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Thread: Favourite guitar players

  1. #31
    Bye-Bye, Taisai Favourite guitar players postalblowfish7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camas28
    Reading this whole thing I was thinking to myself... where is Eddie Van Halen I think he is the best guitarist ever. Then I finally saw his name but I figure I'll reiterate the point.
    ok no

    eddie van hallen is not the greatest guitarist ever.

    the ability to play flawlessly at break neck speeds is nothing compared to the ability to wrench your soul with each note. jimmy page invented the 'van halen' guitar style, and a single one of his solos has more passion than all van halen solos combined.

    like the moment in black dog where he ****s up just a little bit - i remember hearing that when i was 14 and think "wow, a human made this music - i want to play guitar just like him

    granted, i remember listening to hot for teacher and thinking "jesus ****ing christ eddie van halen is a ****ing monster" - there's just no soul. his solos could be recorded by robots and be about equally as passionate.

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  2. #32
    Thats a fair point... I like emotion in it, also Id like to add a few nameless guitarists as I dont know there names, but the guitarists in the Trans-Siberian Orchestra are pretty good... there's some feeling Cannon on guitar.

  3. #33
    Favourite guitar players $Nanaki$'s Avatar
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    Johnny Marr, Paul Weller, Ronnie Montrose, and.....

    Ronny Moorings from Clan of Xymox.
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    Another destiny lies leached upon the ground
    A gilded wreath of reason
    The flower crushed conceives
    A child of fragrance so much clearer
    In legacy

    Comments? suggestions? Insults?

  4. #34
    Mr. Hendrix. Now he played with soul.
    But he's not my favourite....

    Angus Young forever.

  5. #35
    Frank Iero (My Chemical Romance).

  6. #36
    Jimi Hendrix, George Harrison, and John Frusciante are my all-time favourite guitar players.

  7. #37
    Jimmy Hendrix - he made rock what it is today. Without him there is no rock

    Neil Young - easily one of my top 5 favorite artists of all time, and he's an amazing song writer

    Hillel Slovak & Michael Balzary (Flea) - I couldn't seperate these two as they were more of a team than anything else. They gave the RHCP the distinctive sound they are known and loved for. John Frusciante can never fill his place.

  8. #38
    Umm... Dimebag, Hendrix, Satriani, Vai, Nuggent, Page, Halen, Steve Swanson, Chuck Berry, Slash, Izzy Stradlin, David Gilmour's... hehe many more

  9. #39
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    John Petrucci (Dream Theater), Steve Howe (Yes), Bradley Nowell (Sublime), Slash (Guns 'N Roses), Buckethead, Muhammed Suicmez (Necrophagist), Chuck Shuldiner (Death), and a couple others I can't recall.

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  10. #40
    Favourite guitar players fosterkid's Avatar
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    slash .......guns n roses and velvet revolver
    Kirk Hammet..............METALLICA
    James Hetfield ........ METALLICA
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  11. #41
    kamen leonhart
    ok lets seee in order Eric clapton=god
    and Niel young=moses
    sorry if i ofend any 1 with those statments

  12. #42
    Favourite guitar players fosterkid's Avatar
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    Kirk Hammet[METALLICA]
    Sinister Gates[Avenged Sevenfold]
    James Hetfield[METALLICA]
    Zacky Vengance[Avenged Sevenfold]

    do you mean guitar and bass or just guitar?
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  13. #43
    Favourite guitar players BakersDozen's Avatar
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    The guys from necrophagist are really good, so are the guys from dragonforce, most people couldnt hope to ever be half as good as these guys. although i dont like children of bodom all that much, alexi laiho is a very good guitarist. other than that i'd say steve vai, petrucci, and yngwie.
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  14. #44
    The guitarist from Dragonfoce has taken a lesson from Michael Angelo batio to me. With his reversed hand playing. Michael still does it better.

  15. #45
    Favourite guitar players BakersDozen's Avatar
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    Michael does do it better, but i like the way dragonforce sounds more, the title of the thread was favorite guitar player, not best.
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  16. #46
    Favourite guitar players fosterkid's Avatar
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    the late great Cliff Burton[METALLICA]
    Jonny Christ[Avenged Sevenfold]
    Ryan Martinie[Mudvayne]
    Robert Trajial..shit i dont know his last name[METALLICA]
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  17. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by BakersDozen
    Michael does do it better, but i like the way dragonforce sounds more, the title of the thread was favorite guitar player, not best.
    But Michael does it with style! Just look at him! He looks like someone from Spinal tao, and plays guitar like he doesn't care. Pure awesome.

