Haha =P Ums a peado *COUGH* Sorry, bad cough.
My character will have to pick up Jardoon anyway and get her little students settled in at her place =] Auroras a softie at heart lol I'm just waiting for Sutoomu to post...
Yeah you are t3h awesome, Vivi.
But alas, the only one remaining in the ramen hut is Jardoon, I believe.
Um's off showing Akira a thing or two about a thing or two. And I mean that in a strictly ninja context.
Haha =P Ums a peado *COUGH* Sorry, bad cough.
My character will have to pick up Jardoon anyway and get her little students settled in at her place =] Auroras a softie at heart lol I'm just waiting for Sutoomu to post...
Does that mean we're still moving in with you? I'm fine with it, just don't go making any strawberry time with Seirh or Sutooma while we're there...That would just kill me.
OH and thanks Lethal!!! I still have no idea as to what I'm doing half the time though. I'm a bad student that doesn't know how to write for her life....stupid hard teachers and their quizes...
You don't seem like an ass. I'm the one that talks to myself though...
(stop talking about me)
(I'm not!!!)
(I know what you say....I know all about you)
(we are kind of the same person...)
(which is why I'm so stupid)
(so are you, asswipe.)
You mean like a pedophile?
That reminded me of something funny, something which I'm probably not going to share with you.
And Bleachfangirl, what the HELL is "making strawberry time"??? Is that a metaphor for something I'd come up with? I think that may be the first sexual euphamism I've ever seen you utter. And it's also quite funny, if that's what you mean by it.
still here not dead!anywho........................ my post is comming. infact its half done in mic. word :Spyfap:
Wow so you like compose your posts before you put them here?
That's so weird.
Well, I guess not weird, but interesting. Probably a good idea to make sure they look nice, which come to think of it, your posts usually are nice.
I just type all my jazz on the spot usually.
ACK! Bleachfangirl! I thought you were gonna like at least come at me or something! Ugh, well, I guess I'll do something since I'm so damned anxious now anyway. After I go read up on Akira's jutsu...
Last edited by Lethal Seraphim; 09-19-2007 at 08:00 PM.
its not that i dont post right on the site, i usually do, but with my ahem... buisy scedule, i dont always have time 2 finish so i copy nd paste it to mic word so i can pic it up later (p.s. thanks for the compliment lethal!!!)
p.s.s. posted!!! if u dont know who a certain character is look earlier in the forum!!! i think im pretty damn baller
Last edited by Seig; 09-19-2007 at 10:00 PM.
Yeah I'm not gonna lie, that shit was pretty baller.
Cool, I fixed all of my posts, now I will just wait for Aurora to pick me up, and you need to work on your cough.
Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 09-22-2007 at 09:19 AM.
I didn't want to go at you! I wasn't going to attack someone with their eyes closed!!!! THAT IS WRONG!!!! I did that to prepare you so you wouldn't get all surprised....even if you are a jounin.
I JUST CAN'T DO THAT!! My morals are so wrongly placed...
Cid, try to remember to unclick the sig box for quick replies too. They don't do anything automatic anymore...
Oh, and Lethal, go and check the wordgames forum. I'm all over the in-bed ones. I make lots of bad jokes...
Last edited by Bleachfangirl; 09-20-2007 at 12:22 PM.
You're doing excellent. Pretty much the only thing you don't want to do is severely injure the other player without their consent.
What I mean is, you can throw your kunai or swing your sword, but you can't actually type out, "the kunai pierced her opponent's chest", or something like that. That's called an auto-hit, and it's really frowned upon because you don't give the other player a chance to act. (However, if you're controlling two characters and they're fighting, like say if I was fighting a non-player character just for sake of the story, I could auto-hit cuz obviously nobody's playing the other character).
You've also got to keep in mind your own level of abilities. For example, a Genin isn't going to be able to do some things as well as a Jounin, so some attacks may or may not be avoidable at your current skill level. This is largely up to you to decide. Obviously it's going to be kind of fishy if you go an entire fight without getting a scratch though.
You see what I'm saying? Ya just gotta be realistic. It's sort of like playing chess. One of us makes a move in our post, then the other counters in theirs. That's generally how it works. If I think you've made a really nice move against me, I'll acknowledge that my character suffers an injury.
I'm going to get beat up then!!! Cool beans! Just don't severely destroy me...genins are nice children....
I'm still going to give it a try! I just don't know if I'm allowed to say things like, "he blocked her" and whatnot since that feels like I'm controlling the other person's character....
