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  1. #1
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed ACloudintheSky's Avatar
    Join Date
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    In the Slums well thats where i work

    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed

    Lethal Seraphim and I are trying to create a Naruto RP. And we do believe that it can be really successful with the ideas we have for the rp. We were thinking that everyone would start out as Genin and work themselves up in ranks of a ninja. There will be different types of missions as well, as seen in the series. And according to your status you will get more difficult missions as you move up. This RP could be alot of fun and could go on a very long time. We need people to sign up before we could get started and there will be 3- man teams like in the show. And they would be sent on missions. Basically its just to have fun but there are some rules.

    If you are applying for this role play please use this Template that I found. It works really well and it gives us an idea of how well you can role play and describe certain things. Remember that the Physical Description, Personality, and History needs to be atleast two paragraphs (Remember a paragraph is atleast 5 sentences long so I dont think we are asking too much) long without revealing too much. For example if you have a special marking on you that needs to be concealed until a certain moment then that is fine. But other than that please be very descriptive with your character and add a link for an image of your character ^-^ that would help alot too.

    Remember if you want to be more then one character you may. But please fill out another application with that character. That way it can be looked at by other members that join.

    Godly Characters will only be played by myself or Lethal Seraphim for plot advancement or dialogue's sake. You may however be one of their henchmen if you want to. But remember it has to be an original character. Also remember that if you want one of the Godly Characters to make a scene just let us know. We will play them and we will NOT abuse their power. Instructers however may be used but only to a certain extent. If me or lethal seraphim feel that you are abusing their roles we will stop it and ask you to change your post or change a portion.

    One more thing before you get started. This role play is completely original even though it is based off the show Naruto. You may however use refrence to characters in the show, but you may not role play as them at anytime nor will they be able to help your character in a fight at anytime. There are also rules on what kind of jutsu you may use. You cannot have any mystical beast inside of you that gives you power (Like Naruto). You may absolutly not have the Sharigan (Susuke), and you can't have a power that was made into you (Gaara). These are God-like powers and will not be acceptable in this RP. And of course you may not God-Mod either. Just remember that Lethal Seraphim and I are the Moderators of this RP and if you do something that is unrealistic and aren't going to change it. We will kill off your character. If you think that is un-fair then I am sorry. I really want this role-play to flourish and God-Modding just won't do that.



    Nationality: (Country/Village of Origin)



    Physical Description: (Everything about your appearance goes here, Hair colour, Eye colour, Unusual markings/piercing/tattoos, Height/Weight/Build etc. What do they usually wear? Dress their hair?)

    Personality: (Just like with the history, it is meant to give others a idea of who you are. No lists.)

    History: (This must be between one and two paragraphs long; it is meant to give players an idea of the character without revealing too much. The rest will be found out IC, through rp.)

    Link to image: (If possible)

    ((If you are confused about anything at all just ask for questions I will be mroe then willing to help and if you want to contact me directly add A_Cloud_inthe_Sky in your yahoo messenger. I am normally on alot and I never don't talk to someone unless you become annoying.))

    Here are some non-player characters that could have someone play as them if you are having trouble coming up with a name and history for your own character

    Echo Thorne: She is the little sister of Aurora and sometimes gets picked on by the boys in school. She has a pretty rough past with having to leave her parents but Aurora cares for her. They love each other very much and have both been through alot together. ((ask Aurora (xXViviXx) for a complete history if you want to play this character))

    Soturito (unknown last name): Was recently hospitalize from a "bear" attack. One of the persons this person really looks up to is Bo (Seig). No one knows really what happened that day but he was attacked by a bear which Bo explained to the people in the hospital. If you want to play this character he will be revived of course so that you can play as the character lol just be expecting to limp around a little while. Oh and I dont think he has a history but ask Bo (Seig) for any history or the relationship those characters have for one another.

    Shingi (last name unkown): Again another character brought in by Bo. He seems to be rivals with Bo, Ask Seig for any history or relationship with the two characters.
    Last edited by ACloudintheSky; 10-23-2006 at 01:10 PM.

  2. #2
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Somewhere deep in the South
    Naturally, I'm signed on for this one. Maybe I can dust the rust off and throw out a post or two.

    My bio will follow shortly, just wanted to get my name up on the roster.

