I would highly agree-but the long battles, the high degree of difficulty and the fact that it seems more like an SNES or Sega port with the simplicity of it can hurt-especially with new players-or help with those that are veterens of RPGs. I found the long battles a bore, the cut scenes disappointing, some of the script awkward, cliche, boring or confusing and the inability to freely move around fustrating as well as the highly linear approach.
Though I would recommend this game, I would not recommend this game to all gamers. Some of what makes it fun also makes it a pain to play-such as the way that dead party members turn to crystals, including your leader (And when he does, it's automatic game over) as well as the class system. While at first blush, it seems cool, but it quickly becomes burdensome. Getting enough money to buy needed items is hard, and even when you get them, you have to teach one of your party members to administer it. Even when you DO get enough, that party member may be killed before you can get it.
The way you can customize each character is a nice edition, but the sheer degree of difficulty makes it hard for your character to even SURVIVE. Some may enjoy this, but I did not.
In the end, this game can be enjoyable. Unfortunently, the high degree of difficulty prevents it from being a hit with everyone.