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Thread: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

  1. #1
    Sir Prize Encounters of the 5-0 kind... Sinister's Avatar
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    Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    I recently have been pulled over and detained on a highway for suspicion of marijuana use. I admit that my license plate was expired. He pulled me over and asked for my driver's id. When he leaned in to take it, his eyes narrowed. He asked me to step out. Asked me why I had a marijuana pipe on my console. I corrected him that it was a jobey-brand bent briar purchased ages ago for use with tobacco only. He informed me, confidentially, that he had never smelt marijuana more strongly in his life, than in the cab of my car and asked if he could call in a k9 unit. Also informing me that I was in jeopardy for leaving an opened empty beer can in my passenger side floorboard.(which in actuality was a cleverly disguised Stewart's root beer bottle, label and all)

    Fifteen minutes of cold later, I was told I could reenter my vehicle and to wait to receive my citation...for having an expired license January...

    That's been my latest brush with the GAS or Great American Stormtroopers. Apparently I look like a stoner(this was cautiously explained to me with an embarrassed face after the investigations.)

    Any stories to tell about visitations from the men in blue? (BTW, any hurtful slurs used against uniformed authority in this post were purely intentional and should be regarded as stemming from personal spite)

    Last edited by Sinister; 02-01-2010 at 04:39 AM.

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  2. #2
    #LOCKE4GOD Encounters of the 5-0 kind... Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    One time I was at a new years' party. It was when I still smoked marijuana, and a group of us were in the back yard, smoking. There was also a fair amount of under-age drinking (so, 17 and unders), and the music wasn't on the quiet side. I think some of the party had spilled out onto the street, but I wasn't in much of a state to verify that. Anyhoo, a police car pulled up, and some people out the front panicked. They ran out the back, yelling about a "raid". Having no idea of the scale of said 'raid', further panic ensued. People tried to run away, climbing over the back fence, and then across a creek. Myself, I tried to hide under the trampoline. Which wasn't going to work, but I was convinced it would.

    After a number had ran away, and the rest were hidden (including one person who had tried to climb into a piano), my friend - the host - came around and said that it was just his neighbour coming home. His neighbour was a police officer.

    Apart from the face palm, I haven't run into the boys and girls in blue in any negative context. But I hate when people act really uncooperative towards the police. Like people who abuse the fact that police can't search your bag without a warrant (or the owner's permission). Hello? You reek of drugs and alcohol. You're in a liquor-ban area, and drugs are illegal. Stop being a ****, and just give up.

  3. #3
    Registered User Encounters of the 5-0 kind...
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    I've had my own experiences with the law. Some are just minor stories, but I do have one really embarrassing one. I hate telling this story, and I feel like an idiot when I do, but here it goes anyway:

    I was driving late at night about 7 years ago. I was heading to Wal-Mart with a friend of mine, because we were bored and apparently that's the best plan we had. Anyway, as I was driving along, this red truck pulls up along side me. I needed to get into that lane so I speed up to get passed him. The truck speeds up as well. So I decide to slow down, and the truck slows down too. Basically, the truck was mimicking my driving pattern, and did it for a while. My friend notices that the truck won't let me get in the other lane, so she tells me to get off on the exit coming up, and that we'll just take the long way. So I did, and I don't have any more problems with the truck and it's driver, since it didn't follow us off the exit. So we reach our destination, but as soon as I pull in the parking lot, three police cars surround my car. My friend and I were like "Okay, what the hell is this?". I pull over and I see that red truck parked along with the police cars. A guy comes up to my driver's side window and asks me if I recognize that red truck, and tells me that I was trying to have a race with the driver of that truck. I was speechless that I was getting pulled over for something like that, especially when that wasn't what happened at all. He informed me that my "driving pattern looked to him like I was trying to set him up for a race." Bullshit. Oh, and for the cherry on top, the driver of the truck was an off-duty police officer.

    I get a speech about the dangers of road rage and aggressive driving, and all the cops go on thier merry way. I was really upset because I felt like I had been lured in to some sort of trap (not to mention horribly embarrassed), and my friend was pissed too. I finally calmed down enough that I could drive back home, and I tell my mom about what happened. She was pissed that I got treated like that, but she calmed me down and told me not to worry, since their was no evidence against me and it didn't go on my driving record. If it had, she would have definately raised hell over it.

    So that's my story. I hate that it happened, and I still feel like it was just an unfair misunderstanding that I got the blame for, but it's in the past, and I can't do anything about it now.

    EDIT:: So, I guess I have my own personal spite for the men in blue, but not all of them.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 02-01-2010 at 02:07 AM.
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  4. #4
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    Damnit Sin, you crackhead.

