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    Well, too bad. Mine went coocoo, (because that's what her horoscope told her to do) so she's currently unavailable. Anyway, have you played Kingdom Hearts? What game are you on now?
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    Heh heh, you dodged that question well. I sense a kindred spirit. Ugh, interruptions, I'll be back in a sec.
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    But, as I said "HE WAS ASKING FOR IT!" when I say that, I mean literally, I don't mean he was insulting my mother or anything...
    Have you ever been told anything negative about yourself by a horoscope person? Someone told me I was impatient.
  4. View Conversation
    Ever? Why not? I just posted in that other guy's journal (he was asking for it)...meany.
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    Let's get something clear right now. I didn't steal nothin', that package just fell into my pocket, coppa.
    Well, howdy again! I didn't know anyone actually read those journals... Yeah, I should be more careful.
    Are you going to make stir fry? Do you even HAVE brown rice?
  6. View Conversation
    I know, I suck! I passed the hell out last night. How did everything turn out?
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    I don't want to do any more guitar modding, installing a Floyd Rose is hard enough lol
    Although, Joe's project sounds like fun. Pardon if I've already asked, but do you play any instruments?
  8. View Conversation
    As much as I would love to get her in the custom splatter that Daron Malakian uses, I'll probably end up with white haha
  9. View Conversation
    Guys are the dumbest creatures around. For awhile, I thought I was an exception, but soon learned we've all got idiot points.
    Ibanez "Iceman" ICT-700. My child haha
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    I'm not looking for a new car, I'm trying to save up for my dream guitar. One day it will be mine haha
    I hate that no matter what I try, I always land myself in terrible relationships that last much longer than necessary to drain me mentally, emotionally, and financially. I think I'll wait on girls until I move out of the house, perchance.
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    Working until I can finally afford my baby (although it probably won't happen since my old man wants me to purchase truck parts for the vehicle I thrashed last summer, ironically.), trying to attend more D&D meetings, looking at Universities, and avoiding a girlfriend at all costs.
    >implying that will be difficult :C
  12. View Conversation
    I wholly agree lol
    So what are your plans for the Summer?
  13. View Conversation
    Be brutally honest! Life's no fun without differing opinions lol
  14. View Conversation
    Miku/Luka duets are my favourite. Have you listened to One Step Layered? I think it might possibly be better than Magnet.
  15. View Conversation
    What are we saving Miku from? I've heard a little bit about the movement, but it hasn't affected my videos/music downloads at all as of late. Something about copyright infringement or whatever, no?

    I'm sure Luka was jealous when I switched her out for Miku, so now both girls are jealous of the Excel girls haha. Why can't they all get along?
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April 16
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Chillin' by the Whiskey Cabinet
Final Fantasy; Aviation Management
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Flight Coordonator; Aviation Industry
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The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
(my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
ve yourself
is what i said
not "do you"

Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!


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