopath. I'm overly pedantic. I'm the most sarcastic being that ever lived. And when someone asks me to make a list of N items, I always stop at N-1. If they're numbered, I skip one in the middle to see if anyone notices.

    27. enough Gs to make you black out.

    28. Mustard does not go on it. Ketchup does not go on it. Sour cream does not go on it. Mayo does not go on it. Mushrooms are not food. If it swims in its own toilet, I'm not interested.

    29. I don't really get embarrassed by things I want to do. If people don't like me, they can **** off.

    30. When I was too ignorant to be cynical. Ignorance was bliss.

    31. With an excuse to leave early.

    32. I want one of those water massage beds. Because they ****ing rock.

    33. My life doesn't have fans!
    Last edited by Heartless Angel; 09-07-2014 at 01:59 AM.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  4. #4
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) If you're bored... che's Avatar
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    I am actually pretty bored. I normally don't do these, but what the shit.

    Here is a random list of awkwardly intriguing Questions for you to answer!

    1. What’s a question you’re afraid to ask? To whom?
    Most people that know me online know that I'm not afraid to ask any question. I just don't feel like its worth being
    offended about something to teach someone else something they are curious about. In real life, I'd probably be more
    reserved about my questions these days, making them PG.

    2. What’s something you hide about your personality?

    IRL I'm actually pretty tame, but online my personality really comes out. So I guess I kinda hide that I'm extremely open
    and nothing is taboo. At least with acquaintances. Once you know me well, it comes out. This is such a shitty answer, but
    it's all I can think of.

    3. What’s something other people think about you that you don’t agree with?

    I dunno what other people think about me. Probably that I am a huge douche, but they're right. So I don't really have an
    answer for this one.

    4. How do you deal with criticism?

    I try to see their perspective of me from their point of view. It's always great to put yourself in someone else's shoes
    and really reflect. It can hurt, but it can make you a better person if you deal with it. And that's worth way more than
    getting your feelings hurt for a sec.

    5. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?

    Uhhh, pass?

    6. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?

    I dont know! There are plenty of times where I triiiiied to be sweet. Let me share the saddest one instead so you pity
    me. In highschool, I dated a girl in the grade above me. She had some probs with her fam and her ex bf was more there for
    her, more in tune with her problems that I didn't understand because I didn't relate at all. For Valentines Day I bought
    her two huge boquettes of white and red roses (I don't know what they mean, so you can call me a noob). But they looked
    ****ing AWESOME. I went to her house with them and knocked on her door, and her mom told me she wasn't there. I waited
    for two days while those flowers wilted on my counter until she called me, and I found out she had been at her ex's.

    7. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?

    Hmm, I'm not sure! Maybe just something that shows that they care about me and really know me and listen. It could be

    8. Post a photo/draw a picture/write a poem (pick one) of a moment of personal significance.
    fckin plz, i dont even.

    9. Which fictional character would you most like to have lunch with and why?
    Zidane from FFIX, because he's ****ing nice as hell and totally awesome.

    10. Who would you say is your “anti” role model? Someone who serves as a warning rather than an inspiration?

    Roommates when they don't clean their own dishes.

    11. What colour and/or kind of underwear eg.boxers, briefs etc are you wearing right now?

    Red, or Blue. I can't remember. Probably red. But totally could be blue. Why don't I just check? Nah.

    12. What’s one of the most difficult things you’ve ever had to do?
    Probably something where I had to grow up. Maybe making a relationship work, or forgiving someone, or something like
    that. Physical tasks are ****ing nothing, even if I'm a wimp strength-wise.

    13. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why?

    Hydrogen, because two of me and one O is something everyone needs. **** that was lame. I really hope that wasn't a Big
    Bang Theory joke, because I hate that show.

    14. What’s the most infuriating thing your parents (or caregiver) do?

    Judge people as if they're way better than them.

    15. Which Disney Princess do you most identify with and why? Which is your favourite and why? And yes- ANYONE can answer
    this question.

    Um, maybe Ariel. Because she's rebellious and curious about things she doesn't understand.

