Umm, shouldn't this be in Humor/Word games Forum?
I'll join as Vincent.
I'm thinking of starting FFVII's story here. I mean I'll give you a situation and you'll pick from a set of answers that I provide and whoever can last the longest or to the end wins. I won't do the entire story because that would be too long, but just the basics. If anyone is interested post the name of the character you want to be and 3 numbers like:
[Name of Character]
Now not everyone who signs up will get picked only one per character will. The story will be a little shifted so that the person who picked Aeris(Aerith) won't be kicked out. I'm hoping that this will be a success. Btw I will not be participating I will be providing the story. I'll explain more next week if enough players sign up. We need:
Cloud, Tifa, Aeris(Aerith), Barret, Cait Sith, Vincent, Cid, Yuffie, and Red XII(Nanaki)
Umm, shouldn't this be in Humor/Word games Forum?
I'll join as Vincent.
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
My junk:
Daz 3d! Awesome!
This thread most likely will get moved to humor/word games...
I will join the story as Cid Highwind...
Well the way TC posted it, it should go to the humor/word games board.
I join as Cloud Strife
I'll be Cait Sith!!!
Well, someone has to be him. May as well sign up for it.
All shall fear my mighty megaphone and giant Mog creature!!!! Or something.
::EDIT:: I forgot to pick three numbers....
[Cait Sith]
[3, 6, 7]
Last edited by Dodie16; 11-19-2009 at 12:05 PM. Reason: Picking numbers.
Click at your own risk.:
I want to be Nanaki!
"Take a chance.....roll the dice.......pick a card....whatever suits your'll lose either way...."
Organization XIII in a nutshell, in their most core personality:
We're still missing Aeris, Barret and Yuffie. Does anyone want to be a double character? Or do we want to just play the game without them? Your choice guys.
P.S. Many of you have forgot to give me the three numbers. If you do not supply me with them, you will be given random ones. These numbers will influence your begining stats.
I'll double as barret if neccesary, and any numbers? or single digit only? what?
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
My junk:
Daz 3d! Awesome!
I will double as Yuffie. Yay! I get to be the two most hated characters in the game!
I already chose my numbers for Cait Sith, so here's mine for Yuffie:
[5, 8, 4]
Last edited by Dodie16; 11-22-2009 at 09:07 PM. Reason: single digits
Click at your own risk.:
You just need three single-digit numbers.
I'll also be Aeris. the numbers I choose are [3,9,5]
Since I forgot Tifa's here's the numbers for her: [1,8,7]
Since Sunglasses was banned I will take Cloud off of his hands...
My Number's
Cloud- {7,6,5}
Cid- {4,9,3}
I still don't know exactly what they are for but my numbers shall be.....*rolls dice three times*.........{7,3,9}
"Take a chance.....roll the dice.......pick a card....whatever suits your'll lose either way...."
Organization XIII in a nutshell, in their most core personality:
Vincent and Barret still need numbers
Vincent - 5, 7, 9
Barret - 3, 6, 4
My numbers.
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
My junk:
Daz 3d! Awesome!
Everything's good to go. The three numbers are for LEVEL, ATTACK, DEFENSE, and MAGIC. There's no HP or MP. You get five PHOENIX DOWNs. Every time you choose wrongly you use one. LEVEL resembles your experience. ATTACK represents your strength. DEFENSE is your toughness. And MAGIC is your spirit and mind. The story will start at the Shinra mansion is Nibelheim when all the characters have gathered. The party has just incountered Sephiroth and is now heading to Mt. Nibel. Your stats are the following:
Cloud - LVL=9//ATK=6//DEF=7//MAG=5
Tifa - LVL=8//ATK=8//DEF=1//MAG=7
Barret - LVL=7//ATK=6//DEF=3//MAG=4
Aeris - LVL=9//ATK=9//DEF3//MAG=5
Yuffie - LVL=9//ATK=8//DEF=5//MAG=4
Red XIII - LVL=10//ATK=3//DEF=7//MAG=9
Cid - LVL=8//ATK=9//DEF=4//MAG=3
Vincent - LVL=11//ATK=7//DEF=5//MAG=9
Cait Sith - LVL=8//ATK=6//DEF=3//MAG=7
Battles are like a 'rock-paper-scissors.' If your stat is higher than the opponent, then you win and gain items/gil. Here's your first choice:
You're in the Shinra Mansion's basment. Sephiroth just threw a green materia at you and fled. What will you do?
