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Thread: OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed

  1. #661
    Why do I keep getting ignored...I just wanted some help. Why is it MY team is the one that has two people MIA? I'm so sad....I'm just going to go and eat at the ramen hut and bug Sierh and Um...

    Wait, are we all on the same day? I think I went to bed after that day, while that meeting of yours is still the day of the meeting right? I think I'm getting ahead of myself.
    (I told you so)
    (You are ugly. SHUT UP!)
    (That makes you ugly too stupid)
    (...I memorized the preamble for the constitution!)
    (what the hell does that have with anything?)
    (nothing. I just miss my cell mate and teacher lady...)

    PS: Lethal, you left your sig in the post you made for the rp. That's going to get you into trouble. Go get rid of the evidence before Andromeda comes and beats you with her warning stick!

  2. #662
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lord Storm Bryce's Avatar
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    Are the mean boys ignoring you? Aww. Well I have one awol member from my team and the other is doing his own thing which is why I am kinda confused about why we still have teams if they serve no purpose. There might be something in the works though. if so I would like to know unless its another one of those cool weird twists Cloud likes to do every now and then. But yeah. i think i will end up chillin with Aurora for a while like the old days. Kick some ass. Maybe get Dante in here and hook up the old team for a mission. That would be fun.

  3. #663
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl View Post
    Why do I keep getting ignored...I just wanted some help. Why is it MY team is the one that has two people MIA? I'm so sad....I'm just going to go and eat at the ramen hut and bug Sierh and Um...

    Wait, are we all on the same day? I think I went to bed after that day, while that meeting of yours is still the day of the meeting right? I think I'm getting ahead of myself.

    PS: Lethal, you left your sig in the post you made for the rp. That's going to get you into trouble. Go get rid of the evidence before Andromeda comes and beats you with her warning stick!
    Yeah, I totally noobed out and made a lil nublet mistake. I went and fixed it just now. Thank God we were the only ones to notice. Just proves how long it's been for me.

    Anyway Bleachfangirl, feel free to have your character talk to Um. Right now his actions in the RP are very limited, for the obvious reasons. Plus, I don't really know you or your character that well, so some interaction would be most fascinating for me. I'm going to make a little post here in a moment to follow up on Cloud's, and I'll leave Um in the raman hut. So if ya want to approach, feel free.

    As far as anachronisms go and being on the same day, don't worry about that crap. That's the sort of thing that can drive you crazy. It's best to just assume that we're all on the same time whenever we post, unless someone specifically notes it in their post (like they have to have it be a certain time for a plot device/advancement).

    Oh, and Cloud...

    Quote Originally Posted by ACloudintheSky
    “I can walk, I won’t lead astray I promise.” He smiled a soft smile towards Sierh, and all he could do was smile back.
    That shit made my ass LIGHT up when I read it. That was awesome man. F*cking beautiful.

  4. #664
    o kids..................... i doth luv this rp... i think im gonna post today (just felt like sharing...)

  5. #665
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    You thought wrong, apparently.

  6. #666
    I finally posted people! Everyone give me a w00p w00p! DO IT! =P I love you guys =]

  7. #667
    SO many people are leaving those sigs intact....Andromeda is going to kill us...again.

    Bryce...Vivi....please tell me you are doing that just to play around...

    Thanks Lethal. I think I will before doing anything else since Um is just so damn cool!

  8. #668
    hehhehe yea sorry about that lethal! (anime style smile whille eyes r closed and i rub the back of my head) i got held up.... ill try my hardest

  9. #669
    Please do. If this think dies before it gets to the good part, I'm going to go and hunt you all down just to make you feel guilty by sitting at your front door and crying for the whole night!

    Yay! Lethal! Talk to Akira! She's talking to you! Um was made to stay the whole night there....sorry.
    Last edited by Bleachfangirl; 09-17-2007 at 05:18 PM.

