sorry bout the spam-a-thon
Come to NY for an Eiffel Tower!
Never mind. XD I wouldn't have noticed if Entity hadn't told me about it either. XD Besides, do you think it'd be good to see if I can find some new adopters? I'm running out of them right now ^^"
Uhm... would you mind inviting me to the Adoption social group? ^^" I just heard that there is such a group... *coughs*
You and your damn logic That is true about the dowrys and prearranged weddings, though.
Well that's good to know at least. XD
Well, I'm not exactly lurking. I was working on a long overdue RP post. I just hope Hyz doesn't hate me for taking so long. >_<
It has been a long time, huh? And here I didn't think anyone else really remembered me. ;p
I know somebody who just had a kid himself and his hands are pretty much tied. How do you find so much time to be here with two kids? xD I'm starting to really get nostalgic looking at this place again, so I think I'll satisfy this nostalgia.
Hehe, last time I said hello was nearly a year ago. I really should be here more. Anyway, how are you, my good sir? =)
O_O!!!!! That's awesome! The experimental Gulfstream plane sounds pretty sick too. I'm glad I met you actually. Gotta get with the times!! Put down the wrench!!
Woohoo! I didn't think I'd find another Aviation loving person here. Yeah, I know what you mean. That's what got me into this crazy world. Which airport do you work at? I'm currently exploring the 737s, 757s and will be exploring the A380 next week through my job connections. I work with Sunwing atm. Lovely little airline. I'm only working with them until the end of the month, I'm a bit sad to leave, but life must go on and I could use some more education. Nice to meet you too
Yeah. Rocky sent me a report with the reason "Angel is back..?" because the guy is a massive troll. >_>
Hey dude just thought i'd check up on my buddy, see how things are
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Dragoon's Princess
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
The Quiet One
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
Do the elements trust you?
I am confused
The Bad Boy of TFF
Death comes on silent wings
Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.