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  1. G'day you little shits

    So I'm sat here a-waiting for some clothes to dry at 8:30am, and I haven't been to sleep yet unfortunately but hey, that's what happens when most of your courses finish at school and your sleeping pattern gets ****ed. I'm going to get my first tattoo today, aahhhh. Nervous. My appointment is at 11 so I'm just trying to pass time until then. Kris is coming in with me, thank ****. I have no idea what to expect, I'm a wee bit frightened of needles. But it'll be alright, I can do this! Lol.
  2. F*CK my life.

    So Jay comes home and starts talking all this Army mumbo jumbo and using abbreviations & Army Man terms that I know nothing about or understand.

    After practically yelling at him to explain to me what these terms & letters mean (seriously, it's like a foreign language dude), he tells me that everyone else that's not getting deployed in August/September is getting their contracts bought out in like 2 months..

    Everyone except for him and 1 other person.
  3. My plan...

    by , 05-29-2013 at 07:31 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)

    I have thought of another idea to help me win Kind of the Web/Gaming King (I still haven't decided which category I want to enter). I am going to try and upload a new video every day during the cycle. If people see that I am uploading videos more often they will be intrigued and want to check out my profile and vote. That's the idea at least.

    The offer still stands on getting a share of the winnings if I get anything, so fell free to message me.
  4. Held back.

    by , 05-28-2013 at 09:33 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    The sad news to report is that Joey, the kid I have been tutoring, is being held back and has to repeat Kindergarten. They say his pronunciation isn't up to the same level as other students. I can understand that, because it isn't very good. He has improved with his memorization though. I am going to see his report card next session, so I will know what to work harder at.

    I kinda feel like I could have tried a little harder. Kinda like I failed, you know. If I had more time ...
  5. I Don't Wanna Live In Clarksville Anymore Though!

    The only plus side to this situation is the fact that we're 5 minutes away from the TN/KY state line and KY liquor laws are not completely gay like TN's, so I can go buy a bottle of hard liquor if I really wanna on a Sunday.

    I was ready to move back to my 'hood in like 5 months. But NO. Jay has to change his freaking mind -again- about what he wants to do with his freaking life and decided he wants to do aircraft mechanics ..... 'Cuz there's a school right behind our apt complex ...
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