    16. You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy?
    Boomerang. "It'll be back." I'm so ****ing lame. :/

    17. What did you think about before you fell asleep last night?

    Attack on Titan. Not good dreams.

    18. What’s the oddest term of endearment you’ve ever used or that someone’s used for you?
    Douchebag? In an endearing way. <3

    19. What motivates you in life?

    Impressing people, showing off my leet skillz. Being happy and doing exactly what I want.

    20. What was something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What’s the story behind that?

    21. How do you think you will fare when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives?

    Zombies all have a weakness, no zombie is killing me. And I def won't be as serious all the time like Walking Dead. Shit, that show sucks.

    22. Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? And if you could be any mythological creature, which would you
    want to be? Why?

    This is actually a really cool FF related question, since SE uses so much mythology in their games. That being said, I'd like to be something very human-like. But a giant dragon would be cool. You just sleep all day and guard stuff. You'd prob have a lot of interesting conversations with thieves. I'd play nice.

    23. Write a brief story about an actual adventure you’ve had.

    I got really high once and went to the grocery store. I felt like everyone was watching me, and I bought a Nestle
    tollhouse icream chocolate chip cookie. Holy ****.

    24. Describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life.
    Posting this is pretty awkward. But I'm bored. <3

    25. What’s something that scares you about the future?
    Education taking a backseat in America. The comradery of having two parties that completely hate each other in our
    political system. Old people in congress, who will never change their ways.

    26. List 5 quirky things about yourself.
    I can read minds. x5 SO QUIRKY

    27. If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like?

    It would be like the lazy river, where you're in a raft just floating down the thing. You can drink, and you float
    through like disneyland themeparks, like Pirates of the Carribean or something. I dunno. This is shit, but it's all I
    could think of in 60 seconds. I've never been to disney land/world. (until february maybe!)

    28. Do you have any “rules” about food?
    No shitty food!

    29. What’s something you want to do that you’d be embarrassed to tell other people about?
    Sometimes I want to be a tiny asian man and totally play up the stereotypical asian tourist, with a big ass camera and
    speaking broken engrish. And I want to make white american people feel awkward as ****.

    30. Describe a time/event in your life that you’re nostalgic for.
    This makes me sound like uncle rico, but, when I was younger and played varsity soccer freshman year of highschool. When
    I could own anyone I came across like it was nothing. I dunno why I quit playing. But, in fact, Uncle Rico isn't actually
    sad about giving up on football, he's sad about his ex, who magically comes back to him at the end of Napoleon Dynamite,
    and he doesn't give a shit anymore. So I'm not Uncle Rico.

    31. How do you approach social situations?
    I love meeting new people and getting to know what they're interested in and how to make them laugh.

    32. What is your ideal bed?(Up to interpretation) Why?
    Somewhere I feel safe. I've seen those underwater hotels. Nah son. Too much trust. Mine would be on a beach somewhere,
    preferably open air. Somewhere I could relax and just watch the waves come in. I'd never get tired of that ever.

    33. Post a short excerpt from a fanfiction based on your life.
    This one time I filled out this thing. It was kind of entertaining because I'm so bored. But then, suddenly, I transformed into a 7foot robot witha guitar, played stairway to heaven, and blasted off with my rocket feet into space, vowing never again to let anyone on any planet play shitty music. And if they did, I'd swoop down, play a rift on my guitar and override their music much to the joy of everyone else.

    edited: spacing because I copied from notepad, and bold on the questions. I should have bolded the answers. Nobody's gonna read this, right?

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  5. #5
    Queen If you're bored... Crescent's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    1. What’s a question you’re afraid to ask? How much are these? To whom? Christian Louboutin Sales Rep.

    2. What’s something you hide about your personality? Piss me off n you'll find out ^.^

    3. What’s something other people think about you that you don’t agree with?

    “Stuck up, prissy snob who only cares about herself”. I dont ONLY care about myself. I care about like 5 other people. and animals.

    4. How do you deal with criticism? If I value that person's opinion then I'll wallow in self pity for a bit then get the fk over it. Otherwise 65228-500-281.gif

    5. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? Oh Ive got a few but all in all, if you put up with my sh*t.

