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Thread: Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A

  1. #1
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A

    If you have any questions regarding the rules or characters, please ask them here. The rule thread is locked, and I'd rather not see the character thread cluttered with such things. Additionally, if there are any questions during the battle, just direct them toward this thread.

  2. #2
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I have asked each side to rank their warriors accordingly, but the final pairings will be posted as soon as I get the go-ahead from your leaders. Some of you thirst for the same blood, so that makes things a bit difficult when it comes to "best serving the participants." I figured I would go ahead and throw this out there for any who chooses to ask. The only 100% definite pairing right now is that of ToroMor and Anomaly.

    The three of us felt it would be best to let the writers decide amongst themselves who should have the first post, for the sake of building a stronger overall story. Remember, even though this is a war, you will still be graded upon flow and creativity. In this case, working with the enemy may be to your advantage. If a pairing cannot decide who will go first, I will (quite literally) flip a coin to decide for you.


    Friday, 17 August 2007, will mark the official starting time for this war. I chose a Friday as it will be most convenient for everyone to get the ball rolling on a weekend. Plus, I have Friday off, so it works for me as well.


    There was an expression from both sides about wanting to keep this short. I'm cutting it at eight weeks, giving you AMPLE time to get a minimum of ten posts each. I expect these threads to be epic. I want to spend two hours judging each battle. Make this difficult for me. There should be no easy decisions here. Official end date will be Friday, 12 October 2007. If for some reason I am unable to make this deadline to close off the threads, a call will be placed to Fuzz, Cain, or Dawezy to close them off for me.

  3. #3
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    ToroMor v. Anomaly
    Akira v. Paradoxical Prophet
    Bryan v. Behemoth
    Nin` v. Lucid
    Sir Kenneth v. Nekoness

    I have chosen to list you by username rather than title. Brotherhood members are only listed first as they are the attacking faction. Here are the reserves for each side:

    BOD: darkVivi
    BOD: Faustus
    BOD: Gorath Sodom
    BOD: Itachi Uchiha
    BOD: Winter
    TM: Decay
    TM: Essence
    TM: Godean
    TM: GrimmJaw
    TM: Prodigal Madness

    *Note: These are in alphabetical order... nothing special. Don't let it get to you.

  4. #4
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Zephyr's Avatar
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    If you would be so kind as to check over my character, LocoColt, it would be greatly appreciated. I posted in the thread.

    I guess this answers the question of whether or not the permissions are set properly.

    To all involved; My character uses chronomancy (time magic). I'm well aware of the issues that this can cause, so if *anyone* has a problem with me using it, now is the time to let me know. I do promise not to over-use it, and to not use it to cheat. Because that's no fun.

    With regard to First Post - Akira, you can have it. I'm at university until 10pm on Fridays, and I have work at 9am on Saturdays, so I'd rather not have you waiting on me to post it.
    Last edited by Zephyr; 08-14-2007 at 02:11 AM.

  5. #5
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Question: may the characters be described as they usually are or should we also describe the special 'setup' for the fight? This touches issues of, for example, (additional) equipment, clothing gimmicks etc that are used solely for this fight. I figure it corresponds to the question of how much details will be used in the common war introduction.

    EDIT: posting works! :P
    Last edited by ToroMor; 08-14-2007 at 02:18 AM.

  6. #6
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    @Prophet -- I have no problem with you using it, but it's fair of you to ask if your opponents do. So long as no one objects, I'm going to allow it. After all, if we are to fully explore the possibilities of loose rulings, we should experiment with such things.

    @Toro -- Anything of relative importance should be included in the biography. Minor details can be overlooked, but if we're talking separate equipment of any sort, it needs to be posted. Something to the tune of clothing other than armor and such isn't that big of a deal, so long as you're thorough enough in your introductory post to explain anything different from your profile -- realize that your opponents will be working from the biographies posted to describe anything you choose not to.

    Side note: I just realized I should edit something regarding post-editing into the rules. As a quick note here, I'll allow the editing of character profiles to continue until the time the war begins, and I think I'll allow a 15-minute grace period for editing battle posts, much like the TOA.