    Like Whisper said, it's based loosely on the concepts of the show. However, you don't necessarily have to have watched the show much to RP effectively. If anyone who doesn't have knowledge of Naruto wants to join, feel free to ask me or Whisper and we'll tell you the basics.

    Once people start joining, also post which squad you would like to be a part of. Depending on the number of members we get, we may have to put you into squads accordingly. Can't have 10 1-man squads after all.

    If it seems pretty rigid and cut and dry, don't worry. We're just real scared of the whole God-modding problem that some of the more extravagent jutsus present. Oh and on the topic of jutsus, if you decide to make a custom one we'll be reviewing it to make sure it's not overly advantageous. But no worries this is gonna be great fun.

  3. #3
    Name: Detor Remeko

    Nationality: Fire country

    Gender: Male

    Age: 16

    Physical Description:
    Hair colour:Blonde

    Eye colour:blue

    Unusual markings/piercing/tattoos:Has one tattoo on his left arm of the yin yang symbol

    Height/Weight/Build etc: 5'7, 134 lbs,has a very muscular and athletic build

    What do they usually wear?:He wears a sleeveless,white, hooded pullover and black shorts.His holster is on his left leg.He wears his head band on his left arm right below his tattoo.

    Hair:He normally does not comb it so it hangs loose on his head.

    Personality: He is warm to everyone around him and enjoys making people laugh.He is kind of a jock and spends most of his time lifting weights or training.

    He enjoys reading despite his jocky attitude .He also enjoys wrestling and learning new techniques and jutsu.At time he can zone everyone out and focus on a mission.

    History: He grew up with his dad and took on the job of helping his dad cut down trees.He enjoyed sports and liked to read and spent most of his time with his dad or one of his friends.When he first enrolled into the academy he did not take it seriously until one day when he was attacked by ninja from the sound village and another ninja knocked them out.Ever since he has tried to show no pain and barely cried.He got his tattoo to prove he could endure pain and to this day no one has seen him cry except for his dad.

    Is this good?

  4. #4
    yah it is good

  5. #5
    k. ill either do that or wait for the battle to be over. just glad were all copasetic...... by the by..... where is cloud?

  6. #6
    Ooooh, I was in a RP like this. It lasted quite some time. So I guess that means I'm in.

    (Oh, sorry if it doesn't fit your template perfectly. I'll change it if needed.)

    Hidden Leaf Village Trainee Record

    Name: Koji Raigen

    Age: 15

    Blessed Element: Fire

    Ranking: 1st Kyu (Genin)

    Cumulative Grade: 4.0

    Height: 5'10"

    Weight: 125 lbs

    Appearance: Koji is fairly tall, say about five feet, ten inches. He has long red hair that cascades down to his shoulders. The tips of his bangs are tainted black. He has piercing green eyes that bore seem to observe all that occurs around him. He is a fairly lean person, with well defined abdomonals. He wears a tight fitting sleeveless cloth top that is black in color. Also sporting a loose fiting pair of black cloth plants. Around his waist is a red leather belt, a sword sheathed at his right side. He wraps black cloth on his feet instead of wearing shoes.

    Physical Training Marks:
    School Record: 75(Wins) 7(Losses) 0 (Draws)
    Ki Talent: 2 (1 to 5 scale)
    Physical Talent: 3 (1 to 5 scale)

    Mastered Jutsu:-

    Ignition: A flash of hand signs, followed by a flash of fire, Koji's hands are engulfed in bright orange flames, allowing him to add the fire element to his physical attacks

    Control: Koji brings his hands together, followed by hand signs, Koji conjures up fire, and can control it with ease.

    Student’s Personal Information:

    General History: Koji was born into a poor family in the Secret Tree Village, with a father who had no desire to become a Ninja when he was young, and a frail mother, who only cooked, cleaned and complained. When he was young, his father told him that you will never become a Ninja. Koji ran away after this, and he began to resent his father for what he had said. He was 4 when the happened. When he was Six, he began his training, and soon was one of the best students in his class. But the teachers did not understand him, He was very quiet, he was never seen with any friends, yet he seemed to have this aire of confidence about him. He proved that he was more a physical fighter than a fighter who depended on his Chi to do all the work. He is also extremely fast.
    No one really knows much about him, as his parents dont talk about him, he has no real friends, and he never talks about himself, so he seems to be, as all the teachers, and other students seem to say that he is an Enigma.
    Additional Information:

    Koji is quiet most of the time. He has a fierce temper, but its extremely difficult to piss him off. He cares for none, other than himself, and trusts no one.
    Last edited by GrimmJaw; 10-20-2006 at 04:56 PM.
    "I'm really not in the business of killing children. And I don't much care for the idea of anyone becoming obsessed with defeating me either."

