OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed
Lethal Seraphim and I are trying to create a Naruto RP. And we do believe that it can be really successful with the ideas we have for the rp. We were thinking that everyone would start out as Genin and work themselves up in ranks of a ninja. There will be different types of missions as well, as seen in the series. And according to your status you will get more difficult missions as you move up. This RP could be alot of fun and could go on a very long time. We need people to sign up before we could get started and there will be 3- man teams like in the show. And they would be sent on missions. Basically its just to have fun but there are some rules.
If you are applying for this role play please use this Template that I found. It works really well and it gives us an idea of how well you can role play and describe certain things. Remember that the Physical Description, Personality, and History needs to be atleast two paragraphs (Remember a paragraph is atleast 5 sentences long so I dont think we are asking too much) long without revealing too much. For example if you have a special marking on you that needs to be concealed until a certain moment then that is fine. But other than that please be very descriptive with your character and add a link for an image of your character ^-^ that would help alot too.
Remember if you want to be more then one character you may. But please fill out another application with that character. That way it can be looked at by other members that join.
Godly Characters will only be played by myself or Lethal Seraphim for plot advancement or dialogue's sake. You may however be one of their henchmen if you want to. But remember it has to be an original character. Also remember that if you want one of the Godly Characters to make a scene just let us know. We will play them and we will NOT abuse their power. Instructers however may be used but only to a certain extent. If me or lethal seraphim feel that you are abusing their roles we will stop it and ask you to change your post or change a portion.
One more thing before you get started. This role play is completely original even though it is based off the show Naruto. You may however use refrence to characters in the show, but you may not role play as them at anytime nor will they be able to help your character in a fight at anytime. There are also rules on what kind of jutsu you may use. You cannot have any mystical beast inside of you that gives you power (Like Naruto). You may absolutly not have the Sharigan (Susuke), and you can't have a power that was made into you (Gaara). These are God-like powers and will not be acceptable in this RP. And of course you may not God-Mod either. Just remember that Lethal Seraphim and I are the Moderators of this RP and if you do something that is unrealistic and aren't going to change it. We will kill off your character. If you think that is un-fair then I am sorry. I really want this role-play to flourish and God-Modding just won't do that.
Nationality: (Country/Village of Origin)
Physical Description: (Everything about your appearance goes here, Hair colour, Eye colour, Unusual markings/piercing/tattoos, Height/Weight/Build etc. What do they usually wear? Dress their hair?)
Personality: (Just like with the history, it is meant to give others a idea of who you are. No lists.)
History: (This must be between one and two paragraphs long; it is meant to give players an idea of the character without revealing too much. The rest will be found out IC, through rp.)
Link to image: (If possible)
((If you are confused about anything at all just ask for questions I will be mroe then willing to help and if you want to contact me directly add A_Cloud_inthe_Sky in your yahoo messenger. I am normally on alot and I never don't talk to someone unless you become annoying.))
Here are some non-player characters that could have someone play as them if you are having trouble coming up with a name and history for your own character
Echo Thorne: She is the little sister of Aurora and sometimes gets picked on by the boys in school. She has a pretty rough past with having to leave her parents but Aurora cares for her. They love each other very much and have both been through alot together. ((ask Aurora (xXViviXx) for a complete history if you want to play this character))
Soturito (unknown last name): Was recently hospitalize from a "bear" attack. One of the persons this person really looks up to is Bo (Seig). No one knows really what happened that day but he was attacked by a bear which Bo explained to the people in the hospital. If you want to play this character he will be revived of course so that you can play as the character lol just be expecting to limp around a little while. Oh and I dont think he has a history but ask Bo (Seig) for any history or the relationship those characters have for one another.
Shingi (last name unkown): Again another character brought in by Bo. He seems to be rivals with Bo, Ask Seig for any history or relationship with the two characters.
Last edited by ACloudintheSky; 10-23-2006 at 01:10 PM.
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