  7. #7
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    @Prophet -- I have no problem with you using it, but it's fair of you to ask if your opponents do. So long as no one objects, I'm going to allow it. After all, if we are to fully explore the possibilities of loose rulings, we should experiment with such things.
    I agree.

    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04
    @Toro -- Anything of relative importance should be included in the biography. Minor details can be overlooked, but if we're talking separate equipment of any sort, it needs to be posted. Something to the tune of clothing other than armor and such isn't that big of a deal, so long as you're thorough enough in your introductory post to explain anything different from your profile -- realize that your opponents will be working from the biographies posted to describe anything you choose not to.
    I intended to write all details in my intro post, so I was concerned if you would need them beforehand for the root intro. Anyway, I'm going to add some "battle configuration" stuff into my bio and add some more descriptive details.
    Last edited by ToroMor; 08-15-2007 at 11:40 PM.

  8. #8
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I won't start the threads until all ten of the biographies for the starters are posted; therefore, if there is even one post missing from the group, it will be delayed until all ten are accounted for.

    I just thought I'd throw that out there now before it gets too much later. It is Thursday, after all, depending upon your time zone. I don't mind a day or two's worth of delay, but getting this underway on schedule would be preferred.

  9. #9
    As I just saw my opponent is Sir Kenneth. I have read his profile and found an error I would like to present before you. His fighting abilities are not detailed enough. Actually all it says that he has powers of dark nature.

    What kind of powers? I couldn't find an answer to this question. Such an abstracted form of describing his fighting abilities(especially magic and those nasty surprieses he mentioned in his profile) gives Sir Kenneth an unlimited freedom to use his attacks and break limits in any way he wishes to. I would like Sir Kenneth to put some more thought into his character's abilities.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Nekoness View Post
    As I just saw my opponent is Sir Kenneth. I have read his profile and found an error I would like to present before you. His fighting abilities are not detailed enough. Actually all it says that he has powers of dark nature.

    What kind of powers? I couldn't find an answer to this question. Such an abstracted form of describing his fighting abilities(especially magic and those nasty surprieses he mentioned in his profile) gives Sir Kenneth an unlimited freedom to use his attacks and break limits in any way he wishes to. I would like Sir Kenneth to put some more thought into his character's abilities.
    Seeing as no character template was agreed upon by Anomaly, ToroMor, and Loco, I am free to go into as little (or much) detail as I like. And in the light of my character being a physical fighter, a throughout description of any magical powers at my disposal, is even more redundant.
    I will however humour you in one aspect and elaborate on my character's physical fighting style a little bit. My description of magic abilities is as confining as the magical abilities of your fellow Master Paradoxical Prophet who is describing only what he might do. Yet I do not see you questioning his bio.
    The rules agreed upon concerning God Modding and use of magical abilities, summoning, etc. Should be more than plenty to ensure that noone steps beyond what is right and reasonable. We are going to war tomorrow, so I suggest that instead of pecking on my profile, you get your own posted up ;)
    Last edited by Sir Kenneth; 08-16-2007 at 10:44 AM.

  11. #11
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Anomaly's Avatar
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    A fine rebuttle, but know that any spell that is used existing outside of what perameters you have detailed may result in your disqualification from this combat. We unlocked the level cap on POWER, not on ability. As you say, a specific Bio template was never discussed, so normal TFF rules would apply. (meaning you have free reign, but you use what abilities you list). You only hurt yourself by not being more detailed with your biography. Prophet may detail what he may do, but it is still detailed.

    ToroMor sets a good example of expressing a balanced amount of detail without revealing all his secrets.
    Last edited by Anomaly; 08-16-2007 at 10:57 AM.

  12. #12
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Although the discussion on spells sounds a bit like kindergarden, I am glad that the question was brought up before the battles start.

    As I see it, writing predefined "spells" in a bio is mostly bogus. I agree on having some meat on the bone when it comes to heavy magic users to get an "impression" of it. But distinct spells are for DnD players, not for decent writers. Magic can be formed into all kinds of effects. And I surely won't accept anyone getting disqualified because he uses magic that was not described beforehand in his profile. That's just lame, regarding the powers of all involved characters and the agreed "open" rules. If Sir Kenneth deems it enough description, he will surely be able to fulfill the criteria of a fair judgement. Of course, I agree that the "perimeters" of the decribed magic abilities should be maintained.