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

    Don't go forgettin' my name! Just pray you never hear it again!"- GrimmJaw Jaggerjack

  7. #7
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed ACloudintheSky's Avatar
    Join Date
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    In the Slums well thats where i work
    I know that about double posting and i wouldnt have to do it if people werent answering so fast xD. I do apologize for that though. But anyways yes both of you guys are welcome to the rp. And remember that we are still rather young (10-14) so we cant exactly use our jutsu yet as well and we dont have much chakra control. And as for fighting between allies and if we have exams just come to an agreement of who wins and who looses in the OOC forums. If it just becomes to much of a discusion me and lethal will decide

    Here is my profile.

    Character Name: (Sierh Wind)

    Jutsu: Shurgohakke Rokujiyuu Yonshou Jutsu, (Gaurdian of Eight Divination Seals, Sixty Four Strikes,)

    Nationality: [Hidden Leaf Village, Hyuuga Clan)]

    Gender: (Male)

    Age: (13)

    Physical Description:
    His face has a soft complextion. He has eyes that can glow white and the intensity of the glow changes from the mood he is in. This may be the most unique feature about him He has straight shoulder length whitish/blonde hair that shines white when he is out in the sun. He has a very lean and skinny body but that is not to say that he is weak. He has a very cut figure. He generally wears a long saphire cloak that is just barely off the ground. And his under garments consist of a sky blue shirt with white linen pants. The shoes he wears is generally plain black sandles but are most of the time covered when he is standing still due to the cloak.

    Personality: (Sierah is a kind hearted boy that loves to dance. He practices his martial arts through his dance and also trains by placing wieghts on each arm and legs for added restriction. He also loves to learn more things about his past and about jutsu. His grades however are just above average due to the fact he dozes off alot in class. From time to time you will see him by the lakes edge dancing with no wieghts. He also is a very friendly person but normally has to be talked to first, not because he is shy but he just doesn't approach people often. He also might have a crush on Hinata.

    History: Born into the Hyugga Clan he had a natural talant for the arts and music. His parents were kind loving people and raised there son to love everything and also to be able to flow with nature and the surrounding objects that the world has to offer. They would often at times put chairs, large rocks, and tables in the back yard and tell him to play outside in the back. This developed his reflexes and his flexibility as he was young and by the age of 4 he was already dacing in complex patterns and motions.

    One fateful day when he was 8 years old his house and neighbors were raided by ninjas and were killed or were converted to this force as troops. He hid in the bushes of his backyard until it was safe for him to come out. As he entered into his house he noticed that there was blood coming from around the corner in the other room. When he turned the corner he saw his parents lieing there arm and arm, both lives taken from him. He cried at his parents sides for hours and did not leave the house for days thinking that they might wake up from their sleep. But they never did, and he started to journey to a village that he had heard about from his father, the Hidden Leave Village.. When he arrived he noticed that he was quickly escorted by ninjas to the Hokage. He was accepted by the kind man and was sent to go to school in the village.

    Now he can be found training with Hinata. He loves the way she fights and how she has incoorporated dance into her style of arts. Typically what they do is find a lake and dance near it, he dances near it she dances on the water.

    Last edited by ACloudintheSky; 10-20-2006 at 09:31 PM.

  8. #8
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Somewhere deep in the South

    So sorry for the delay

    Well, I'm finally going to spit a bio. I'm kinda forcing it at this point because I was having severe creative problems so I'm just going to make myself write something.

    Name: You see, I was asking ACloudintheSky what my name should be and all he said was "ummmmm" then logged off. So, his name is Um (pronounced "oom"). Um Kashahiko to be precise.

