Good. Up and down, but overall still good. I just need this semester to be over. I need money back in my wallet.
Hey man. I just realized that I haven't talked to you in two years. How have you been?
He Returns!
I can't tell the difference between you posting drunk and you posting on not a real keyboard.
Yeah chances are, if I've broken a rule, Ally has already warned me
Good thing being fixed can be totally reversed! Because what I want to do to you might be pretty graphic for a lot of our users!
Um, this is a very controversial subject with me. Not really, in the near future, but I do at some point. If figuratively you meant you wanted to have a relationship with me sexually, then I am all for it. However, I'm planning on not having kids until I'm married for a few years. Your kids are ****ing adorable, though. I facebook creep you.
Good stuff man i'm glad things are turning for the better.
Hey Meier you mangaing to find time for your bike? even though your hours suck ass.
Hi. Just wanted to let you know that you have a new adoptee: Edge. :> I hope you'll have some very intelligent and interesting conversations. ^^
Okay, thanks, I got it. I'm in the hospital right now, and a bit lost, but I guess thats what walkthroughs are for ^^!
Hey, RhapsoBlarg has been having a problem uploading a gif to his avatar picture. Do you mind helping him out? I have no idea how they work. Also, where is my pizza? I'm hungry.
Um... Where is the shotgun ^^? I never saw it when I was in the school...
Oh my gosh!!! I found Silent Hill at some pawn shop, and I'm on the school part right now! This game has successful scared me, which I love it for doing so! Love Jill!
I love watching people play games drunk (especially Haunting Ground)! I can also play it pretty well, still need to beat that one on pro, but just haven't been able to get on the 360 -_-... This is a bit random, but still on the topic of Resident Evil, did you like Sheva Alomar? I didn't like her at all, because she was just SO DAMN ANNOYING! She keeps bugging you "Can I have some ammo?" but that's why I play online with my friends ^^'... Love Jill!
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Dragoon's Princess
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
The Quiet One
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
Do the elements trust you?
I am confused
The Bad Boy of TFF
Death comes on silent wings
Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.