A)Quickly grab the materia and chase after him. (Boss Battle- LOST NUMBER(LVL 6)
B)Leave the materia and chase after him. (No Battle)
C)Pick up a book and whip it at Sephiroth. (Humor)
Since I'm two characters then I do I get to do two commands? If so, then:
I want Yuffie to grab the materia and face the Lost Number monster (A). She likes materia, so she will face any danger in order to get it! Also, she's level 9 so she can take him on!
Yuffie used Greased Lightning! IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!!!
I want Cait Sith to whip out a book and chunk it at Sephy (C). I suppose Cait could take on Lost Number, since he has a high enough level, but since Cait is a comic-relief character, I think this is the best course of action!
Oh, and I don't want the book to actually hit Sephy. That would make me have sadface...
Oh and if I can only use one character per post, I'll edit out Cait Sith's turn.
Last edited by Dodie16; 11-28-2009 at 10:00 PM.
Click at your own risk.:
I too do not know whether we use one or both in each post so I will do both..
For Cloud I choose (B) chase Sephiroth. There is no point in worrying about Lost Number therefore I will give chase to Sephiroth...
For Cid I will choose (A) fight Lost Number. He is a hardass therefore he will battle with no fear.
Cid use Dragon Dive...
If only one command per post is exceptable ignore Cid's...
Barret (A) goes on to face the lost number.
Vincent is not available yet (You have to beat the lost number to get vncent)
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
My junk:
Daz 3d! Awesome!
Tifa (A) She's tough. Knowing her she could take on Lost Number.
Tifa uses Dolphin Blow.
Aeris (B) She'll just chase after Sephiroth.
You guys have two characters so yes, you can give two commands.
Red XIII would choose to (B) chase Seph. He needs to support Cloud and Aerith while Tifa, Barret, Cid, and Yuffie fight Lost Number and Cait just acts like Cait.
"Take a chance.....roll the dice.......pick a card....whatever suits your'll lose either way...."
Organization XIII in a nutshell, in their most core personality:
A) PASS (ATK+1//MAG+1//Destruct Materia//1000gil)
B) PASS (700gil)
C) PASS (You missed Sephiroth...//700gil)
NOTE: All characters passed. Take note of stat changes, as I won't always do it for you. I'll explain how to equip materia next week. Aslo take note of your gil. You can spend it on shops along the way.
The group exits the Shinra Mansion. Chasing after Sephiroth, they head for Mt. Nibel. Remembering rumors of hidden treasures, the group pauses at the base of the mountain. Should they:
A) Keep going. (Battle - Level 5 Sonic Speed)
B) Take the long way around to look for treasure. (Battle - Level 8 Dragon)
C) Stay behind and rest. (Skip//Not recommended)
Barret: B, he's tough!
Vincent: B, he's TOUGHER!
Galian Beast All the way!
Last edited by Alther Primus; 12-08-2009 at 06:14 PM.
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
My junk:
Daz 3d! Awesome!
Yay! Update!The adventure continues!
Okay here's my turn. I am also keeping up with my own stats so you don't have to worry about it.
I want Yuffie to take the long way around and hunt for the treasure (B). She has a high enough level, so she can take on the level 8 dragon with ease!
Yuffie's stats: LVL=9//ATK=10//DEF=5//MAG=5; Destruct Materia; 1000 gil; Phoenix Down = 5
As for ol' Cait, I'll have him keep going (A). I'm not sure if he could take down the dragon, although they are equally levelled. I don't want to risk using up a Phoenix Down right now. I may need those for later... He'll just beat up on some level 5 Sonic Speed enemies just to play it safe.
Cait Sith's stats: LVL=8//ATK=6//DEF=3//MAG=7; 700 gil; Phoenix Down = 5
Click at your own risk.:
Tifa will A) Keep going. She's at an equal with the dragon, so I'm not risking it. Just in case.
Aeris will B) go around and look for treasure. She's at a good level to fight the dragon.
(B) Cid feels he can take on the Dragon, so chooses B.
(A) Cloud feels uneasy about taking a dangerous, so he chooses A.
Sorry guys, we'll have to stop here. I won't be on for a while for Christmas. But here's a bonus problem:
You are suddenly warped to a distant world. In front of you are three boxes, each different size and color. Will you pick:
A)The big red box
B)The small blue box
C)The monster-sized orange box with purple spots
NOTE: Any box you pick will have a Christmas coupon. All you have to do is remember the number and when I get back, tell me, and you can exchange. (The number will be PMed to you) Hurry!