    6. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone? n/a

    7. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? Kill. or take me on a magic carpet ride.

    8. Post a photo/draw a picture/write a poem (pick one) of a moment of personal significance. Close your eyes. It’s August 1997.

    9. Which fictional character would you most like to have lunch with? Vergil Why? Because he wouldn’t say much thank god.

    10. Who would you say is your “anti” role model? Someone who serves as a warning rather than an inspiration? A certain 'friend' of mine.

    11. What colour and/or kind of underwear eg.boxers, briefs etc are you wearing right now? G-string

    12. What’s one of the most difficult things you’ve ever had to do? Live and let live.

    13. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why? Oxygen. Without me, you would all die. Or whichever one is the most radioactive/has the longest half-life.

    14. What’s the most infuriating thing your parents (or caregiver) do? Nag.

    15. Which Disney Princess do you most identify with and why? Which is your favourite and why? And yes- ANYONE can answer this question. Not a princess per se but I like to think Mulan. Why? I actually workout to this as well, its suprisingly motivating xD One of my favourite Disney songs.

    16. You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy? A Katana and I wouldnt be the type to raise my voice ever.

    17. What did you think about before you fell asleep last night? nsfw

    18. What’s the oddest term of endearment you’ve ever used or that someone’s used for you? My ex called me Koukla, he's greek n I still think its odd. I called my friend an asswipe the other day.

    19. What motivates you in life? Death.

    20. What was something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What’s the story behind that? Some of my favourite songs in the past have been ruined by my friends n their ridiculously funny imitations n animated lip syncing.

    21. How do you think you will fare when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives? I've played most of the Resident Evil games Im good.

    22. Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? And if you could be any mythological creature, which would you want to be? Succubus Why? She makes it look soo fun, i wuv her.

    23. Write a brief story about an actual adventure you’ve had. Bleh.

    24. Describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life. Its soo awkward if I tell u itd be like reliving it all again so I wont.

    25. What’s something that scares you about the future? My mum and baby dying.

    26. List 5 quirky things about yourself. Pass.

    27. If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like? udh3s9U31r8fiyco4

    28. Do you have any “rules” about food? Organic, fresh, healthy, vegan, nutrient dense.

    29. What’s something you want to do that you’d be embarrassed to tell other people about? Touch myself

    30. Describe a time/event in your life that you’re nostalgic for. My childhood.

    31. How do you approach social situations? UPXvaOCjpAI

    32. What is your ideal bed?(Up to interpretation) fs50/f/2009/325/9/5 Why? Because.

    33. Post a short excerpt from a fanfiction based on your life.

    Zack stared at his right thumb. Was that his left or right thumb? Zack continued to glare at his thumb. There was only one way of knowing which was right or left... he stuck his right thumb in his mouth and sucked. Nope. That was his right thumb. It didnt feel right when he sucked on it. To make sure he was right, he stuck his left thumb into his mouth. Ohhh it felt wonderful to suck his thumb again! It was soooo soothing and wonderful! His momma told him if he wanted to go to ShinRa, he would have to stop being childish and stop sucking his thumb. Soooo peaceful and-- "What the hell are you doing?!" A familiar voice said.

    From the fanfic 'Sephiroth's Quest For New Hair'
    Last edited by Crescent; 09-08-2014 at 04:34 PM. Reason: Answered the rest

  6. #6
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) If you're bored... che's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post

    7. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? Kill. or take me on a magic carpet ride.
    Like, your meal? Aren't you like...not a meat-eater? So you want someone to straight kill for you?

    11. What colour and/or kind of underwear eg.boxers, briefs etc are you wearing right now? G-string
    Now I'm nitpicking, but this is not a colour.

