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Thread: My assault on Cloud Strife (Spoilers for the five people who haven't played this)

  1. #31
    Sargeant Tastycakes My assault on Cloud Strife (Spoilers for the five people who haven't played this) dustinpro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Lenoir City,TN

    Re: My assault on Cloud Strife (Spoilers for the five people who haven't played this)

    ...Final Fantasy VII is just that a fantasy.Get a life,people.
    Man,I wish I had your life,Antidrall.
    Because if a fictional character pisses you off that much,then you mustn't have very many problems.
    I personally know of people who've lost unborn children during childbirth and I walk by a man who is living behind a local Mexican restaraunt every day on my way to this computer in the public library.(sterotypical hollywood interprtations of the homeless just doesn't do reality much justice.)
    I myself have been living in extreme poverty ever since I could remember and I still make time to get to know this man and give him all the loose change I can.

  2. #32
    Registered User My assault on Cloud Strife (Spoilers for the five people who haven't played this) NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Jul 2010
    Marlboro, NY

    Re: My assault on Cloud Strife (Spoilers for the five people who haven't played this)

    The most unrelatable argument is the Buster Sword one. This is still a game. There are talking ... whatever Red XIII is. And magic summons. And giants weapons. And lifestreams. I think the idea of a character being able to carry a giant sword is not outside the realm of possibility in a fictional world. Why would that be the ONLY thing one would point out as unrealistic? And why not, for the same argument, condemn Sephiroth for using a 7 foot blade that in real life would also be nearly impossible to use. And as for muscles... Well. I know some pretty strong people who don't have that jacked appearance that is the tell tale sign of strength. And once again, it's all fiction. If the world is okay with a daddy fish looking for his son fish (finding Nemo), then I think we can forgive Cloud for being the unreasonably powerful dude he is.

    And as for the personality... well. That's just opinion. Can't really debate someone's opinion. haha

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