    Just my opinion.
    Last edited by ToroMor; 08-16-2007 at 11:16 AM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Anomaly View Post
    A fine rebuttle, but know that any spell that is used existing outside of what perameters you have detailed may result in your disqualification from this combat. We unlocked the level cap on POWER, not on ability. As you say, a specific Bio template was never discussed, so normal TFF rules would apply. (meaning you have free reign, but you use what abilities you list). You only hurt yourself by not being more detailed with your biography. Prophet may detail what he may do, but it is still detailed.

    ToroMor sets a good example of expressing a balanced amount of detail without revealing all his secrets.
    Anomaly, my possible disqualification because of my lack on an indepth description of magical abilities, is at best your own interpretation of the TFF RPB rules. It is stated that I have to make a biography. How much detail I want to go into concerning magical abilities is entirely my own decision. Following the TFF RPB rules slavishly that is...

  14. #14
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    ^I agree.

    Pray let's not be TOO anal about the magic rules.
    Trusting we have a competent judge, there should be no need for this.

  15. #15
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Anomaly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Kenneth View Post
    Anomaly, my possible disqualification because of my lack on an indepth description of magical abilities, is at best your own interpretation of the TFF RPB rules. It is stated that I have to make a biography. How much detail I want to go into concerning magical abilities is entirely my own decision. Following the TFF RPB rules slavishly that is...
    I'm not saying you need to name each and every spell or combination of spells you intend to use. I certainly have not nor do I intend to. All I'm talking about are general abilities. A general idea.

    If you have dark powers, in what form do they manifest? If darkness is at the heart of all of your magical abilities, can they all be negated or absorbed by someone who feeds on dark power?

    A good example, as I previously stated, can be foudn in your leader. He too has general 'dark powers', but he goes further and names these dark powers as those relating to destruction, necromancy, and the flame.

    Lets face facts, I could summon a wall of ice through the powers of darkness, but thats not necissarily what one associates with such powers.

    You've stated clearly your not an elemental, you have the backing of a God, but are more a physical fighter than a magic user. This is all fine and I don't care WHAT happens to you, but I would like to avoid any disagreements that revovle around what our characters CAN and CANNOT do in the middle of battle.

    I would've prefered not to have gone into this the day before the start of the war as well, but if there is ANY disagreement, I should like to see it settled now. If Nekoness has a problem with her opponent, then it needs to be settled. Be it by a competent judge or ourselves, I've no problem.
    Last edited by Anomaly; 08-16-2007 at 11:45 AM.

  16. #16
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Akira's Avatar
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    Yeah, I don't think we should be required to post anything about specifics if we deem it not fit. Take a real battle for would not start off a battle by telling your opponent all your tactics and strategies beforehand! That would be utter lunacy, and making such details a requirement is equally ludicrous. Furthermore, I find it a truly disappointing feat that you would even be willing to resort to technicalities to try and gain a victory over your opponent, especially when it's something as idiotic as this. I see this as utterly dishonourable...seems some would be satisfied with a default victory.

  17. #17
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    I partly agree with you, Anomaly. Somewhere between listing each and every little spell or ability which a character possesses and foreclosing all actions that he might perform, and just writing "fighter, quite experienced", we should try to generate a vivid image of our characters, may they be sword swingers or spell throwers. It is the writer's responsibility to present a consistent picture during the fight and that should be judged. But it is absolutely unacceptable to limit the characters to specific actions/spells/etc., based on what examples they gave in their bio. It has to be something reasonable between.

    As I see it, we should now continue to post the bios.
    As Loco stated, they can be edited until the clash starts.
    Last edited by ToroMor; 08-16-2007 at 12:26 PM.

  18. #18
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Anomaly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToroMor View Post
    I partly agree with you, Anomaly. Somewhere between listing each and every little spell or ability which a character possesses and foreclosing all actions that he might perform, and just writing "fighter, quite experienced", we should try to generate a vivid image of our characters, may they be sword swingers or spell throwers. It is the writer's responsibility to present a consistent picture during the fight and that should be judged. But it is absolutely unacceptable to limit the characters to specific actions/spells/etc., based on what examples they gave in their bio. It has to be something reasonable between.

