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    Yeah, I got it from that. I had to google that specific image to find it though.
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    "The Void" we are everything and nothing.

    Man, that's some Anonymous-type stuff going on there. Are you a part of something bigger than yourself there, Z?

    Also, are you planning on getting FF XIV? I'm not sure myself, but it does look interesting. I'm not big on the whole MMORPG scene.
  3. View Conversation
    That is pretty strange alright. Any other phone oddities?
  4. View Conversation
    I'm doing pretty good and thats pretty funny that you got a text like that. I've gotten random texts myself.
  5. View Conversation
    Oh. Hahaha... I should have realized that you were kidding, but as soon I as read that you lost your voice, I was like "OH MAN! THAT'S CRAZY!!" because mine is gone and I thought it would have been a strange coincidence if you lost yours as well.

    I want to! I'll have to watch it on my brother's tv though. I'll check up on the times that the show plays so I can catch a few episodes of the new season.
  6. View Conversation
    Did you seriously lose your voice? Because I lost mine two days ago and I can't speak at all. I can make a few noises come out, but as for full sentences or words, I can't....

    Haha! I love the Venture Bros.! Is there a new season yet? I lost the remote to my tv, so I can't watch any television until I get a new one... I've watched all of seasons 1-3. Haha! I love The Monarch and Dr. Mrs. The Monarch.

    The Monarch: Release the butterflies!
    [Dead butterflies fall on Brock]
    The Monarch: Okay, whose job was it to feed the butterflies?


    As for the bodies, I'll be sure to stuff a few in a nearby locker.
  7. View Conversation
    Yep. I'm a creature of the night. It sort of conflicts with my job as an Onion Knight, but in these economic times, you gotta do what you gotta do. Btw. Who asks a question using exclamation points?

    Oh, and I don't sparkle when exposed to sunlight.

    I see you're pretty riled up tonight, eh? You've been really active today! Nice to see you do that. I like reading your posts. They're usually really long and full of interesting things to read.

    Nice spoiler btw... Thanks a lot, Z... Now I'm not even sure if I want to play FF XIII anymore... LOL! J/K!

    Oh, and something I figured I would mention: Remember those Hot Pockets? Well, before I could throw them out, someone had already eaten them... I haven't noticed anyone getting sick, so that's good.
  8. View Conversation
    They are just the pepperoni pizza kind. I bought them at Walgreens last night after work, but there was food that my mom cooked for me at the house, so I just left them on the counter. I wanted Ham and Cheese but there were none...

    I'm not so confident about these hot pockets... I don't want to get some sort of food poisoning... I think that I will indeed just throw them out.
  9. View Conversation
    Hahaha! You do have a bit of experience in the destruction department, don't you? I hope that the jobs come through for you, and I hope that they aren't too far away. That would suck if you had to relocate for a job... Crashing the Alexander into people's houses is a great place!

    Hey, quick question: I bought some Hot Pockets last night and forgot to put them in the freezer. They have been sitting out on the counter all night. Are they still good to eat? I have them in the freezer now, but I'm not sure if that counts now...
  10. View Conversation
    Oh, Star Ocean 4! I want to check that game out. I may even buy it. I talk with Fate sometimes about Star Ocean, and he really loves it, so I decided to give the game a look-see. And you're right about FF XIII! It will be here soon and it will probably sneak up on us too! I personally am a bit more excited for Versus XIII, but FF XIII will be so completely awesome! I have a good feeling about it.

    Ahh... Look at Zargabaath seeing the brightside of things! Heehee! I should take a lesson from you, sir!

    Good luck with the job hunt! I remember when I was looking for one, it seemed that no one would hire me, but that's because I had no real work experience... You would think that would be the kind of new employee an employer would WANT to hire, because they are pretty much a clean slate and you teach them how you want to do things.

    Your financial situation freed? You have a lot of bills or debt? That sucks... I hope that you get a job that you enjoy so it doesn't seem like work and you get the money that you need in order get out of any troubles you may have!
  11. View Conversation
    Awww... Well I guess that means more food for you to eat! Or at least more leftovers.

    Hey! Can I send you some of MY Christmas shopping? You know, since you don't have that much, you could easily do mine! Nah, I don't want to pay the shipping and handling.

    I know, right? When I was younger I thought Christmas and my birthday could not get here FAST ENOUGH, and now that I'm older, I'm like "Holy Hell, it's already that time of year?"
  12. View Conversation
    Pfftt... Don't talk to me anymore....

    I'M JUST KIDDING!!!! Nice to hear from ya! Being an Onion Knight is actually a pretty sweet deal. We get paid vacations and all the Allium cepa (and breathmints) we can eat! We don't have good health coverage though, and you can just FORGET about any dental.

    I'm doing just fine. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Mine was pretty good. I had to work that day, but AFTER work I totally stuffed my face! We had so much food that I gained five pounds just LOOKING at it!

    Get any Christmas shopping done, or even started yet? I haven't... This year sort of went by a little too fast, and now I have so much to do that I don't know where to begin!

    "Battle is an orgy of disorder"
    - George S. Patton

    ...So let's get freaky!!!
  13. View Conversation
    Ah! So you did decide to go Greek! Well I'm glad you and your girlfriend tried it, and next time you both will have some idea of what to avoid. As for the appetizer that you wanted to try, you could probably tell your waiter/waitress to not put any dill sauce on it, or leave it on the side, that way you both will be happy and you can try new things.

    I love cheese. I find it strange that someone does not. What's the matter with you!?!? j/k BTW, how do you know what a petting zoo tastes like, sir?

    I hope that you both enjoyed yourselves! And your right about the price. For a full service restaurant, it's not bad at all.

    Haha, this is sort of funny. I was going to work one day and I passed by a restuarant called Pho King. My asian friends tell me that Pho is pronounce Fuh. If you sound it out, it sounds like Fuh King. ROFL!!!!
  14. I Made it up, do you like it? LOL And no, I did not buy it yet, cause I still have no PSP...
  15. View Conversation
    Did you change your location or have you always resided where you are "crashing the Alexander into your home"?

    If you changed it... ! Hilarious!

    If it's always been like that... I can't believe I never noticed it before...
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About Zargabaath

Basic Information

Date of Birth
June 28, 1988 (36)
About Zargabaath
Born in N.Y, lived their till '96 moved to VA. Dragon Quest got me into RPGs, FF X first FF game I beat.
Crashing the Alexander into your home.
Baseball (sports in general as well). Reading (fantasy/sci-fi & phil.) RPGs. Dance Rhythm Games. RTS games.
Favorite FF?:
Playstation Network ID:
FF Collection

FF games that you have either played or own

Main Series:
Other FF Games:
FF Type-0 HD, FF7: Crisis Core, FF7: Advent Children, FF: Adventure, FF: Tactics, FF12: Revenant Wings, FF: 4 Heroes of Light, Dissidia Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Dimensions


Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x


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