--> Favourite guitar players
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Thread: Favourite guitar players

  1. #1
    Favourite guitar players Daddy's Avatar
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    Favourite guitar players

    So...What are your all time favourite guitar players? Theres not much else I can say, really.

    Mine...Well, theres Synyster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold. He's a very big influence.
    Dime, of course. You can't go past Pantera without wondering how he does some of that stuff..
    Theres my guitar teacher aswell, Jason McGregor. He really openned my eyes to other styles of music, and most importantly taught me how to play, properly. This guy can play practically anything from any genre. Not to mention write in the vein of many genres.
    Wade and Dallas from Alexisonfire. I just love the atmosphere they bring out in their guitar playing. It's worth checking out Dalla's solo projects - www.myspace.com/dallasgreen - great folk playing.
    Michael Angelo Batio - I can't play any of his stuff, but damn. He inspires me to play when I don't have all of my motivation to.

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  2. #2
    Well. Lets see here. I'll post one for now, and then post some more later.

    Anders "Blakkheim" Nystrom. No, not for Katatonia, I love them but Blakkheim shines much more in two other bands. Diabolical Masquerade and Bloodbath. In DM he makes some of the most interesting riffs that work to enhance the eerieness of the music, without loosing the power they should have.

    In Bloodbath, well. There isn't much to say other than he writes catchy and "br00tal" riffs.
    <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v52/CrushedHopeMWW/bece6c58.gif"

  3. #3
    Permanently banned Favourite guitar players darkViVi's Avatar
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    In a world gone mad
    Well......My favorite would have to be Dime, may he rest in peace.

    He played the guitar like no others and I have been a huge fan of him for over 10 years, His tragic death was a true loss for the metal genre.

    Didn't matter wich band he was in, Pantera or Damageplan didn't make a difference. I could hear that it was Dimebag playing on the guitar.


  4. #4
    are talkin about bass and electric or just electric?

    if its bass id say:
    Nikki Sixx (motley crue)

    Mick Mars (motley crue...again)
    Or the guy from manowar (cant remember his name at present)

    and of course

    All will be waiting in fear for my return...

    Dragoon Joe - Back with a vengence!

  5. #5
    I'm not too familiar with many guitar players,
    but one sticks out in my head.
    Yngwie Malmsteen. I think his solos are

    Favourite song is "Far Beyond The Sun".
    He also does "flight of the bumblebee" stylized.
    <img src=http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/azziebee/scclanbanner2.jpg>
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  6. #6
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    My favourite guitar players are Slash and George Harrison. Slash is such an awesome guitarist and was amazing live. I didn't see Guns n' Roses live myself but I have couple of their concerts on DVD and he was amazing on stage. George Harrison might not have been the best guitarist ever but I thought he was very talented and was highly underrated as well. Buckethead is an excellent guitarist in my opinion, he has to be one of my all time favourites. He sounds awesome live.

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  7. #7
    Dan Dongan

    Joe Satrini

    Randy Rhoads

    Zack Wyled

    Jimi Hendrix

    Stevie Ray Vahun

    Kirk Hammet

    Frank Zappa

  8. #8
    Bye-Bye, Taisai Favourite guitar players postalblowfish7's Avatar
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    wtf is wrong with you people??


    i agree that jimmi hendrix is the greatest of all time - but these are my all time favorites. i can't believe they haven't been meantioned yet! george harrison is the ****ing shit too.
    ~ R.I.P. Alexander Server ~
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  9. #9
    Favourite guitar players Daddy's Avatar
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    I am head of Banners too
    Actually, Randy Rhoads as mentioned, as was George and Hendrix.
    You are not an FF character.

  10. #10
    Favourite guitar players Angel of Death's Avatar
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    Right now, Buckethead, and Yngwie Malmsteen are my favorites. But then again, I'm a sucker for Kerry King, Herman Li, and Collin Meloy. Though Collin's a terrible guitar player, he rules. And how can you hate a whiny British guy?

  11. #11
    I like John Frusciante (Red Hot Chilli Peppers), Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy) and Frank Iero (My Chemical Romance).

