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Thread: Final Fantasy Tactics Review

  1. #1
    Eye in the Sky Final Fantasy Tactics Review Fuzz's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy Tactics Review

    Squaresoft made an unexpected turn when they announced Final Fantasy Tactics at the E3 of 1998. After their previous attempts of spinoff failures like Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest and the Final Fantasy Legend series for the Gameboy, they came up with an idea that astounded FF fans. A SIM RPG. Pakaged with Tobal No.1, was a playable demo of FFVII, and the first video of Final Fantasy Tactics. Gamers at the time were a little affraid of yet another failure at a FF spinoff, until the game was released.

    - The gameplay in FFT is like anyother SIM RPG, but the nicely done job system is incredible. You are able to hire and fire party members that assist you in battle, even Chocobos. These optional characters are fully playable and can gain levels and JP(job points). There are 19 different jobs in Final Fantasy Tactics, all with their own pros and cons. Split among the various different jobs are over 400 abilities including steal, megic, summon, death and more. The world map is basic. There is a dotted line you travel upon and you can't roam the world, but the random battles have returned.

    - SNES sprites are the main graphical engine, although there are a few FMV's at the beginning and end of the game. The graphics very much fit the game's setting and plot, and they more then allow for easy comprehension of what is happening in a scene. Even for graphics fan, you can still enjoy the quality of this FF title.

    - There are only a few songs in this game which are used often. Generic battle themes which fit the game fine, and won't be deleterious to your enjoyment. Sadly the master of all video game music Nobou Uematsu did not compose for this Final Fantasy title. Masaharu Iwata and Hitoshi Sakimoto composed the music and origional score. As for the sound effects, it only seemed like they had a few because they were used over and over again.

    - Romance, betrayal, and political intrigue, it's got it all. Based in a medieval/fantasy world Final Fantasy Tactics tells the story of Ramza Beoulve, a young prince of the enthroned Beoulve honor. The land of Ivalice is at war. The Gallione family, led by Prince Larg, and the Zeltennia, led by Prince Goltana are the opposing sides of what has been known as the Lion War. But what Ramza discovers is even more horrifying then any war. In the normal Square fashion, Final Fantasy Tactics' plotline was both captivating and complex. At sometimes it's hard to understand although; so many names and events are thrown at you at once. Very good development, it leaves you wanting more witch is always a positive. But you can love the story as much as you want; you'll end up throwing your copy out the window if you don't enjoy the battle system.

    Battle System
    - The battle system in Final Fantasy Tactics is like any SIM RPG. You battle on a grid where you take turns. The character can only move so many spaces for each of the different jobs.The maps are beautifly done and multiple camera angles give you a true movie like experiance.

    - Overall FFT is a incredible strong SIM RPG. Square made a risk developing this title and the outcome was astounding. After FFT other spinoffs like Chocobo's Dongeon 2, Chocobo Racing and Ehrgiez have been great games.Final Fantasy Tactics is truly a masterpiece that every gamer should own.
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  2. #2
    Lady of the Flowers Final Fantasy Tactics Review Anthiena's Avatar
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    I would highly agree-but the long battles, the high degree of difficulty and the fact that it seems more like an SNES or Sega port with the simplicity of it can hurt-especially with new players-or help with those that are veterens of RPGs. I found the long battles a bore, the cut scenes disappointing, some of the script awkward, cliche, boring or confusing and the inability to freely move around fustrating as well as the highly linear approach.
    Though I would recommend this game, I would not recommend this game to all gamers. Some of what makes it fun also makes it a pain to play-such as the way that dead party members turn to crystals, including your leader (And when he does, it's automatic game over) as well as the class system. While at first blush, it seems cool, but it quickly becomes burdensome. Getting enough money to buy needed items is hard, and even when you get them, you have to teach one of your party members to administer it. Even when you DO get enough, that party member may be killed before you can get it.
    The way you can customize each character is a nice edition, but the sheer degree of difficulty makes it hard for your character to even SURVIVE. Some may enjoy this, but I did not.
    In the end, this game can be enjoyable. Unfortunently, the high degree of difficulty prevents it from being a hit with everyone.
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  3. #3
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy Tactics Review Victoria's Avatar
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    High degree of difficulty? Pssh. It's a little tedious, but it's not that bad. The game is great. Cutscenes are great. During its time, it was the best RPG hands down. It still is, without a shadow of a doubt.

    Only reason the characters may not survive is because they're not properly equipped, or aren't at a high enough level. Something to that effect. As far as my file goes, I got Cloud at level 1. That's the only thing I don't like. He should've been at least the average level of the party or something. But he's in his 40s now, and has all of his Limit Breakers. There's a glitch that some know as far as the skills are concerned, which makes it easier to master the classes, heh. I already beat the game, so I'm just working on perfecting the file. Not really so much as getting all the items, but getting everyone to 99, and mastering all the classes and skills.

