I recently have been pulled over and detained on a highway for suspicion of marijuana use. I admit that my license plate was expired. He pulled me over and asked for my driver's id. When he leaned in to take it, his eyes narrowed. He asked me to step out. Asked me why I had a marijuana pipe on my console. I corrected him that it was a jobey-brand bent briar purchased ages ago for use with tobacco only. He informed me, confidentially, that he had never smelt marijuana more strongly in his life, than in the cab of my car and asked if he could call in a k9 unit. Also informing me that I was in jeopardy for leaving an opened empty beer can in my passenger side floorboard.(which in actuality was a cleverly disguised Stewart's root beer bottle, label and all)
Fifteen minutes of cold later, I was told I could reenter my vehicle and to wait to receive my citation...for having an expired license plate...in January...
That's been my latest brush with the GAS or Great American Stormtroopers. Apparently I look like a stoner(this was cautiously explained to me with an embarrassed face after the investigations.)
Any stories to tell about visitations from the men in blue? (BTW, any hurtful slurs used against uniformed authority in this post were purely intentional and should be regarded as stemming from personal spite)