Haha no way! I never did that..i guess i'm gonna have to return to Bujerba and check that out. Definitely sounds hilarious.
Anywayz im calling it a night. Fought thru the jungle forever trying to find the vorpal bunny hunt. Basically, this is by far the most annoying hunt i have ever embarked on (not hard, just annoying). This enemy is not hard at all, i manage to finally find it in the southern part so i'm like hmm, how hard can a bunny be? I unleash all the mist quickenings i can and he gets down to a sliver of life. Great right, i can easily finish him off? Well god that son of a is SO FAST, so immediately he runs away and i of course follow along. In the proccess of trying to catch up with him an almost endless supply of dark skeletons appear and start raping my team. What am i do to i ask myself, keep going for the bunny or stop to try and kill these guys. Well after a hard fought battle i kill the group and meet back up with the bunny. Well, wouldn't you know that his HP is full again, i'm basically out of MP, and suddenly even more skeleton warriors are appearing.