    Specialty: Mizu yari no jutsu (Water spear jutsu, basically he uses his chakra to mold an amount of water into a spear-like projectile, then shoot it fast enough to cause it to pierce objects. In his current state as a Genin, he must typically have a source of water/moisture available to him to perform this, as he is not yet talented enough to conjure the water.)

    Village of Origin: The Village Hidden in the Mist, but currently resides in the Hidden Leaf Village, Konoha.

    Gender: Male

    Age: 13

    Physical Description: Um is about 5' 7" and has the athletic build that you would expect a prospective ninja to have. He has short blonde hair and blue eyes and his skin is lightly tanned. He wears simple black pants and a white sleeveless shirt. Underneath his shirt he has bandages around his abdomen. His feet are also bandaged. Simple black sandals are worn on his feet. Mesh-like cloth covers his hands from about his knuckles to halfway up his forearm. He doesn't wear his forehead protector, usually just keeping it in his pocket.

    Personality: Um is a very laid back individual. Truth be told he got caught smoking his father's "medicine pipe" a time or two. Although he may seem a tad too mellow (or maybe stoned is a better word?), he tends to get annoyed easily by stupid things. Generally he is very agreeable and a cool customer, always grinning like a moron, eyes half-open. He resents authority, but not to the point of insubordination. At times he can be quite conflict-seeking, namely when he's annoyed at an aforementioned "stupid thing." He talks at great length once he is comfortable with someone (which takes about a minute of knowing them, heh).

    History: Um was born and raised in the Village Hidden in the Mist for most of his younger years. This is why he has an inclination toward water techniques. However, he did not undergo formal training until his parents sent him to Konoha at the age of 8. His parents had heard many things of legendary Konoha ninja such as the Uchiha and also the exploits of the Sannin, so they decided the Village Hidden in the Leaves would be a better place for him to learn the ninja arts. Upon arriving in Konoha, he befriended a boy named Sierah Wind, who had also come to the village seeking ninja training.

    Um is not an only child, he has a younger brother who was born deaf. Although this could be seen as somewhat unfortunate, it has given Um a slight edge. Due to his fluency in sign language, he is highly dexterous and able to make hand signs very quickly.

    Um and Sierah are teammates training under the famous sensei, Kakashi Hatake.

    There ya go. Mike, hope that's all cool with you. I figured you'll like it all. We need one more for our squad. (Open to anyone who wants it.) Also, please note that we will not start this RP until we have enough for at least 3 squads (that means 9 people). So get your friends in here!

  9. #9
    Hi! bio and all that good stuff soon to come! just add me on!

  10. #10
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Somewhere deep in the South

    Five down, four to go...

  11. #11


    Here we go!!!

    Name: Bocuro (Bo for short)

    Jutsu:Lion's strength jutsu-- when this jutsu is used, the user summons forth the inner power of the lion. It's a jutsu he has known for years, but hasen't completly mastered all of it's secrets. His body type becomes more built and he is covered in hair on the arms and legs, chest, back, and face, and has sharpened teeth (think DBZ super sayan 4) all sences are hightened and physical damage is constantly increasing. unfortunatly there is a double edged side effect: if the jutsu is used too long or he becomes too fatigued, he can go into a berserk mode, which means he may turn on his peers untill someone can stop him. (note: all physical appearences mentioned above are temporary! hes not that hairy all the time! just when he uses the jutsu)

    Nationality: found at the front gates of the Hidden Leaf village at the age of ten.

    Gender: male

    age: was 15 (pre-rp rebirth) now 17

    Physical description: mid color brown hair witch becomes more blonde as it gets closer to sideburns and the bottom of the back of his head. hair in a short blowout. brown eyes. medium build leaning towards a more muscular. hes about 5'10 and 140lbs (its all muscle lol!) he wears a dark blue open vest with sleeves that go to a little before the elbow. he has a tribal tatto that is very large. it twists from the back of his neck (hairline) around the shoulder and down the left arm to the wrist. he has a rope necklace with some type of amulet around his neck. usually wears a black beater that fits well to his built chest. He wears dark green fighting pants and black close toed shoes. his left wrist and hand are wrapped in a black cloth. he also wears a katana on his back. The handle is ivory and the sheith is dark blue. the hand gaurd is a siver medal and the blade itself seems to have a bluish tint to it.