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    13. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why?
    Hydrogen, because two of me and one O is something everyone needs. **** that was lame. I really hope that wasn't a Big
    Bang Theory joke, because I hate that show.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post
    13. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why? Oxygen. Without me, you would all die. Or whichever one is the most radioactive/has the longest half-life.
    Did you just... you didn't even read my post! Hahaha! Weirdo!
    Last edited by che; 09-07-2014 at 02:59 AM.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  7. #7
    Queen If you're bored... Crescent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Like, your meal? Aren't you like...not a meat-eater? So you want someone to straight kill for you?
    vkPATfpSKCpos ..going for sarcasm didnt work.

    Now I'm nitpicking, but this is not a colour.
    Quote Originally Posted by alexiuspine View Post
    11.What colour and/or kind of underwear eg.boxers, briefs etc are you wearing right now?
    Its white if you're curious.

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    13. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why?[/B]
    Hydrogen, because two of me and one O is something everyone needs. **** that was lame. I really hope that wasn't a Big
    Bang Theory joke, because I hate that show.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post
    13. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why? Oxygen. Without me, you would all die. Or whichever one is the most radioactive/has the longest half-life.
    Did you just... you didn't even read my post! Hahaha! Weirdo!
    No I didnt xD But YOU obviously didnt read mine (carefully) either xD
    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post
    I dont ONLY care about myself. I care about like 5 other people. and animals.
    Unfortunately your not one of those 5 people..837wgPC1r468wi

    Hope that answers your questions ^^ but honestly im just like...

  8. #8
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) If you're bored... che's Avatar
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    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  9. #9
    Boxer of the Galaxy If you're bored... Rowan's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    1. What’s a question you’re afraid to ask? To whom?
    There are no questions to be feared.

    2. What’s something you hide about your personality?
    Nothin'. Im real, unlike all these fake bitchez.

    3. What’s something other people think about you that you don’t agree with?
    That im arrogant or hateful. Im just honest.

    4. How do you deal with criticism?
    By merit of the person doing the criticizing.

    5. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
    I wouldn't call it 'sweet', but when im doing my lone wolf dance, there are those that would stand behind me.

    6. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
    This is gonna happen soon.

    7. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
    I always appreciate a good meal.

    8. Post a photo/draw a picture/write a poem (pick one) of a moment of personal significance.

    9. Which fictional character would you most like to have lunch with and why?
    The god aliens from gantz. For obvious reasons.

    10. Who would you say is your “anti” role model? Someone who serves as a warning rather than an inspiration?
    So someone I dont agree with? Shit, where the hell do I begin? The majority of the human population?

    11. What colour and/or kind of underwear eg.boxers, briefs etc are you wearing right now?
    Briefs because I like the support.

    12. What’s one of the most difficult things you’ve ever had to do?

    13. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why?

    14. What’s the most infuriating thing your parents (or caregiver) do?

    15. Which Disney Princess do you most identify with and why? Which is your favourite and why? And yes- ANYONE can answer this question.
    I'm a manly man so I cant indentify with any of them, since they are all identified as prissy perfect little damsels in distress.

    16. You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy?
    A giant needle (spear tip thing) that hangs off of a long rope that I swing around. I impale my enemy with a long whip of my needle rope weapon and yell "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW" It would work, trust me.

    17. What did you think about before you fell asleep last night?
    About how to progress in SAO on vita.

    18. What’s the oddest term of endearment you’ve ever used or that someone’s used for you?
    Well I live in Australia so some foreigners might find "you fuc*ing ****" wierd as a term of endearment.

    19. What motivates you in life?
    Knowing theres people out there more successful than me; who've earned it.

    20. What was something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What’s the story behind that?
    Many, many bands. Asian cinema kinda ruined for me too, which was a sad realisation.

    21. How do you think you will fare when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives?
    Depends on the circumstances surrounding the apocalypse. Does it happen while im visiting a locked down military compound? If so I think ill be alright.

    22. Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? And if you could be any mythological creature, which would you want to be? Why?
    Ill answer this one later on.

    23. Write a brief story about an actual adventure you’ve had.
    Haha, good old city days. Ill write this one later too.

