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Thread: FF7- PS1 and PS2 Edition Difference?? Please Help

  1. #1

    FF7- PS1 and PS2 Edition Difference?? Please Help

    FF7- PS1 and PS2 Edition Difference?? Please Help


    Hi Guys.
    This is my first post, so please be easy on me if the following question sounds silly. Im waiting to get FF8 on the PS3 but thought i should play part 7 first as its had many good reviews.

    But which one should i play? the one on the PS1 or PS2????
    Is there a difference. I cant seem to find FF7 on PS2 anywhere.

    Please clarify...

    Many Thanks

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus FF7- PS1 and PS2 Edition Difference?? Please Help Victoria's Avatar
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    ....That's because there is no FF7 on the PS2. You can play the PS1 game -on- the PS2... but there is no PS2 version of the game.

  3. #3

    Re: FF7- PS1 and PS2 Edition Difference?? Please Help

    That is because there is not a PS2 version of FF7 it was only released on the PS1 or it can be downloaded on you PS3 of the PSN for £7.99. If you haven't got a PS3 (and that is a shame lol!!!) you should look it up on Amazon and you should be able to get a copy from there. Good Luck and happy gaming!!!


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