I'm thinking of starting FFVII's story here. I mean I'll give you a situation and you'll pick from a set of answers that I provide and whoever can last the longest or to the end wins. I won't do the entire story because that would be too long, but just the basics. If anyone is interested post the name of the character you want to be and 3 numbers like:
[Name of Character]
Now not everyone who signs up will get picked only one per character will. The story will be a little shifted so that the person who picked Aeris(Aerith) won't be kicked out. I'm hoping that this will be a success. Btw I will not be participating I will be providing the story. I'll explain more next week if enough players sign up. We need:
Cloud, Tifa, Aeris(Aerith), Barret, Cait Sith, Vincent, Cid, Yuffie, and Red XII(Nanaki)