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    This weekend girl actually it started at the start of the week. Yeah for sure kiss some babies and stuff
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    Coming up for the carnival of flowers?
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    I dont like the slot machines purely for the fact they are connected together and set to go off randomly when they've reached a specific amount of money. I much prefer my luck with cards and roulette. Im the skeeball champ. If anyone beats my score, ill just have to beat them again haha. I cant wait to move out and fill my house with awesome furniture. How are you going with your relationship problem?
  4. View Conversation
    Hahaha that's fair enough, everyone is entitled to their own opinion

    I just don't really like Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard.
  5. View Conversation
    No problem girl! Sorry if I made it sound like you were being a depresso. , I have been in similar situations myself, and I know it was always good to have a close friend during those troubles.
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    I was reading up on the "Nobody's perfect" thread, and I noticed we have quite a bit in common. I to am not a big fan of alcohol. I've be told, and I know for a fact that I think way to much about everything. Pretty much every night, or every other night I just sit in bed, while my brain runs a thousand different directions. Also i can be very indecisive at time's, haha Another thing, and I'm just saying as a friend so sorry if it makes you feel uncomfortable especially since you don't know me very well. That your not ugly at all, and you have a wonderful looking image, and a beautiful smile. It's easy to put ourselves down, I understand that for sure, but the main thing is to rise up from that, and realize that you are beautiful on the outside, and you really are! I just thought i would send some words of wisdom to someone that sounds like their in need of them. If you need someone to talk to ever, just VM and I will be their to listen if I'm on. I know you don't know me, and I'm not asking for you to tell me anything personal, but I am here. Also their are plenty of other on here that would do the same, trust me. Have a good day night, and Peace Out!!
  7. View Conversation
    Urgh it is still cold typical f'n South east queensland as if we didn't get enough of winter why not give us more. How is life down the range?
  8. View Conversation
    M good, thanx for asking. I was just reading a novel of Jack Higgins.

    Cool, So u do such stuff
  9. View Conversation
    Hey NikkiLinkle! I haven't formally introduced myself so I figured I'd come by and say hello lol As you can probably tell I'm pretty new here so I'm trying to make a few friends and get myself acclimated to everything on here. Hope to see you around the forums!
  10. View Conversation
    Hey not bad, yourself?

    Yeah it was freezing last night! I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. I live out at Peak Crossing, but i usually stay at my dad's house at Flinders View for the weekend once every few weeks. Aw true that sucks about your unit At least you and your boyfriend didn't get hurt.

    Nah, we were lucky we didn't get affected at all, apart from the power being cut for a while. But we didn't go under so that was good.
  11. View Conversation
    Thanks alot, I try to keep it original, glad you mentioned redonkulous. Haven't heard that one in ages!
  12. View Conversation
    Yeah it is freezing atm i think it will be like this for a few days
  13. View Conversation
    Like i said, it's the greatest month of all time, who dosen't want to be born in Feb. I never heard of that much of one familys birthdays being so close together like that though, that's insane! (In a good way, that is)

    One of my fav quotes is "It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring-Marilyn Monroe" So if you hear me say something absolutely redorkulous than thats why, haha!
  14. View Conversation
    Nice! Thats double the brownie points for being a feb baby! Best month their is! You got lucky on the whole two years older then me though!
  15. View Conversation
    Haha I am more of a beer man myself
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February 6, 1988 (37)
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Just your average Nikki.
Brisbane, Australia
Being a wiseass


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06-23-2017 06:50 PM
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02-16-2020 03:50 AM
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