    I've seen a few things which have made me facepalm as a security guard. Since a joint is rolled with tobacco and smoking one often releases the smell of tobacco some police officers seem to think anything along the lines of a cigar/pipe/whatever is marijuana. It doesn't help that your garden variety cigarette doesn't smell as strongly of tobacco which further misleads anyone with jack experience smoking different things.

    Maybe they should do a brief training session where the cops get whacked just so they know the smell and everything?
    victoria aut mors

  5. #5
    Sir Prize Encounters of the 5-0 kind... Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    Goddamnit, Nathan!!! Now everyone knows about the crack... Ladies and Gentlemen, I assure you folks, I usually/only use Crack Cocaine. I never touch Marijuana... Honest.

    But to add insult to injury, the officer in question told me to "Buy a new brand of tobacco immediately." **** you, officer. I happen to like this "Brand".

    Last edited by Sinister; 02-01-2010 at 02:24 AM.

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  6. #6
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    Goddamnit, Nathan!!! Now everyone knows about the crack... Ladies and Gentlemen, I assure you folks, I usually/only use Crack Cocaine. I never touch Marijuana... Honest.

    But to add insult to injury, the officer in question told me to "Buy a new brand of tobacco immediately." **** you, officer. I happen to like this "Brand".

    Did you tell him to go suck your tobacco?
    victoria aut mors

  7. #7
    Sir Prize Encounters of the 5-0 kind... Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    Did you tell him to go suck your tobacco?
    Not...outloud...Where it could be...heard.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

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  8. #8
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Encounters of the 5-0 kind... Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    One of the greatest moments in my life (definitely the best moment ever at my job) involved the police, but didn't happen to me (and I've probably told this story many times before but it makes me almost giddy so I'll tell it again). So some old, fat woman got caught shoplifting at the store. As is protocol, the police are called, and they try to arrest her. They simply ask her to get on her knees, and she refuses over and over again. Eventually, after she becomes more and more upset, flailing at the officers who are just trying to contain her, they taze her. This all happened right by the register I was working. What's really weird/sort of awesome is that the electricity from the tazer messes with the electronics around it, and my register's screen shut off for a second. Also, you can totally feel it in your heart. And that night will live forever in my heart.

    Other than that, one time a party I was at got broken up. I was completely sober, though, so I had no problems. Also, one time I got a parking ticket. That's pretty much it. I'm basically a little angel.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  9. #9
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    I haven't really had any overtly unpleasant dealings with police officers (other than being ticketed a couple times, and pulled over for reasons I've thought were kinda bogus, but not ticketed.) My friends, however...

    One was pulled over for having a light out in the back, and when the officer saw his face, he was convinced that my friend was this "John Wayne" character that he had wrestled with and arrested the day before, or something. He took my friend's wallet, was quizzing him on its contents, and was trying to get him to admit the whole time that he was John Wayne. My friend would not.

    Two of the married couples in our group have been mistaken for perpetrators of domestic disputes. In both cases, nothing was going on at their houses, and the cops had the wrong house. Never an apology was given, and in one case, the couple was treated rather rudely; the girl was naked on the couch, and wanted to change into some clothes, but the officer would not let her leave his sight. In the other couple's case, it was in the middle of the morning, and both of them had been asleep. (Actually, I think that case was the neighbors being assholes to them, because they got noise complaints from the same neighbors on various occasions, too. Part of the reason they decided they needed to move out.)

    One friend was recently ticketed for going 70 miles an hour in a 55 mile an hour zone, when he was in fact going 60, 65 at the most. He was also in a "safety corridor," so the fine doubled. When he asked the officer to see his radar reading, the officer told him there was "nothing to see." Later, I was told by another friend that they are legally supposed to show you the reading if you ask them to.

    Finally, a friend was arrested for stealing a game he did not steal. The officer was convinced he was guilty on looking at him, basically, and would not let him leave his office until he cried. It was the first time he'd ever been arrested for anything. The judge recognized this, and was pissed off at the officer. If my friend could have stayed, he would have been able to take the officer and the accuser to court, but he had to leave. So he payed a fine, and it is to go away all together in a couple months here if he doesn't get into any trouble.

    So there's kind of a feeling around here that our policemen our douche bags. One of my friends' moms has even said that, of the cops in this town, probably 5% actually do their job right, haha. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  10. #10
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    Oh good god this might take a few minutes, I have had several dealings with teh guys in blue and most of them where obsurd, others where justified.

    1: I was trying to get home from a long night at school after also pulling a 13 hours shift that morning. I was driving the turn pike try to get home when all of a sudden this jack ass brake checks me for aboslutly no reason. I slowed down and let him regain speed and distance. Next thing I know I was catching back up to him and all of the sudden he does it again. I try to swerve and go around him and he swerves in front of me and does it again.

    We hit the toll road and it dumped into 5 lanes right before the toll gates, I had a pike pass so I thought I could ditch the looser. He ran the toll road and decided to break check me again.

