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    Just chit chat online to your friends! or you could use mavis beacon touchtype software, thats really good at getting one to improve their typing speed and accuracy. Im playing some BF3 with friends, its pretty fun. I've stopped thinking about the tattoo for now. Im focusing more on saving money so when the time comes, I can afford to move out.
  2. View Conversation
    nikki! whats happenin gal?
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    Yeah we complain when it is too cold and then when it heats up we complain lol
  4. View Conversation
    Recorded 45 in my car today bit of a scorcher haha shit hasn't this spring been messed up first half was cold second is hot.
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    Down Wollongong way in NSW. xD
    I didn't notice the heat too much though as I just had my first three day weekend in a couple years. Went pubbing with mates at night, later around chatting and playing Skyrim during the days.
  6. View Conversation
    Yeah tell me about it for the last four days I have been moving house in this heat good stuff haha how are you fairing?
    I don't mind the heat as long as it isn't muggy
  7. View Conversation
    Pretty much the same here. lol Been a bit busy lately, but doing well, thx. How about yourself?
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    Hey. I'm good. Tired at the moment lol. How are you? And no, I don't really have any plans. Just go to work and not much else.
  9. View Conversation
    Hiya I'm okay thanks, you? And thank you lol I'm not that brilliant at talking to people either
  10. View Conversation
    wait wait what?! kid?!?!?! lol

    thank you for the bday wishes miss I had a good time!
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    Sure, that works. The music I like is a bit of a variety, from Iron Maiden and Megadeth to Rush, Dream Theater, and a smattering of other artists in there. I mainly like music with thought, emotion, and energy.
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    And of course they will hurt when they are coming through, just like any other teeth. I have 4. 3 impacted and one coming out. I went to the dentist and he said unless theres a problem, theres no reason to remove them. He said if I had come to see him 2 years ago, he would have reccomended I have them out, but when I saw him he said that now he isnt so sure anymore. Unless you have incredibly unbearable pain (which is very doubftful since they dont cause pain like that) then dont have them out. Save yourself money and a lot of pain and possible permanant injury. Its a fact that over 90 percent of all wisdom teeth extractions are done prior to there being any problem. Whos to say there was ever going to be a problem?
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    Even just do a little online research, computers hardware is easy to understand. Its software thats complex. Dont blame wisdom teeth for anything, theres actually no proof that sugguests wisdom teeth cause any problems at all. If you have a headache, you're just run down or sick. If your teeth shift, its because your jawline is changing. Wisdom teeth are very controversial topic. Many dentists will tell you that they need to come out just so they can get your money, they make thousands of dollars doing this and their wealth depends on it. Most dentists I know have multiple houses in different parts of the world. One of them told me this information as well because apparantly its been brought to legal attention since so many things can go wrong with the removal of the teeth.
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    Ive always been interested in computers, ever since I was a kid. Anyone whos interested in gaming could also be interested in computers since better parts create a better gaming experience. Learning about these parts and how they work can be heaps of fun if you learn that the end result will increase your gaming experience. Things like refresh rates/FPS, processing power and graphical outputs. Ram is also very exciting. Headaches always worry me, beacuse I rarely get them. Most of the time when I do, they can be attributed to lack of sleep or wierd sleep patterns, not enough water or just a symptom of being run down. Ive been feeling sick as of late, im trying to drink at least 3 bottles of water a day to help with it. Hopfully you get better soon, headaches suck.
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    I havnt been to supernova, but ive been to armegeddon. And manifest where I cosplayed persona with my girlfriend. I've been okay. Ive been getting some slight headaches but theyre probably coming from the change in weather and more likely because of unnatural sleeping patterns. I put together a desktop for myself and its really powerful and awesome so ive been playing a lot of games on it. Im having multiple screens as well so I can have my game on my main 27 inch one and my desktop on the other. Makes multi tasking easy.
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February 6, 1988 (37)
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Just your average Nikki.
Brisbane, Australia
Being a wiseass


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06-23-2017 06:50 PM
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02-16-2020 03:50 AM
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