  12. #12
    Not in any order.
    Joe Satriani - I'm a huge fan of his style and his constant deliverance of solo's album after frickin album. With Surfing With the Alien still and always being my favourite of them all. A great guitarist.
    Jimi Hendrix - The god of all that is guitar. Truely worthy of that name and will always be a legend. This guys guitaring has always been awesome to me and will remain even when he raises back from the dead and wails his guitar to the masses once more. [oh, he will!!]
    Jeff Loomis - The lead guitar for Nevermore, this guy can spew out solo after ****ing solo and make them all sound as awesome as the first, and better! combined with the rest of the band, it puts a new meaning to word awesome.
    Micheal Angelo Batio - The greats guitarist when it comes to fast playing, becuase this guy makes it sound so awesome! Watch any of his vidoes where he's showing off, you'll soon sink down to your place in the guitaring world. Becuase this guy knows what he's doing.

  13. #13
    I have a fair amount of people I like but I'll just list off a couple. Pete Townshend I think is a wonderful guitarist. He wasn't very good at soloing when he was in The Who, but on his solo albums he showed off his true skill. He mainly did chord progressions, but they sounded wonderful. He just has a unique style that I like. it's set like rythem, but it doesn't blend with the song, it still sounds like a lead, because of how he plays. It's hard to describe. Pete is one of my faves though.

    My other guitarist that I like alot is Kirk Hammet of Metallica. I just like the way he solos. His ability to play fast, but not have to if he doesn't feel like it makes him great. He can play fast, but also he lets the notes be heard and has the abaility to get the sound that he wants out of what he plays. He's a great guitarist. Those are 2 of the guitarist that I like alot.

  14. #14
    Decay Immense
    Michael Angelo... he's just bloody crazy! I'd love to be able to play like that!

  15. #15

    I like

    Kurt Cobain - mainly for the excellent use of chaos or distortion, he just made unique sounds. Many will argue this or disagree, but it's not stuff I've heard from other musicians, and therefore it's unique to me.

    Jerry Cantrell - I think he came up with some of the best music, instrumentally, that I've ever heard. I don't think he's that good of a lyricist, but his songs were excellent compositions both on his own and with AIC.

    ???????????? - I don't know the name and I'm not going to look it up, but I've always liked the guitar work from the band Filter. I know they use a lot of synthesizers and shit, but live they use guitars a lot more, and I just like there different sounds they create, distortion, harmony, rythm.

    anywayz, gotta go to a bar... peace
    <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/scorpion_666/Legion%20Of%20Angels/TheWrathofGod.jpg">
    Legion of Angels

  16. #16
    Favourite guitar players Jin's Avatar
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    Perhaps you'd enjoy my guitar playing if I banged a cat against my guitar. After all, it's a unique sound that most other musicians wouldn't even attempt.

    Kai Hansen is probably one of my favourite guitar players. A nice crisp metal sound without anything overly fancy. Good stuff.

    Until now!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu
    Perhaps you'd enjoy my guitar playing if I banged a cat against my guitar. After all, it's a unique sound that most other musicians wouldn't even attempt.
    Well that's sort of what we hear with some metal bands already, do you front any of them?
    <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/scorpion_666/Legion%20Of%20Angels/TheWrathofGod.jpg">
    Legion of Angels

  18. #18
    Favourite guitar players Jin's Avatar
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    No, it's a grunge band. We're called Memoirs Of Kurt Cobain. We've always tried our best to make unique sounds like Kurt, because really, that's all that matters.

    Seriously, just because something sounds unique, doesn't mean it sounds good. Progressive music is a good example of this, minus a few bands.

    Until now!

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu
    Seriously, just because something sounds unique, doesn't mean it sounds good. Progressive music is a good example of this, minus a few bands.
    Why are you arguing with an opinion?

    Just because something sounds good to someone doesn't mean it sounds good to the next. No sh*t stupid, that's called an opinion, that is your argument, and we both have one.