    24. Describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life.

    25. What’s something that scares you about the future?
    The health of myself, family and friends.

    26. List 5 quirky things about yourself.

    27. If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like?
    Hmm it would be pretty good.

    28. Do you have any “rules” about food?
    Just no fast food, thats about it.

    29. What’s something you want to do that you’d be embarrassed to tell other people about?
    30. Describe a time/event in your life that you’re nostalgic for.
    Playing final fantasy 7, 8 and 9.

    31. How do you approach social situations?

    32. What is your ideal bed?(Up to interpretation) Why?
    Something firm, with soft sheets and 2 pillows.

    33. Post a short excerpt from a fanfiction based on your life.
    Dont read it.

  10. #10
    Bananarama If you're bored... Pete's Avatar
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    1. What’s a question you’re afraid to ask? To whom?
    I'm not afraid to ask anyone anything. If I ask a question, I'm either being facetious or serious.

    2. What’s something you hide about your personality?
    Nothing. What you see is what you get. Professionally, I'll be a little more remiss, but that's about it.

    3. What’s something other people think about you that you don’t agree with?
    That I don't give a shit about anything. I care a great deal about a lot of things. I may not share a lot of things with a lot of people, but I'll share if asked.

    4. How do you deal with criticism?
    It is what it is. People will always talk shit, but at the end of the day, I'm still where I am. If your work is solid, it speaks for itself.

    5. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
    One of two things. A. After my dad died, my friends got literally everyone I've ever considered a friend to come out and surprise me for a night out at the bar we all went to. It was an amazing show of support and greatly appreciated.
    B. For my 27th birthday, my girlfriend got me a baseball autographed by my favorite baseball player ever.

    6. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
    I'm not big on being super sweet; I got my girlfriend tickets to see Bilyl Joel, Jack Johnson, and Brand New, at various points this year. I always played it off like I couldn't get her anything, and then she'd wind up with the tickets in some bizarre fashion. She'd always know they were from me though.

    7. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
    Nothing haha. I hate things that focus on me, or days that are entirely about me. I appreciate the effort, but hate the attention.

    8. Post a photo/draw a picture/write a poem (pick one) of a moment of personal significance.
    So with a wonder and a wild desire
    I will crawl from under every weight
    With a wonder and a wild desire
    Bless the day it was I shared your name
    With each word forever speaks your grave

    Song lyrics from "With a Wonder and a Wild Desire" by Flogging Molly. The lyrics are entirely significant of the determination and grit of my family, especially my father and grandfather, who have both passed, and yet who I share a name with. I'm actually debating getting those lyrics tattooed on my side.

    9. Which fictional character would you most like to have lunch with and why?
    Raylan Givens. I think it'd be a liquid lunch and we'd talk a lot about how everyone thinks we're assholes, despite the fact that we're trying to do right.

    10. Who would you say is your “anti” role model? Someone who serves as a warning rather than an inspiration?
    My dad. You can't smoke 2 packs a day for 30 years and expect things to turn out alright.

    11. What colour and/or kind of underwear eg.boxers, briefs etc are you wearing right now?
    Nothing right now. Just wearing basketball shorts. They're gray and blue.

    12. What’s one of the most difficult things you’ve ever had to do?
    You tell me. It's either going to my grandmas (dads side) to tell her that her daughter (my aunt) had died on a cruise ship (my uncle called us the night before). Or it was dealing with my dad's and grandma's deaths and funerals, which were two and one days apart, respectively. All of those events happened in 2010, mind you, so **** that year.

    13. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why?
    Hydrogen, because it's both incredibly necessary and not.

    14. What’s the most infuriating thing your parents (or caregiver) do?
    Complain about my cursing. Don't be a hypocrite.

    15. Which Disney Princess do you most identify with and why? Which is your favourite and why? And yes- ANYONE can answer this question.
    I'd say Ariel, because I'm super curious about the world, and I want to see and discover as much as I can.

    16. You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy?
    Their knife, in their neck, as I say "I told you not to **** with me."

    17. What did you think about before you fell asleep last night?
    Nothing at all, haha.

    18. What’s the oddest term of endearment you’ve ever used or that someone’s used for you?
    "This *****"

    19. What motivates you in life?
    The idea of getting the job that I truly desire, and then having the life that I want.

