Okay, here's my review! (Also there's a slight possibility this may be moved)
I will also try to make this as spoiler free as possible.


The story line was very intense as you were constantly kept on your toes, If you pay attention to the dialogue you will know where to go, as if you didn't you still had a chance to find out where to go by having the ability to talk to the rest of your team mates by simply pressing Start. This is a life savor for those who don't care for speeches.

At times I found the dialogue to be too long and boring, as well as the cut scenes, not being able to skip was hell. The rest of the music was a treat, with the ochestral music in the background, but became really irritating every battle sequence.

The scenery was somewhat awe-inspiring as there are luscious forests, magnificent towns and epic buildings. I found no major "walking through wall" glitches, though you could walk on air, if you walked over a small hill with a very steep drop.

The long walks from town to town became quite boring facing the same foe again and again. Though reaching new towns was always fun to explore and collect all there treasure.

The leveling system was quite a drag, talking up to half an hour to gain a single level. The time only took longer and longer the further you advanced, unless you found foes with a worthy amount of exp. (Metal Slimes)

If you're well acquainted with the Final Fantasy series' elements then you'll be shocked with the much difference of elements in this game, as there is quite a mix; Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind and Metal. Metal being quite a hard to defeat foe but comes with a great pay-out (if they don't flee).

There were very few sidequests, the medal collecting is a painstaking, annoying mission, with no clue as to where you should look. Another sidequest was the Monster Arena, quite long and often sometimes irritating, as without faq's you wouldn't know where to find good monsters.

Weaponary in this game was different having a select, yet reasonably open availability. I'd also like to add in that the skill points idea was wonderful, as you could choose which stats you would like to increase.

I would say the alchemy pot is one of the most annoying features of this game, as you would waste alot of time running around in circles trying to create a good weapon, accessory or item.

I found it was incredibly hard to try and obtain rare items in this game, due to the rare drop rate and annoying, only-one-person-can-steel. Though the easy to spot treasure chest was nice to see they weren't running low.

I think I messed this review up quite abit, but if you can understand anything I've said then congrats, I give this game:
8 out of 10