    Personality: Bocuro is a kindhearted couragous person that always makes people smile. His sence of humor is unmatched by anyone but its kind of a face he puts on. allthough he seems happy he has some identity issues which will probably roar their ugly heads a bit later. (he likes a good puff from that magic pipe a bit too!) as for his sword work, noone can match him. in the village he is considered one of the best of his class. He has great leadership qualities and is a bit of a womanizer<--could be a deffence mechanism!!

    History: one morning the fog was unusually heavy in the forest. it was almost like smoke but without the smell. People were beginning to leave to train outside of the village but coulden't open the gates properly. A small boy was sitting unconsous. After removing his body they brought him inside and nursed him to health. He was young, but apperently knew the average ammount of training and skills that a 10yr old ninja would know. So it was decided. After much diliberation, he would be taken on as a student. He began training immediatly. On his second day, Boruco was called into a confrence and questioned about his origin. he knew nothing of his past other than his skills he had learned, his jutsu and his name. The teachers had learned what had happened and his origin later though, but refuse to tell him untill he is fully ninja (due to the dramatic effect it could have on his training)

    Well, there you go! take it in nice and slow, im sure u liked it!
    Last edited by Seig; 08-23-2007 at 09:42 PM.

  12. #12
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Somewhere deep in the South
    Awesome, awesome. Your jutsu reminds me of that guy Naruto fought in the premliminaries of the Chuunin exam. I forget his name but he has the little white dog that helps him fight. And then he takes the food pills and goes all beastly.

    Anyway, nice bio. And if you're comfortable with being a 16 year-old Genin that's straight.

    So that makes 5 now. We still probably aren't gonna start till we get 9. Also, start thinking about what squad you wanna be in. There's one more slot in ours, and I dunno what the other two guys are doing.

    In the actual RP, when it starts, be sure to mind punctuation, capitalization, and spelling as best as you can. That's just a reminder to everybody. Yes, I'm more concerned with content and intent but we all like things to look nice as well.

  13. #13
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed ACloudintheSky's Avatar
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    In the Slums well thats where i work
    Alright that bio was perfect, Seig, and I yeah that reminded me of the same thing lethal. Lol But this is great we only need 4 more people before we can start this thing off and remember if you have friends that may seem interested in the rp ask them as well. Great job everyone that has submitted their profile already, I might actuall change some things around in my profile, mainly the history or I might just change my jutsu. We should be starting to role play withen the week, hopefully, that is if we can find 3 more people to join. ^-^ Just keep checking up on this forumn and I am certain we will have a blast of a time. Like Lethal said, lets try and keep it neat and clean and also with content. Using any type of advanced microsoft works or wordperfect should tell you if you need a comma somewhere or if there is a sentence fragrment. And to try and keep this rp as active as possible it would be nice to have everyone just post atleast one post a week, And if you can't do that just let me know and I am sure that the circumstance would be understandable. Thanks, and have a great day!!!

  14. #14


    is my grammer that bad!??!?!?<---(forgot to capitalize and there are too many sentence enders in there) any bring up a good point with the age...hmmm... i dont feel comfortable with it so high!! why not fit in with the crowd!? hes 13 now! lol and if you wouldntmind, consider me for finishing your team! you need that 3rd member and im a perfect canidate!. p.s. from this post on grammer will be gooder then; everest oh yea! on a serious note, are they past the test that gives them that Inj headband thing? cuz iff so i know where on my charater i want it.
    Last edited by Seig; 10-19-2006 at 10:50 AM.

  15. #15
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Somewhere deep in the South
    Quote Originally Posted by Seig
    is my grammer that bad!??!?!?<---(forgot to capitalize and there are too many sentence enders in there) any bring up a good point with the age...hmmm... i dont feel comfortable with it so high!! why not fit in with the crowd!? hes 13 now! lol and if you wouldntmind, consider me for finishing your team! you need that 3rd member and im a perfect canidate!. p.s. from this post on grammer will be gooder then; everest oh yea! on a serious note, are they past the test that gives them that Inj headband thing? cuz iff so i know where on my charater i want it.
    No, it wasn't that bad at all. I just noticed a thing or two and it reminded me to tell everyone. I didn't intend to single you out or anything. This is the OOC thread and I don't even really care lol. (ACloudintheSky can't spell to save his life anyway. The dude said "bullit" instead of "bullet" yesterday. )

    Anyway, excellent, I was hoping you'd want to join our squad and complete our threesome(ha-ha pun!).