    I'm one of those that really enjoyed the game. I don't really see how people can't enjoy it. And I DO recommend this to ALL gamers. It's not as hard as anthiena makes it seem. It's easy to get money. Just win your random battles, do the propositions to level up your weak characters if you don't want to battle them, etc. And you have 3 of the characters' turns before they turn to crystals. They don't go that quickly. You have a good chance to revive them with a Phoenix Down. That skill is only 90 JP. Not that much. When you get 90 JP, Phoenix Down should be the first thing you get. You do NOT have to go in order of the skills that are listed. You can get whatever you can afford. I usually start off with Potion and Phoenix Down. Those two are the most needed skills of the Chemist class. Besides, always save your file after a fight. If someone turns to a crystal, just reset. You don't have to lose all that work on them. If you get a game over, who cares? You saved just before you got to where you went to. =P

    The script is very good. It's not cliche or anything. And you don't need to move around freely. This game wasn't made recently or anything like that. It was made on the playstation 10 years ago or so.

    Like I said earlier, FFT at its time was one of the best, and still is one of the best RPGs out there. Every RPGer must experience this game. It's a must have for any RPGer or Strategist out there.

    This thought just occured to me: I recommend this to all gamers, because you can't slam a game you never played before. I urge you all to at least try it for a while. If you seriously don't like it, then maybe strategy RPG games aren't for you.

  4. #4
    Lady of the Flowers Final Fantasy Tactics Review Anthiena's Avatar
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    I have a liking of Tactics, but I am not the only one who says this. At the time when I first started playing it, I was a neophyte with RPGs and had only played FF7 before it. I enjoyed it, but my noobity stopped me from enjoying it more. I would revisit it, but unfortunently, my copy was ruined....
    I stopped seeking to be sought after. That wasn't being true to myself.
    I want to become someone who can exercise power. I want to become a prince. - Kunihiko Ikuhara "Ikuni"

  5. #5
    FFT is really cool. I only played some of it, but what I played of it, I enjoyed.

  6. #6
    Hmmm this is the first i have seen of this review sort of forum display. And i like it i like it a lot. I'll expect someone to say that this has been here for years and that i have just not noticed it, ah well.

    Anyway FFT. After FFVII this is my favourite FF of all time, and in my top three RPGs of all time. I voted 5 on all sections, the whole game is perfect, i've done it all the way through only a few times 2 or 3, but this game doesn't ever get boring, i learn new things all the time.

    I have recently bought the soundtrack to this great game, the music is phenomenal.

    I really don't know what else to say at 3:32 in the morning, but if you do read this and you haven't got this game, trust me...get it.

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  7. #7
    I believe that Final Fantasy Tactics was accually one of teh better Fantasy's...but still, nothing cna beat Final Fantasy 7, FFT did have long battles I agree with you guys there but it was not a hard game, My 8 year old brother can play the game with eze, sure he might need my help now and again but it's not a hard game whatsoever. I recommend buying this playstation game and trying it out for yourself, because it really is a great game. But dont cheat, my brother found a site and did one of the cheats and now he loves cheating, the one where you can make your jp to 9999.


  8. #8
    I love tactics, in my opinion, a much better game than FF 7. I do think the translation was a bit bad and seemed rushed, but other than that i didn't have too many problems with the game. I don't think the game was hard..i actually managed to legitly level up most of my part to the highest level. The final boss battle i only sent in orlandu, cloud, and ramza and completely destroyed it with no problems at all. Infact, i probably could have done it with only orlandu and ramza. All in all, a great game.
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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Toph Bei Fong View Post
    High degree of difficulty? Pssh. It's a little tedious, but it's not that bad.
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  10. #10
    Yay!! Final Fantasy Tactics Review FF_FrEaK's Avatar
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    Tactics was one of the coolest FFs I played, though is not the best...I just like the job changes and the extra hidden characters you could get (like Cloud). This game is truly a good one hands down
    You know, its about time I changed my dumb old sig

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  11. #11
    This is my second favorite FF game.

  12. #12
    The Whitemage, Curaga's only 300gil Final Fantasy Tactics Review TehRealDinnin's Avatar
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    Been a while since a new review keep it up! I like reading them, I agree this title is not hard its about the properly geared equipment as well as your current level and sometimes (almost never a problem) the classes you have on the field.
    I'm actually writing a FAQ for FFT And all the other FF's I own currently I'm half way down with several of them.

  13. #13
    Registered User Final Fantasy Tactics Review RealPrincess Zelda's Avatar
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    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...............................Nice!!
    Some people think that death is the end. But what they dont realize is that its actualy destiny.What can we do about it? Death is peaceful,easy,life is harder. Dream a better dream. End of the world. Some say.It is belived that when death comes, its the end of their relationship.But its only the begining.About 3 things I was absolutly posative:First Edward was a vampire, second there was a part of him and I didn't know how dominant that part might be-that thirsted for my blood and third I was onconditionally and irrevocably in lovewith him.This is the word of the last acient and seventh sage. The word of wisdom. This is the word of RealPrincess Zelda.

  14. #14
    Tsuna Feesh Final Fantasy Tactics Review Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    It's way too easy! I got Ramza to level 99 RIGHT AFTER Mandalia Plains! The thing where it takes only 100 points to level up makes the game TOO easy!^^

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