  10. #670
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed ACloudintheSky's Avatar
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    Seraph revise your post, I whispered that into Lethal's character's ear so that no one could hear it. I didn't mention anything about anyone else being able to even understand it. So please revise the post. I really wouldnt make a big deal about this but I really dont want anyone but the few to know about it until it actualyl happens.

  11. #671
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXViviXx View Post
    I finally posted people! Everyone give me a w00p w00p! DO IT! =P I love you guys =]
    w00p w00p!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I think I will before doing anything else since Um is just so damn cool!
    Why can't everyone just think like you do?

    Yay! Stuffs to reads! Brb with comments!

    I'm such a gay sometimes...


    Good stuff!


    Bleachfangirl, I responded. I went and read your bio post in this OOC thread (I got ass lucky and stumbled upon the right page randomly, thank God) and from that I assume that Akira is a Genin? If that's incorrect and she's of a different rank, let me know and I'll edit accordingly.
    Last edited by Lethal Seraphim; 09-16-2007 at 11:21 PM.

  12. #672
    Lmfao. Sean is the only person to give me a w00p w00p XD and what the hell do you want from Bleachfangirl?! You want like a fan club or something XD.

    Ahem. Excuse my randomness. Bleh.

  13. #673
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed ACloudintheSky's Avatar
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    I'm jumping on the band wagon.

    I still need you to revise your last post seraph before I can post a training things. (If you try to explain to me how you could of heard it dont, I really don't want to hear it lol No one but Um was supposed to hear that.)

    And on other news Things are starting to pick up a little. Hopefully before the end of the week I will be able to post something depending on how quickly things get moving along. Any who, later

  14. #674
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXViviXx View Post
    Lmfao. Sean is the only person to give me a w00p w00p XD and what the hell do you want from Bleachfangirl?! You want like a fan club or something XD.

    Ahem. Excuse my randomness. Bleh.
    Lawl... You silly, silly Chinese girl.

    Yes, a fan club would be fantastic. We can start it right here. It can be called the "I worship Sean and his fantastic RP characters/abilities plus he makes me hot in the pants in real life fan club!" I think it could really catch on around here.

  15. #675
    Quote Originally Posted by Lethal Seraphim View Post
    Lawl... You silly, silly Chinese girl.

    Yes, a fan club would be fantastic. We can start it right here. It can be called the "I worship Sean and his fantastic RP characters/abilities plus he makes me hot in the pants in real life fan club!" I think it could really catch on around here.
    Um...I'll join the first part of the club? Just not the second...I don't think girls actually get hot in the they? I don't....scary if it's true....

    ACK! WHY ALL OF YOU POST LIKE THIS???? There's nothing going on for days and all of a sudden, you make me read? I'm too young to be reading this much other than for school! Students are meant to be dumb....

  16. #676
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl View Post
    Um...I'll join the first part of the club? Just not the second...I don't think girls actually get hot in the they? I don't....scary if it's true....
    They sure can... I mean... Ummm... maybe if you didn't know it's not my place to tell you?

    ANYWAY, it's not important, I'm just a nasty little boy.

    By the way, I responded to your post. I apologize if things seem a bit slow. I'm still trying to get back in the swing of my character.
    Last edited by Lethal Seraphim; 09-17-2007 at 08:21 PM.

  17. #677
    thats right lethal its not ur place!!!! u perv.... (its mine... muhahahhahahhahaha!!!!!!!) posting soon (and this time i mean it)

  18. #678
    ok i edited now instead of asking why u said that his is just wondering what the hell took u so damn long with your buds.

  19. #679
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed ACloudintheSky's Avatar
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    Cid remove your signatures. If you don;t I will remove you from the rp. It is not allowed to show sig's in the rping forumn so get rid of them

  20. #680
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    My bad Cloud, I'll take care of it. Sorry for not posting much Bleachfangirl.
    Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 09-22-2007 at 09:20 AM.