    In regards to the headband thing... Are you talking about the headbands that have the symbol of the village they're from on it? Yeah you can have those. As far as like level of skill goes, assume that we're all acomplished Genin. Truth be told I'm hoping to come up with some sort of RP event we can do to have a Chuunin exam of sorts once things get underway.

    If you were going to try to imagine your character at a certain point in the show, think of them at about the time that uhhh they were having the whole Zabuza thing with the Bridge Builder mission. That's like what episode 30-40ish?

  16. #16
    Name: Aurora Thorne

    Jutsu: Ice Bullets jutsu - As the name suggests, it forms up sharp thorns of ice and is fired at the enemy. Each time this is used, it gives Aurora a boost of agility.

    Nationality:Hidden Leaf Village

    Gender: Female

    Age: 14

    Physical Description:Mid length hair that barely go past her shoulders and she alwasy has a flash of hair covering her left eye. She has peircing amber orbs that nearly blends into her pale skin. A black top covers her torso with some fishnets going over it while some tight three quarter lengths cover her thin legs. A pair of fishnet fingerless gloves cover the palms of her hands as dualling katanas were laid across her back. The handles were by her shoulders for easy access and the blades were the length of her forearm for easy use.

    A celtic vine tattoo can be found on her left upper arm, while a scar can be found by her collar bone, to remind her of the hard times shes been through.

    Personality: Quite an ambiguous character, Aurora likes to make smartass remarks and can be quite mischevious at times but she is easy to co-operate with but can be quiet sometimes. She is determined to be the best kuniochi(sp) there is and fulfill her sisters dreams. Mysterious as she is, she likes to refrain from showing her emotions sometimes but at others she laughs with joy like any other normal girl.

    History: Aurora escaped from her family at the age of 11 and took her little sister with her. Her little sibling was only 5 when she took her away and was oblivious to the fact that she would never see her parents again...or that Aurora would never let them see her. Their family never really looked after them, her father was always at work and never at home. Their mother worked hard for them and evetually worked to death and depression due to the absence of her husband. Aurora hated her father for that and blamed him for the death of her mother.

    They now live in the central of Kohona and both of them are attending the academy.Aurora once had an older sister, but she died in action. Her sister wanted to be the best kuniochi and Aurora wishes to fulfill her dream for her.

    Aurora quickly developed her skills as a ninja and were one of the top rookies.

    Link to image:

    Hope this is ok.
    Last edited by xXViviXx; 10-19-2006 at 01:43 PM.

  17. #17
    I wouldn't mind joining it. I'd have to edit my profile a bit, but that's about it.
    "I'm really not in the business of killing children. And I don't much care for the idea of anyone becoming obsessed with defeating me either."

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

    Don't go forgettin' my name! Just pray you never hear it again!"- GrimmJaw Jaggerjack

  18. #18
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Somewhere deep in the South
    Well, if you're referring to our squad, it's a 3-man system and Seig just petitioned to be our third man.
    <img src="">
    <img src="">
    Thank you to my good friend relm-relm for the fantastic signature.
    <img src="">
    I also have a MySpace so look me up.
    Welcome to the new reality.

  19. #19
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed ACloudintheSky's Avatar
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    In the Slums well thats where i work
    Yeah... that post was more for me then anyone else... Lol but english wasn't my first langauge so i have somewhat of an excuse !! Anyways no problem and like lethal said this is a ooc thread so spelling isnt that big of a deal in here. I diffently need to write all my posts on a word program though lol.

  20. #20
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Somewhere deep in the South
    xXViviXx, that's great! Welcome aboard.


    We now have 6 people signed up for this RP. This is enough for two 3-man squads and is probably enough to start some basic action in the RP. Hopefully ACloudintheSky will get the ball rolling on this pretty soon. I'm very excited and have high hopes for this.


    The current squad assignments are as follows:

    Squad 1, Instructor: Kakashi Hatake
    Lethal Seraphim

    The other three of you: bluechain33, Dante Fatima, and xXViviXx, you guys can form the second squad if you want, or if you'd feel so inclined you can be in a squad of your own with non-player teammates.(Although I just think the idea of having the squads consist of 3 diff RPers is really cool lol). You can also pick whichever Instructor you'd like aside from Kakashi, as he is already the Squad 1 Instructor.

