Thanks, I haven't read any of those yet. I have read books by Mercedes Lackey before, though. I've heard a bit about the Diana Tregarde books, well mostly the creepy stalker/death threat against the author side of them. I'll add all of the books mentioned to my list. I have actually started a new book but it probably won't take me very long to read it and I'm always looking for recommendations. Makes it easier to decide what to read next. XD
ROFL. Whatevs dude, either way you didn't do it anonymously/for no reason. Balls > No balls.
Yeah, I saw.
Same dude. Pity most of the other mods aren't as fun... Actually it's a pity Block, Loaf and Midget Bob aren't mods...
No hard feelings 'ey bruz? You're smart, I can spell, we're BOTH special! *cue magical woodland creatures* AWWWWWWW
Thank you for the warning. I'll make an effort to show more respect for the rules.
So, You Like? Or Don't Give A Crap? Meh, I Know The Shit Is In Japanese And You Cannot Really Understand Whats Happening, But Hey, Thats What We Gotta Deal With With Square Enix, So Its All Good
hey, i added some more trip pics to my album. ones that i've taken before the thing busted on me.
So do you think I would qualify?
oh sorry ill try to add more to my comments only if i can find them now lol
Meh, It Was Alright I Guess. Saturday Night Was Awesome. Sunday Wasn't Bad, Did A Couple Things For My Mom And My Grandmother Since It Was Mother's Day. Called My Aunts And My Other Grandma On My Father's Side. They Were Happy To Hear From Me And To Wish Them A Happy Mother's Day. Anyway, I Know This Might Sound Childish Or Uncool, But I Love It, So I'm Gonna Say It Anyway. I'm Totally Pumped For The Next Gen Of Pokémon(Please Don't Laugh At Me). I'll Send You The Links To what I Have Discovered, Which I Posted Here In A Group Specifically For Pokémon Lovers...I'm One Of Them...Again, Do Not Laugh At Me, Please. I'll Link It To You In A Minute. *Edit: Here It Is Bro: If You Cannot See It, Cause Your Not In The Group, Then I'll Send You The Links That Were Inside That Discussion.
So, Whats Up Bro, Did You Have A good Weekend?
Yeah but after all I really prefer summer coz in my country the summer is very hot and most of the year is summer and the winter is too cold and dry , but I can stand the heat of summer more than how winter freezes me , It's like as much as we wear clothes we wouldn't feel warm though we never had snow but rain .
did you just say September!? thats my birthday month! (the 1st that is)
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Dragoon's Princess
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
The Quiet One
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
Do the elements trust you?
I am confused
The Bad Boy of TFF
Death comes on silent wings
Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.