Originally Posted by
Consult Urban Dictionary. Really the whole fraternity thing coupled with the occasional spam etc really does make me think bro.
Really the one member some of you guys pretty much chased out directly happened a while ago, so bringing him up again would be beating a dead horse. You like to speak your mind, cool, so do I.
But then we get to the more recent member leavings. They didn't leave through any direct action, but because this place went from one thing a few years back to something that can be seen in several places online. And that's pretty much why I'm not trying to fly under the radar or anything. I've become apathetic to some degree as most members (and past members) I care for can (in some cases exclusively) only be reached through other means like MSN and facebook.
I only bothered replying as it look like you put a lot of effort into your post Pete, but this is all I have to say on the matter. Note that of late I haven't been actively pursuing any member, and only really show my scorn on CPC8 specific threads. What can I say, it's rude to ignore bait when it was so elaborately prepared...