  21. #21
    OMFG this is gonna be pretty fun i think, and by the way, the village badge headband thing is now on my character lol. its replacing the black cloth wrapping his left wrist and hand. Its positioned so the seal is directly on top of the hand. Lets go! c'mon begin begin begin!!!!!

    p.s. I'm aware I didn't use commas in that last rant.... My bad....(lmfao i luv myself)

  22. #22
    Alright. I'll take a bit of initiative and assume that we will be a squad. Also, an instructor....Mayeb Orochimaru, or Itachi. If we can't have "Bad" guys as instructor. Maybe that Chick with the red eyes? (I forgot her name)
    "I'm really not in the business of killing children. And I don't much care for the idea of anyone becoming obsessed with defeating me either."

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    Don't go forgettin' my name! Just pray you never hear it again!"- GrimmJaw Jaggerjack

  23. #23
    ......I'm almost level two.....

  24. #24
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lord Storm Bryce's Avatar
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    ((I saw that you already have two full teams so if you want me in then I would be happy to but if you dont need me then I will just watch.))
    ((Ah, understood. Easy to take out the more powerful jutsu but the char is original, he is just of the same bloodline as Kimimaro Kaguya. I know tha man you speak of and it is not Sutoomu. If it is still no good then I can change it more.))
    ((Ok, I will go remake and be back tomorow. Thanks for the pointers.))
    Last edited by Lord Storm Bryce; 10-19-2006 at 09:46 PM.

  25. #25
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed ACloudintheSky's Avatar
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    If you want to be in it thats fine but you have to make your character a little less godly. And the character has to be original. I've seen almost all the episodes of naruto and the character you describe is diffently in the show. We are trying to make completely original characters. And limit your jutsu to just one. We all know we can learn more later but remember these are genin and they typically only know like one major jutzu. You also can't have your weapons as bones because that jutsu was unique to only him and the rest of his village died. Just like the sharigan no one else can have it because there just isnt anyone else around that has that blood line. But you are more welcome to join just copy past the template i have and read all the rules for the rp ^-^. I hope that you join and I hope that you re-do your profile because we do still need people to join.

    And please combine your last post... Double posting in this site is a baaad idea... learned that like 2 days ago so im just givin ya the heads up ^-^. So just delete your last post and combine it with your previous one. Thanks

    And as for instructors lets try and keep it to good guys. That way we can have bad guys to fight. And if you want to make a bad guy team please be careful because I know we all want to win whoever team we are on. But typically the bad guy looses in shows. But fighting is something that we will work out later.

    As for the rp i will be starting it up fridat or saturday. I will have aloong post explaining the exact detail of whats going on currently. That way there is no confusion on where characters are and all that nice stuff. Again please be patient because typically the first post has to be a little well thought out and long... IT will diffently be long. And finally please feel free to add anything you do or dont want me to say in the first post. because i was planning on using a little bit of history from every character that is currently in the rp. Thanks lates.

  26. #26
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Well, most of the jutsus he listed were just your basic jutsus. Whereas we all just listed our one specialty, he put his full arsenal out there. Naturally most of our chars are expected to be able to perform a shadow clone or replacement jutsu.

    But I think ACloudintheSky is a bit worried that the particular bloodline you're referring to might be a bit too over the top, at least for the sake of this RP.

    But I haven't seen as much of the show as he has so I have no idea.

    To Dante:

    As far as instructors yeah do whatever you want. This RP is not bound by the plot of the show so it's entirely possible that Orochimaru could still reside in Konoha.

    And Mike, technically the only "Bad" or "Good" guys are the ones that we make here in the RP. Please try to avoid thinking in context of the plot of the actual show.
    Last edited by Lethal Seraphim; 10-19-2006 at 09:58 PM.

  27. #27
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed ACloudintheSky's Avatar
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    Yeah Lethal makes a good point. I want this rp to be succesful and not bound by the show at all really. Just some character situations and what not. If you want to have a "bad" guy as your instructor please by all means do. We dont want to follow the plot of the show so anything is possible. Orichamaru (sp?) might just stay good while others like Tsunade might betray the clan. But then again we dont know anything. It keeps things alive and interesting and keeps possibilities open ^-^ so feel free to have those characters you wish to be your instructor...