    At this point I had enough and decided to take advantage of the widened road and cut hard right, down shifted to 3rd and took off. He followed me clear down to the shoulder. I managed to pass him and he damn near ran off of the road.

    So at this point I am pissed and scared at the same time so I peg the car I am in 1MPH before the rev limiter, which was 98 and hauled balls. After I gained about a 3 mile stretch ahead of him I shut it down and started to slow down and maintain the distance.

    At the same time I decided to slow down my pike pass hit the floor. I reached down to grab it and when I looked back up I saw the cherries from a squad car kick on. He pulled me over.

    As I slid to the side of the road and he pulled up behind me, the douche in the truck passed by honking.

    I had 2 options to tell the whole truth or tell the half truth. I decided on the later. I told the officer how my pike pass had hit the floor and I had bent over to pick it up and I must of hit the excellerator in doing so. I explained how my car had alot of torque so it could of easily made th transition from 75MPH to higher speeds. With the suspension that was in it the change in RMPs and acceleration couldnt be felt.

    He told me the story was to hanus to not be true and let me got with a verbal.

    2: We took a friend out for her 21st b-day. We had hit a few bars and landed at the boobie bar known as "night trips". I was DD for rthe night and had 1 beer at the begining of the night. After hanging out there for a few hours we decided to leave.

    We all loaded up in my car and when I left the parking lot I hit a patch of water and my back tires broke free (same car as told about in story 1). Next thing I know I see the spinning lights of ill fortune behind me.

    I pull over and the officer walks up to the car and asks me to step out. The car reaked of alchohol. I was forced to do a field sobriety test, which sucked. It was the one where you have to balance on one leg and count with your amrs out stretched. I told the officers of my physical condition ( that I had tore all of the muscles in both calfs a few months before and that it still gave me problems ) and he insisted that I still do the test.

    After I made it to 30 seconds I had to tell him my leg was killing me and that I had to switch legs. He looked pissed but agreed telling me to start where I left off. 31 thousand 32 thousand, he told me to stop. Clearly I was sober.

    I then asked the officer for a favor after he said I was "clear to go" and to "watch those wet spots".

    I asked him to pretend he was arresting me and I would pretend to break away from him and hop back into my car to freak everyone out. He agreed. He pulled out the cuffs and pretended that he put one side on me and I "broke loose" and headed to my car and jumped in the drivers seat screaming "we are gettting the **** out of here".

    Everyone in the car was freaked out screaming and yelling at me to not do it when they suddenly realized the cops had drove off a few minutes before.

    3: My first vehicle was a 1985 GMC seirra classic, it was a beautiful truck that was highly modified and ran mid 12s in the 1/4 mile. The only down side was it had the stock steering wheel and attchements and had a tendency to kick the reverse lights on when driving forwards down the road.

    I got pulled over for this, keep in mind it is not illegle to have this happen. I was ticketed for failure to carry a proof of insurance. So I went back to my dads and got it out of my school bag and went to the police station to have the ticket revoked.

    The same cop that gave me the ticket told me to "go **** myself" and that I "would have to appear before a judge to have it removed, if I didn't appear in less then 48 hours I would have my license revoked for 3 years."

    I missed a half of a day of school and a full shift of work because of that d-bag and damn near lost my job because of it.

    Ok that is it for now even though I have a few more stories to tell. I am sure this would turn into a multi post if I keep going. I will have to add a few more stories in the future.
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  11. #11
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    My only real encounter with law enforcement has been a favorite story of mine to tell.

    I live in a city, the cops rarely do anything. The only times I've interacted with one was when my car was broken into and I called and filed a police report for insurance reasons, was in minor accident and, again, called the police to file a report for insurance reasons, and another when I got into a pretty major accident in downtown St. Louis and police and an ambulance came (for the other driver, who was not injured.)

    However.... I was in Rolla, MO, a small college town about 100 miles west of St. Louis one night. I did the "St. Louis roll" (that is, slow to 5 mph then go through the intersection) through a stop sign because I was not expecting the other driver to stop.

    Well, they didn't. And it was an ambulance. Keep in mind it was dark, all I saw were headlights (emergency lights were not on, they were just driving normally.) As it turns out, they didn't have a stop sign going the opposite way. This was not clearly marked as it is in the city on large intersections of this nature (I've come to learn EVERY intersection is like this in Rolla)

    The ambulance nearly hit me, after she followed me, with her lights on, I pulled over. Seven (yes, seven) police vehicles came out to investigate this near accident. After 20 minutes of all now eight vehicles lights being on with me on the side of the road, someone finally asks to see my license and runs it. They hand it back to me ten minutes later, tell me to be more careful, and all leave.

    It was the most ridiculous thing I've ever experienced. Probably ALL of the on duty vehicles came out for this near accident in which no one was hurt, and wasted about 45 minutes of mine and their time.