    As I see it, we should now continue to post the bios.
    As Loco stated, they can be edited until the clash starts.
    Yes, I fully agree. Colt seemed to express an interest in reviewing each bio in any event.

  19. #19
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToroMor View Post
    As I see it, writing predefined "spells" in a bio is mostly bogus.


    Of course, I agree that the "perimeters" of the decribed magic abilities should be maintained.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anomaly View Post
    I'm not saying you need to name each and every spell or combination of spells you intend to use. I certainly have not nor do I intend to. All I'm talking about are general abilities. A general idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by ToroMor View Post
    But it is absolutely unacceptable to limit the characters to specific actions/spells/etc., based on what examples they gave in their bio. It has to be something reasonable between.

    So, put two and two together. And then add two. >_>

    That's what's needed. A loose outline of the abilities, not necessarily the specific spells themselves. Not like it hurts to include those if you want to, but at the very least, some form of identification needs to exist. "Dark Powers" could be anything from Necromancy to Arcana. Specify without giving everything away. I agree with Anomaly in that ToroMor's profile is a really good example of outlining your abilities (albeit unbalanced when looking at the "stats" near the top... insane strength and colossal magic?).

  20. #20
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Short note: Nin` told me that he had problems loading TFF yesterday. So he'll post his character asap today. If not, he will mail me and I'll post it for him. Looks like we are able to start timely.

  21. #21
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Nin`'s Avatar
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    Thanks ToroMor, much appreciated. First of all I apologise for my latency. Punctuality is a hard thing to keep with work and a PDA, especially when so much writing and editing is required.

    Anyway my bio is up. I’ve included quite a bit of historical and descriptive detail to save anyone who cares to read it all from any confusions that may arise. You don’t have to read it all, but the options is there should you want to. If Lucid, or anyone has any problems with it let me know ASAP so we can resolve the issue as quickly and efficiently as possible.


    Last edited by Nin`; 08-17-2007 at 07:40 AM.

  22. #22
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I notice a lot of you have "to be continued" in your profiles. Can I make a deal with you? Since all ten have posted, we should be getting this underway -- but I'm helping a friend move into his apartment today and then there's some big campfire tonight.

    I'm out of work at two tomorrow. I'll start typing stuff up in any of my free time this afternoon so that when I get home from work tomorrow I can finish up anything that's left and get it posted. Deal? Good, I thought so. Make any last edits you guys need to make. ^_^

    Plus, this will give you a chance to alter/remove anything you or your opponents feel shouldn't belong.

  23. #23
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Nin`'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    Deal? Good, I thought so.
    I feel cheated Loco, all that haste for nothing :( But then you are the admin/judge, so I guess you can do as you like ^^ (for now...)

    Cheers for the extra time though.


  24. #24
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Anomaly's Avatar
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    Very well. The site has had some problems loading of late and this reprive may give those people time to put that final polish on their characters.

  25. #25
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    It's just as well, I keep getting PMs regarding characters, so this will give everyone a chance to make any final adjustments -- as well as give anyone who has concerns the opportunity to send me (or the writer) a message.

  26. #26
    This is my sin... Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Lucid's Avatar
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    You should feel lucky Neko, dear...
    My opponent has to spend 500 million years just talking about his six foot long sword...

    And in case I missed it, is there a limit to the number of actions per turn in a post?
    Last edited by Lucid; 08-17-2007 at 06:30 PM.

  27. #27
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Anomaly's Avatar
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    Aside from casting five magic spells in a row (which you shouldn't unless there's a damned good reason), I don't think we ever really discussed it. There's only so much you can do before it starts hurting the flow of your own post.

  28. #28
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Where's the beef????????
    We hunger for blood!

  29. #29
    This is my sin... Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Lucid's Avatar
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    I've decided I will let Nin` have the first post of our fight, if he so wishes.

  30. #30
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Anomaly and I agreed on him doing the first post.

    Loco, where's the battle???
    Our thirst for bloodshed is pestering!!!!

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