Go flex.
Honestly that's one of my favorite things about it. More modern games don't give the same level of immersion. It's too easy to just wander aimlessly through the game without actually diving into it.
You clearly are no.1 how could anybody else stand a chance, eh?
Clearly you're the only person that loves me enough, huh?
Tito's is received well but not being a vodka person does little good. Gin then? Rum? Some form of alcohol?
Bad memories of Tito's?
you keen on the herb?
Nice to see you're still active matey, how's it going?
On the real though, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnWdG58W1J8 ? Best song?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_o47Gs6DQ0 That new jam, you may have heard it.
Yup. Its kind of horrible but I guess I'll get used to it XD
Ah! Yeah I remember being the only one to add the extra F in the welcome threads all those years back. OMIGAWD to be a kid again.
Oh! It's The Final Fantasy Forums! =D
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