  18. #48
    Favourite guitar players BakersDozen's Avatar
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    have you guys ever heard of kaki king? look up her videos on youtube, she plays acoustic guitar and does percussion on the guitar at the same time. she also plays it with her hand over the top of the neck. its crazy.
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  19. #49
    Favourite guitar players Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BakersDozen
    have you guys ever heard of kaki king? look up her videos on youtube, she plays acoustic guitar and does percussion on the guitar at the same time. she also plays it with her hand over the top of the neck. its crazy.
    Playing percussion with the guitar isn't terribly new. Greats such as Tommy Emmanuel CGP do that quite a lot and a lot better imho, as does Michael Fix - two great virtuoso Australian guitar players. Look them up sometime.
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  20. #50
    Favourite guitar players BakersDozen's Avatar
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    I'll look them up. I had heard of people doing it, but i had never seen it until i saw the kaki king videos.
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  21. #51
    My fave guitar player is Zakk Wylde. He drives me crazy!!

  22. #52
    Favourite guitar players Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BakersDozen
    I'll look them up. I had heard of people doing it, but i had never seen it until i saw the kaki king videos.
    I highly recommend that you do. Playing 'over the top' is just a show off technique - nothing more. Playing the guitar percussively is a real technique, though. You can do it with electric guitar too, with mixed results. I do it sometimes, just to make people guess what I'm doing. Flamenco-guitar playing is very well known for using the guitar as a percussive-instrument quite heavily. A few flamenco guitarists, if you're interested' to check out would be the likes of Lenny Breau - sure, he's more of a jazz player, but he fused flameco playing into his style. Another would be the late Sabicas - very influential in introducing flamenco to audiences outside of Spain (Flameco is a Spainish style, fyi).
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  23. #53
    Registered User Favourite guitar players maxpower's Avatar
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    In a van down by the river.
    Angus Young (AC/DC)
    Slash (GNR)
    Paul McCartney is a great bass player and John Lennon is a great guitarist.
    and David Gilmour of Pink Floyd

  24. #54
    Favourite guitar players Lord Storm Bryce's Avatar
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    Carlos Santana, "Dimebag" Darrel, Van halen, Dragonforce Lead Guitars (dont know the names but they both rock.

    Persenally my very favs are the guys from Dragonforce. Their speed metal is insane and some of the things they play are jsut amazing. I grew up on Santana and even though I have yet to hear him just break out and go crazy, he is still an amazing musician. Good ol' "Dimebag" from Pantera, just an amazing player. And Van Halen, classic and revolutionary. Was one of the original metal guys and I respect him greatly.

  25. #55
    I have a lot of guitarists i admire..i won't list hendrix because i'm sure somebody else has..but here are a few of mine..

    1.) Jimmy Page - Not many people can touch him in innovation, eclecticism, and overall prowess. As a god in Led Zeppelin, or even as a studio muscian or guitarist for the Yardbirds, Jimmy Page really is one of the most influential guitar players. His use of feedback and fuzz was great, but he also played amazing acoustic guitar, pedal steel, slide, and you can not talk about his solos? Somebody who's soloing eddy van halen cites as his inspiration.

    2.) Davild Gilmour - Really helped coin the term "atmospheric guitar work." As much as I love Syd Barret, it was ultmately Gilmour's spacey guitars that really defined Pink Floyd as we know them today.

    3.) Jeff Beck - The lesser known of Britain's 60's blues guitarists. While not very successful, he's easily on the same level as greats like Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page. While Clapton was playing more traditional blues, Beck was exploring the realms of harder heavy metal rock, psychedelic music, and jazz fusion. Has had a solo career, been part of the Jeff Beck Group, was one of the three great guitarists to go through the Yardbirds (jimmy page and clapton being the other two, some of the best yardbirds music was the short time where page and beck were in the group together making some incredible work), and has worked with such artists at Stevie Ray Vaughan and Roger Waters.

