i was talking about the ff3 for nes. thats the one I was talking about you shouldnt put negitive becasue you thought iw as talking about a different FF
Haha i didn't know that i haven't even bought it yet the only thing that draw me is playing it through Vergils point of veiw
Well it could be DMC3 part 2 but it is Vergil no mistaking that
...That's not really contributing. -_-; And you didn't contribute to the celeb topic either.
D'ooooh, I see. Thank you anyway.
Hey. Was wondering if you had a PS3 username (with a copy of BlazBlue) or if you're a 360 guy. Sorry to bother you. BOTHER.
haha kids. I'll roll one in your name.
Haha, thank you my good sir. I was in the the "rate the avatar above you" thread the other day and the poster right after me rated it poorly because she thought it solely had to do with weed. I was crushed, until I found out she was a thirteen year old girl, then I was just angry with the world. And, I feel terrible because I thought you were on my friend's list the whole time until you just sent me that friend request, lol. I feel like I should kms to appease you and restore my honor now.
Hey Loaf ^_^ Thank you so much for joining "The TFF Council" <333
Happy Birthday!!! =D
My monsters ability negates the effects of trap cards. hahahaha love it!
i LOVE the avy!
Thanks. I'll look into it once they start allowing new regestrations again.
Well I don't mean a real prostitute. I meant I wonder if I could act like one, haha. And yeah, but at least the raising skills makes more sense. =P
I read up on the website. Sandbox MMO sounds awesome. No leveling, no nothing. Yay. =D I wonder if the girls will be hot... are they? Can I make something remotely close to myself? I wonder if I can be a prostitute...
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