I'll bite you afterwards. Hehehehehe...when you least suspect it after a little training battle, I'll bite you!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! That doesn't count as an injury though. ^^
bleach ur dirty (in sooooo many ways)! but anyway, whats the deal with cloud...? where is he!?!?!? /cry
I think I might be posting tomarrow (sorry been reading alot and working on a song xD ) but other then that yea i might be posting tomarrow or atleast coming up with something, then on the other hand its AWA ( anime weekend atlanta)
Why is everyone okay with my biting here? In real life, all my friends literally swat me away from them so I can't latch on...odd. It used to work so well...maybe if I go back to my headbutting stage?
You know, if Aurora or Jordoon don't do something, I'll just follow Um around calling him master for a while. I need something to do....bored with her non-active rp mates....
And Seig...WTF? I'm not dirty, just odd...and crazy.
To be honest, it's because most people perceive biting as a sexual act. You know, biting on the neck or the shoulder, biting the lip, or nibbling on the ear.
We're all a bunch of filthy stinking perverts.
Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
I think that would be fantastic. I could have a little Genin noob apprentice or something! Just like Zabuza and that kid, except I wouldn't slap you around as much.
well im not going to lie... im a friggin perve. i think my character was originally written as one 2....hmmmm.... maybe ill give him a matching piercing that i have...... hehehe o yea, u know it
Alright Time to have some fun. ( I think you guys are going to like the new post)
Oh my days, Sean! Stop stealing peoples n00bs lol and you best notice me since I'm at the ramen stall chatting to good ol' Jardoon lol Say hi or something.
I would, but for the less perceptive among us (you), Um and Akira haven't been in the ramen hut for quite some time. They're sparring outside the village.
And technically it's not stealing because you're my noob too. Don't deny it, you know it's true. So by the transitive property, your noobs are my noobs.
Seig, I could have lived many lifetimes and never had a desire to know such things. Although, that is kind of interesting. I've considered getting that sort of piercing myself a time or two.
HELL YES! ATTACK! MAN THE F*CKING BATTLE STATIONS COMRADES, WE RIDE TONIGHT! (If you don't know what I'm talking about, read Cloud's post).
I'm so excited! Thank you so much Mike. Beautiful, beautiful stuff. I've never been so anxious to post. Speaking of posting, I'll be picking up where Cloud left off either in a couple hours after I take a much needed nap, or later this evening.
Plus I just got an idea for something I can do with Um... Ooooh... Exciting times!
Last edited by Lethal Seraphim; 09-21-2007 at 11:12 AM.
Mi casa es su casa?! lol And I am SO not a n00b. If I'm a n00b, your a n00b. And you don't own me lol =P
omfg!!!! im excited. wow cloud u jumped right into everything didnt u? ill b posting shortly. cloud and lethal would u mind if i met up with u guys, eh comrades? let the battle begin
Just let me know when they get into the village. Kinda like everyone is going about thier daily stuff and then everyone drops everything and starts killin. lol. oh this will be fun.
you cant have sigs in the ooc chat either. so get rid of them when you are anywhere in the rping forumn lol thats what he meant lol
ummm...Should we be fighting now, or still training? I'll go and edit my very bad post if you need...I'm now very nervous....so nervous....scared stiff too...
HEY! MY BITES ARE STRICTLY WEIRD AND PAINFUL!!!! Ask any of my friends. It just hurts like hell. I really should stop, since I seem to be spreading the activity of biting around the school...
Seig, what kind of piercing? How come a guy gets to have piercings, but I can't even get my ears pierced?
I already knew I was a n00b, but it still hurts to hear it.....TT_TT
Keep tellin yourself that, sweetheart.
Bleachfangirl, to answer your question, we're fighting now. Or we will be soon enough. The village is under attack, as per Cloud's post. I'm going to post here in a moment and that will open up your options some more.
Your current post is fine, don't worry about changing it. You strange, strange girl.
And don't worry about being a n00b, because you're one of MY n00bs. You see, being my n00b means you're better than all the other n00bs. So really it's a status improvement.
Also, I believe Seig was referring to a Prince Albert piercing. You're a sheltered girl, aren't you Bleachfangirl?
I posted. No combat yet, as I don't have the time. I've got to get to bed since I'm going to Anime Weekend Atlanta with Cloud tomorrow, and we're leaving early.
I'll be back on Sunday evening, so until then, get some kills under your belts!
Last edited by Lethal Seraphim; 09-21-2007 at 10:25 PM.