    20. What was something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What’s the story behind that?
    Tequila... A funnel of it with almost a full bottle of it at a party. Not by choice.

    21. How do you think you will fare when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives?
    If I make to a Walmart, not horribly for a while. If not braaaaaaaaaaains

    22. Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? And if you could be any mythological creature, which would you want to be? Why?
    According to a buzzfeed quiz, I got the Sphinx, because You’re off-the-charts intelligent and have no patience for people who aren’t on your level. You have been known to, literally, devour the intellectually inferior. You never use one word when you can use 10, and you’re regarded with admiration and fear.

    I'll go with that.

    23. Write a brief story about an actual adventure you’ve had.
    One time, in college, I had gone to the hospital because I cut my finger and lost a good deal of blood. After that journey (I drove myself), I went with my roommate to get beer. A guy there asked us about out 40oz preferences. After we had apparently appeased him with our answers, he offered us crack, while politely introducing himself. We declined.

    24. Describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life.
    See #23

    25. What’s something that scares you about the future?
    Everything man. Lots of financially based things.

    26. List 5 quirky things about yourself.

    I sleep best when it's cold, and even if I have to put the AC on, I'll have a blanket.
    I like redheads, although I've never dated one.
    I love super spicy food even though I turn super red and regret it.
    That's all I got.

    27. If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like?
    Lots of big drops and lots of loops, at a high speed.

    28. Do you have any “rules” about food?
    No, but I hate gravy, and put mayo on turkey and cranberries at Thanksgiving.

    29. What’s something you want to do that you’d be embarrassed to tell other people about?
    I kinda want to go to Disney, just to see what it's all about. Never been.

    30. Describe a time/event in your life that you’re nostalgic for.
    Either the summer when I was 13, and we were playing baseball in the tournament that would've eventually led to the Little League world series. Even though we lost early, it was amazing. Plus I got to play Chrono Cross for the first time, and that blew my mind, along with Legend of Dragoon, which is far less impressive nowadays.

    Summer of 2007, where none of us had jobs, so we played softball literally 2 days a week and both days on weekends. I was in a fight everyday with my ex, but was talking to a girl who I thought was the girl of my dreams. It was my last carefree summer and it was so damn fun, despite the bs from the ex, but talking to the other girl made it amazing. Plus trips to Baltimore and Philly were amazing.

    31. How do you approach social situations?
    They are what they are. You go and talk to people. It's not hard.

    32. What is your ideal bed?(Up to interpretation) Why?
    Any bed where I can get rest is a good bed. Not too soft or firm.

    33. Post a short excerpt from a fanfiction based on your life.
    Not my thing.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  11. #11
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Hiding behind your smile.
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    If you know me well enough and have me on Facebook, you'll know I was once addicted to lists like this. It begins again!

    1. What’s a question you’re afraid to ask? To whom?
    Nothing currently! I can be pretty brave when I need to be!

    2. What’s something you hide about your personality?
    Not a damn thing. I guess I don't go around screaming about myself, but I'm pretty open.

    3. What’s something other people think about you that you don’t agree with?
    That I'm a stress driven bitch, probably. Work has been difficult lately, but there's not much that can be done about it at the moment.

    4. How do you deal with criticism?
    "Well, **** you then!" either as a joke, or I actually mean you can go **** yourself.

    5. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
    My boyfriend came over my house with ice cream at like midnight because I was upset. He lives about an hour away, and it was cold out, and he overspent on the ice cream because all the supermarkets and their fancy deals were closed for the evening. I was crying at one point about possibly loosing my job, and then I couldn't stop crying because he was making me happy? Haha.

    6. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
    I do loads of sweet things. =D

    When I left school, I bought my tutor a really beautiful, white gold heart shaped pendant. It was awesome that she was actually wearing it when I popped in for a visit about a year later. <3

    Oh. And my boyfriend hadn't had a birthday cake since he was a little kid, and that made me really sad. So for his 29th last year, I got him one and put all twenty-nine candles on it. I burnt my wrist, and the wax and chocolate icing melted together a little bit, but seeing his grin and his eyes sparkle made it all worth it. Even the waxy icing, yes.