  12. #12
    The Bad Boy of TFF Encounters of the 5-0 kind... Block's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    I was once arrested for an outstanding warrant while one of my passengers was holding an ounce of weed in his pocket. Thankfully he did not get searched, and he came to bail me out within fifteen minutes of processing. WIN. And Lose.
    Moral of the story is **** the police.

    Che filming me play San Andreas. I think it will drive the point in well.

  13. #13
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    It seems like the boys in blue need to figure out how to better spend their freetime on their hands. One day I was driving up to the mall or something, and I pass this cop. Nothing happens and I keep driving. About a minute later I see sirens behind me, so I pull over. The policeman gives me a fix-it ticket because I had my front plate on the dash instead of on the bumper, and it says that if I don't get it fixed within a week or something there can be a warrant for my arrest. It happened when I was like 16 and I still havent turned the ticket in

    Another time I got pulled over for having my music too loud. I wouldn't have a problem with it but it was 2 in the afternoon when I was driving home from school, lol. Who the **** is going to be home to complain about loud music? Christ...

    Another funny time was back at my Senior Homecoming dance. Me and my date went there, had a fun time, etc. Then the music got stopped because apparently we were "dancing too explicitly" (aka grinding, could be a lot worse but it wasn't). Nobody really cared so nothing changed. A little later, the principal started kicking people out, so me and my date were all like "**** this lets go to the parking lot." So we were dancing at the parking out, my buddies had loud amps/subs in there cars, we were having a good time, but then the long arm of the law came to the "rescue". Some cops showed up so we all scattered, most of us going back to some sophomore's house where we got dirty in the basement. But seriously, what kind of cop goes and breaks up a school dance? A ****ing ginger commie cop, that's who.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  14. #14
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    Hmmm. Not gonna talk about my first 2 traffic stops, pointless. One time I was leaving high school at my normal early time (10am PST) and I was going 35 in the 15 school zone. Cop pulled me over, blah blah blah bs here, walks to his car, comes back lets me go and says. "I only stopped you to talk to someone." I hated that guy.

    Skip ahead to March 2008 me and 2 friend left a party. Drunk high you know the deal. Just got good ol Jack n the Box and finished eating and started heading home (we were on the opposite side of town) and this cop I saw do a u turn coming after me I knew we were getting pulled over, before the cop turned onto the major street I was on I tried to get a huge head start on them. Didn't work, they got me, me and my friends are holding like crazy, we hide out stash cops talk to us. Friend in back seat has had domestic violence, making this whole questioning worse. Cops let us go. Skip ahead 10 minutes on the freeway, a Mustang spins out in front of us, goes thru 3 lanes misses me and crashes into the wall.

    March 2009 I got pulled over speeding, had my stash on me, got lucky he didn't smell anything. Same with my 2nd speeding ticket, nothing on us though.

    And my last time with a cop.

    Friend and I in a parking lot waiting for his girlfriend to get off work. We aren't parked in front of her work because they both work there and if they found out they were dating he would get transferred to a store that would get closed down. A car pulls up behind us and with a cop right behind them and the cop hits the lights and the car....parks....right next to us. Naturally I can just leave real quick but I didn't, bad move. We have a backpack full of weed, baggies, my friend is going to jail. The other cop calls in a 2nd car and he comes to my window, first thing he says when the window goes down. "Woah, you guys just get done smoking a joint!?" Truth, we didn't, he smelt his backpack, I played it off. Because I did get done smoking 30 minutes before that, told him I was at a house, they smoke, I don't because I'm unemployed (lol). Friend tells officer about his girlfriend and work except says he will get fired instead of transferred lol. I step out, he is searching me when my friend's girlfriend walks up he then says, "You guys just smell really bad." Lets us go.
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  15. #15
    Death Before Dishonor Encounters of the 5-0 kind... Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Encounters of the 5-0 kind...

    I won't tell to much, but I have had several encounters with the police. I was somewhat of a problem child so all my offenses were pre-18. My first happened whenever I was 13 some dickhead was smarting off so I knocked the f*ck out of him. Apparently that is assualt...who knew...

    Next when I was 15. I was an avid pill user, everyday had to have myself some pills. Not unusually in the area I live( Appalachia lots of drug fiends). I was at a party, and some guy got his ass beat, they put him in a coma. Cops showed up, and searched us all, of course I had a pocket full of pills(Vicodin, Percocet, Loracet, and Norco) they didn't like that so I got three months in juvie...Not to bad coulda been a lot worse.

    I got pulled over by the cops Sunday night. Apparently I was driving 15mph on the wrong side of the road. Cops pulled me over, made me do a field sobriety test(which I failed) then arrested me. It was a great night honest. Loved every second of it.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

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