    I prefer unique music in a lot of what I listen to because in my opinion, it seperates those musicians from the norm or same old/same old. It's like the people who didn't follow all the same rules of there genre or sub genre and just played music with there own twist. I don't specifically mean rebellious or all the metal and punk people will say..."oh man, our bands did that to", I mean different within your association of bands. Something unique.
    <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/scorpion_666/Legion%20Of%20Angels/TheWrathofGod.jpg">
    Legion of Angels

  20. #20
    Favourite guitar players Jin's Avatar
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    I don't care what you like, but to like something simply because it's unique is shallow in my opinion; and in the spirit of expressing our opinions, I did just that.

    Until now!

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu
    I don't care what you like, but to like something simply because it's unique is shallow in my opinion; and in the spirit of expressing our opinions, I did just that.
    No that is not what you are doing.

    You are attacking me for whatever opinion I have because you don't like Grunge music. It's ok for you not to like it, it's not ok for you to blast everyone else that does.

    That is shallow.

    I also never said that I like music simply because it's "unique", nor do I find that shallow in anyway. Something different, something harmonic yet distorting, loud/soft or just progressively louder, good dynamics. That's what I like, sometimes it's unique sometimes it's not.

    Don't turn this into a grunge argument, nor an argument at all, this is about what guitarists we like. I've stated my choices, you don't need to attack me for them.

    Thank you,

    <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/scorpion_666/Legion%20Of%20Angels/TheWrathofGod.jpg">
    Legion of Angels

  22. #22
    Favourite guitar players Jin's Avatar
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    Wow, you should be a psychiatrist, as you apparently know what I'm doing better than I do. What I am doing is commenting on your post. If you chooes to think of it as an attack, then so be it. I'll try to work on never disagreeing with you again so we don't have any more of these problems.

    And for the record: grunge was only mentioned after you mentioned metal

    Until now!

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu
    And for the record: grunge was only mentioned after you mentioned metal
    I'm not a child, you might be, I don't know you that well. But this is my final post, go ahead and post again...get the last word in...feel like a tough guy.

    But if you look back, you made the first comment in reference to my post, that started this argument, so don't act like you're innocent when you caused this all to occur.
    <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/scorpion_666/Legion%20Of%20Angels/TheWrathofGod.jpg">
    Legion of Angels

  24. #24
    Favourite guitar players Jin's Avatar
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    I wasn't denying that I started this. However, I disagree on the severity of it. Relax, it's a musical debate, nothing more.

    Until now!

  25. #25
    Favourite guitar players Kinney's Avatar
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    For me I would say that I really like Frank Iero and Billie Joe. In fact, the reason of why Im playing electric guitar right now is because of them, they are my inspiration and I hope that someday I can be like them and play in a group.
    <center><img src="http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i44/kinney1328/bob.jpg"></center>

    the hardest part about growing up is
    letting go of what you were used to
    and moving on with something you're not

    I don't wanna be in love, I don’t wanna be in love

  26. #26
    Favourite guitar players Green Angel's Avatar
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    Hell yeah Frank Iero rocks! I play guitar too but I started it because I was inspired by one of my friends and a 15% by Avril Lavigne. Now that Avril said no to the music and electric guitar I would say that my favourites are Frank Iero, Tristan and Masashi, part of it can also be Billie Joe but not that much.
    When I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
    Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
    Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
    And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain
    Just smile back

  27. #27
    Lead - Eddie Van Halen (Van Halen)

    Rhythm - Pete Townshend (The Who)

    Bass - Geddy Lee (Rush)

  28. #28
    Reading this whole thing I was thinking to myself... where is Eddie Van Halen I think he is the best guitarist ever. Then I finally saw his name but I figure I'll reiterate the point. And for best bassist Id have to say I really like Flea from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers

  29. #29
    Bye-Bye, Taisai Favourite guitar players postalblowfish7's Avatar
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    going to get a little unorthadox here for a moment -

    johnny greenwood or matthew bellamy anyone???
    ~ R.I.P. Alexander Server ~
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  30. #30
    Favourite guitar players Mugetsu's Avatar
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    Bassists- Les Claypool, Mark King and Victor Wooten. **** your shitty pop bassists with their poor styles, these guys are the masters!!

    Guitars- Michael Romeo (symphony x) and possibly Michael Einziger (incubus)

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