    But lets do keep our jutsu to a minimal power. Godlike jutsu is just not obtainable right now lol

  28. #28
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lord Storm Bryce's Avatar
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    Name:: Bayushi Sutoomu
    Age:: 17
    Gender:: Male
    Village:: Hidden Leaf Village
    Appearance:: Long white hair, red eyes, tall, thin, toned. Wears baggy black pants, forearm and calf wraps, weapon pouch on right thigh, item pouch on left hip.
    Weapons:: Shuriken, Kunai, Twin Wakazashi
    Taijutsu:: -Dainamikku-Entori
    Nothing more than a flying jump kick straight to the face. Used as an opening attack.
    -Hakke Kusho
    A palm thrust, done while out of arms' reach, pushes away the victim violently.
    -Konoha Daisenpu
    A spinning kick in the air, which propels the user forward.
    -Konoha Senpu
    This Jutsu is mainly a set-up one, and consists of kicking the opponent high into the air, thus leaving them vulnerable to a subsequent more powerful attack.
    An unusual style of taijutsu combat where the user takes in enough alcohol to become intoxicated (hence the name), causing them to become unpredictable and highly dangerous. Suiken is not a fighting style that one can learn or train in, nor is it a bloodline limit, but more of a natural talent that one is born with.
    -Nawanuke no Jutsu
    A basic jutsu taught at the Ninja academy. When a ninja is tied with rope, he can undo the knots and escape using this technique.
    - Bunshin no Jutsu
    This technique must be mastered by any ninja who has graduated from the Academy at the Hidden Leaf Village. It's the most basic technique a Genin must know, since it can be a real lifesaver. This ninjutsu creates a shadow clone of the caster.
    - Genjutsu Kai
    A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses their chakra and screams "kai" or "release." They can perform it on themselves or on others. It will effectively ward off most Genjutsu, unless extremely powerful or when used in conjunction with an advanced bloodline.
    - Henge no Jutsu
    Henge no Jutsu is the basic skill a ninja must know to become a Genin. It is a very useful and widely used skill in the series, as it has many uses. It's mostly used as a decoy, to confuse the opponent by transforming into somebody that's an ally with the enemy.
    - Kage Shuriken no Jutsu
    This is a really useful technique for ninjas who fight by tricking opponents. Shadow Shuriken, also known as Evil wind Shuriken Shadow Windmill, uses a Fuma Shuriken (a big, aerodynamically designed shuriken with curved blades).
    - Kawarimi no Jutsu
    The Body Substitute skill is a widely used and very famous skill among shinobis. Put simply, the user uses speed to his/her advantage, and grabs an item from the environment and places it on his/her current position while moving out of the way.
    Specialty:: Taijutsu and Ninjutsu that aids in Taijutsu.
    Background:: Sutoomu was not born in any ninja village but on a farm between two of the major villages. He was raised on the farm and tought basic martial arts by his father. In his free time he would go to the villages and talk to travelers, learning of many different things. He also would sit in the forest and meditate, trying to learn how to use feel his "chakura", which he had heard about from ninjas in the villages. Around the age of ten he decided he wanted to try and become a ninja and moved into the Hidden Leaf Village, joining the ninja school there. He is a bit older than the other ninjas at the school because of his later enrollment
    Personality:: Sutoomu is quiet, feeling somewhat out of place living in the village but he is not shy. He is respectful and curtious only to those he believes are worthy of it. A good team player but is more used to being on his own.
    Last edited by Lord Storm Bryce; 10-20-2006 at 06:01 PM.

  29. #29
    hmmm.... I see that this forum has been looked at by ALOT of people...maybe we could have numerous teams! I think it would be interesting as well (that is to say, if we have a surpluss of characters) if someone would rp an instructor, or maybe somone whos an older age will graduate to one...just throwing ideas out there

  30. #30
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lord Storm Bryce's Avatar
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    ((That sounds like a great idea to me. Probly haveing someone being an instructor would be better because then you could have one experienced person taking the team on missions and through tournements. Would be fun.))

    Last edited by Lord Storm Bryce; 10-20-2006 at 05:18 PM.

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