  21. #681
    LMFAO at Bleachfangirl. And Sean, you silly, silly, self absorbed person =P

  22. #682
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Hey vivi, when is Aurora going to bring up Jardoon's moving in, he's lonely.....

    BTW, This is a noob question, but how do you remove the sig from your posts?

    Hey, I have to go, so can you pleeeease deal with me having the sig until my question is answered tommorrow
    Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 09-22-2007 at 09:21 AM.

  23. #683
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Fantasy Fan Ci View Post
    BTW, This is a noob question, but how do you remove the sig from your posts?

    Hey, I have to go, so can you pleeeease deal with me having the sig until my question is answered tommorrow

    You click edit on your post, then click Go Advanced, which will bring up the full posting interface like you'd typically see when making a reply. Then you go ahead and uncheck the Show Signature box.

    I'm pretty sure that's how you do it.

    Ya really gotta get used to just always unchecking that box before you even start to type your posts.

    And Vivi, come to the ramen hut and spew that bullcrap. I"ll pop you right in the mouth you saucey butt-face!

    Yeah, I went there. Big time.

    Sean is bored...

  24. #684
    OH MY...Where is the love? I thought you guys were such lovely friends...then you go and start fighting? Fighting is not the answer. Let's hug and make up!

    I'm a hippie now? SWEET!

    I forgive you Cid. Just keep neglecting this rp and I'll go over to your home and cry in front of your door until you feel unbearably guilty!

  25. #685
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Vivi's the kind of friend you have to smack around sometimes.

    In the meantime, I guess I'm gonna post something? I dunno. I want to post, I just don't know what about. I really kind of want to fight. Someone just bust into the Ramen hut and give me some shit, please.

    Actually, I just want an excuse to show off some powerful jutsus that Um learned while he was gone for two years.

    Le sigh....

    Sean is still bored.

    OH, and while I'm thinking about it, what are the formal squad assignments? Are there even formal squad assignments? I know Sierh is teaching Shien and Vain, but does anyone else have any groups or that sort of thing?

  26. #686
    Vivi is Jordoon's and Akira's master lady. She hasn't done anything with us...just hangs out with old friends and an old lady! (hehehehe...I'm going to pay for that...)

    If you want, you could ask to train with me after the meal and we'll go at it. I'll have to post on the weekend though. I'm still not done with homework....

  27. #687
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Yeah that's cool, I understand the homework business. I've been busier than usual with school this week myself.

    If you want, sure, we can do that. I'll save it for the weekend though so that there won't be too much waiting around time.

    What's weird is Vivi and I are pretty cool outside the RP, like we talk on MSN sometimes and stuff, but in RP our characters do not know each other AT all. I just realized that and thought it was kind of odd.

    I blame you, Vivi.

  28. #688
    HAH! Nevermind, I just posted and I'm feeling great about it!!!! ^^

    I think she'll get you for that...I have this strange fear of Vivi....*shivers*

    In our training thing, go a little easier on me. Please remember that this is one of my frist TWO rp experiences and I'm a NOOBIE loser....TToTT so sad....honestly though, I'm not too good at this...or good at all....

  29. #689
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Lol sweet, I'm gonna respond right now actually.

    And don't worry. To be completely honest, I've never RP battled with Um. I used to RP battle a lot back in the day before I was on this board, but I haven't really done it in a long time. (Like, I haven't done it in years.)

    Besides, you roleplay well. Seriously.

    If you were bad at it, I'd let you know. Trust me, I have a rep for being kind of an ass in my RP's. Cloud can vouch for that.


    Posted. Have at me!
    Last edited by Lethal Seraphim; 09-18-2007 at 10:27 PM.

  30. #690
    Whoa, I didn't even go for that long and I find you guys talking about me behind my back =P lol And maybe I will come over to the Ramen hut and say hi and all that jazz.
    (And Sean, you know you love meh =])

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