    4.) Ry Cooder - One of the kings of slide guitar, and also one of the most eclectic and virtuostic guitar players around (whether as a composer, a solo artist, or his best role as a session player). Began his career at age 16 and has mastered many styles including blues, reggae, rock and roll, country, folk, texmex, vaudeville, hawaiian dixieland jazz, R & b, and gospel. His work has been featured on albums by the Rolllingstones and Captain Beefheart among many.

    5.) **** Dale - if anyone has heard the opening to "Pulp Fiction" they have heard **** Dale's guitar playing. He is considered to be the king of surf guitar, and made it big with his trademark sound. (i can't write his first name without being censored unfortuntaly but you can use your imagination, it starts with a D and ends in an ick
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  26. #56
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Jari M&#228;enp&#228#228; - Ensiferum/Wintersun - The stuff he did with Ensiferum was quite good on his own even though I am sure it was mostly what the band wanted rather than what he want. So when he worked on the Wintersun project he really got to show off what he was capable of and did a real good job of it.

    Ihsahn (Vegard Sverre Tveitan) - Emperor (Nor), Zyklon-B (Nor), Peccatum, Thou Shalt Suffer, Wongraven, Ildjarn, Embryonic and Samoth (Tomas Thormods&#230;ter Haugen) - Zyklon, ex-Thou Shalt Suffer, ex-Gorgoroth, ex-Satyricon, ex-Zyklon-B (Nor), ex-Arcturus (Nor), Scum (Nor), Embryonic, Xerasia - Even though I don't really listen to Emperor much any more the Legacy they created with In The Nightside Eclipse was truely something to behold. I am not sure who did which parts though I could check out on their videos, the Guitar work was quite differant and played a huge influence on all the Melodic Black Metal bands.

    There are many others such as Mikael &#197;kerfeldt, Arkadius Antonik, and pretty much any Swedish Metal Guitarist but these two imo are my personal favourites.

  27. #57
    Right now, I cant get enough of the Albert Hammond/Nick Valensi guitar duo of the Strokes. When I am in the mood to hear two distinct leads, I turn to them.

    No one has said Jack White. I simply liked him until I saw him live. He is amazing, and his work in the White Stripes is bar none. He creates an atmosphere like no other.

    Izzy Stradlin. Someone else mentioned him. I enjoy his work so much more in Guns N Roses than I do of Slash. His rhythm created the classic GnR tone.

    Billy Corgan. He plays amazing leads while singing. Outlclasses any band he happens to be in.

    George Harrison. Its a shame, because the early Beatles records did not let him shine, and the psychadelic albums were light on guitar. But then comes "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". His solo work is not as classic, but still amazing.

  28. #58
    Those are certainly some of my favs as well..i love George Harrison and i think he is a vastly underrated guitarist IMO. While My Guitar Gently Weeps is great, but Clapton actually performed the solo on it. Haha yeah i've seen Jack White live too, i greatly admire him, and i'm glad to see he's bringing back the whole blues guitarist thing. I think he's one of the guitar gods of our generation for sure.

    I like the strokes too..i guess i don't listen to them enough though. Same goes for Billy Corgan and the Smashing Pumpkins. Certainly great, just not my personal favorites.
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    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

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  29. #59
    Favourite guitar players SourBreak's Avatar
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    John Petrucci
    Dimebag Darrel
    Jeff Hanneman
    Joe Satriani
    Steve Vai
    Eddie Van Halen
    Zac Wylde

    John Myung
    Victor Wooten
    Cliff Burton
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  30. #60
    Favourite guitar players SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Okay, the fact that someone else mentioned Michael Romeo (of Symphony X) makes me EXTREMELY pleased, as I love both him and that band. (They're one of the best things ever and I recommend everyone go out and buy their stuff)

    So here are some other guitarists deserving props (in no particular order) :

    -Yngwie Malmstein (with extreme props for his pioneering of the Neo-classical style I adore so much)
    -Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin)
    -Randy Rhoads (Ozzy)
    -John Petrucci (Dream Theater)
    -Keith Richards (Rolling Stones)
    -Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath--come on, nobody wants to show some love for him?)
    -Eddie Van Halen

    There are more deserving of mention, but it's about 2 a.m. here now, and I require sleep.

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