    7. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
    If someone got me and my boyfriend on a nice holiday, that'd be grand!

    8. Post a photo/draw a picture/write a poem (pick one) of a moment of personal significance.

    9. Which fictional character would you most like to have lunch with and why?
    Probably either Kahlan Amnell from The Sword of Truth series of books, or Lara Croft. Two strong women. <3

    10. Who would you say is your “anti” role model? Someone who serves as a warning rather than an inspiration?

    11. What colour and/or kind of underwear eg.boxers, briefs etc are you wearing right now?
    Just plain black panties.

    12. What’s one of the most difficult things you’ve ever had to do?
    There's been a few things, I suppose. Beating a boss in a game, moving on, throwing something out, etc...

    13. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why?
    Krypton, because of LASERS. Pew pew peew peeeew.

    Awww... All the periodic table jokes argon? I don't zinc so, somehow...

    14. What’s the most infuriating thing your parents (or caregiver) do?
    Stress stress stress.

    15. Which Disney Princess do you most identify with and why? Which is your favourite and why? And yes- ANYONE can answer this question.
    Can't say I've ever been a fan, tbh. I guess Ela, because she knows what's up.

    16. You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy?
    Dual pistols, and I's probably scream something like "LET'S DO THIS!" Or something.

    17. What did you think about before you fell asleep last night?
    I don't remember. Nice thoughts, I suppose!

    18. What’s the oddest term of endearment you’ve ever used or that someone’s used for you?
    My mum has thing about calling me her little mushroom. In French. Weird.

    19. What motivates you in life?
    Being a completionist and perfectionist.

    20. What was something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What’s the story behind that?
    I used to love Budweiser, but I started getting headaches if I drank any kind of beer. There's no story behind it.

    21. How do you think you will fare when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives?
    I think I'll do well. I have my plan in place.

    22. Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? And if you could be any mythological creature, which would you want to be? Why?
    I'm a dragon. Because they're badass, of course I'd pick a dragon.

    23. Write a brief story about an actual adventure you’ve had.
    I went bike riding with my mum down the A13. That was ****ing scary. I almost got taken out by three cars at once.

    24. Describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life.
    Serving a customer at work, who's son was behind her complaining of needing the bathroom. She said they'd go next door in a moment and use them in McDonalds, but he kept on and on at her. So she shouted "WELL, PISS YOURSELF THEN!" ...and he actually did. All over our floor. I was like "So uhm... we're not cleaning that up..."

    25. What’s something that scares you about the future?
    Still being at home or finding out I have cancer or MS or something bad.

    26. List 5 quirky things about yourself.
    > I love everything to do with space.
    > I'm Team Marvel. I have two posters up in my room currently, three Iron Man bobbleheads on my bedside table, and my other bed sheets have Marvel comics all over them.
    > A compartment in my bag is full of different kinds of tablets (including two types of painkiller, anti-histamines and diarrhoea), plasters and gum. I'm always prepared!
    > I buy a lot of games, and play a small percentage of them. I have a lot of collector's editions.
    > I have an awful sense of direction, and train stations confuse me.

    27. If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like?
    Fun, scary and wet.

    28. Do you have any “rules” about food?
    Not really. As long as it's cooked properly (I don't eat my meat any kind of rare), I'm good!

    29. What’s something you want to do that you’d be embarrassed to tell other people about?
    I don't really get that embarrassed.

    30. Describe a time/event in your life that you’re nostalgic for.
    Secondary school. Met my best friend, had awesome teachers, first crush, etc. I loved those years.

    31. How do you approach social situations?
    With a smile and a greeting?

    32. What is your ideal bed?(Up to interpretation) Why?
    Something you can just sink into, that's warm and cosy and doesn't smell bad. A big, puffy pillows and a puffy duvet! I want to feel like I'm in the belly of a marshmallow. =3

    33. Post a short excerpt from a fanfiction based on your life.
    I'm good, thanks. I've wasted enough time doing this. <3

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

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