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    *Pops back in* Wheee! XD Haaai ^_^ Just back for a couple of posts... but now i'm off again =O Such a busy bee.. <_< But I still thought I should send a note :3 See you later!!! *Huggleglomples* ^_^
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    Mwahhaha, thank you but you are the glomp master!
    Well I'm off for a bit x3. I have to help carry boxes @_@ Ahhh... I wish I could run away x3 If I don't see you again before, have a good time at the reunion! *Glomphuggle*!
  3. View Conversation
    xD Omigosh... we could be like 'The Glompies' xD Sooo much better than The Zombies no? ^~ *Fandiddledasticglomp!*
  4. View Conversation
    Yes! And I shall glomp the removal people here xD That should get the army started ~^ *glompiglomps you* :3
  5. View Conversation
    That really is awesome x3!!! Nothing like a special occasion to get excited about! ^___^ Think of the glomps you can spread =O!!!
    *Glompifies you* x3
  6. View Conversation
    Oh nice!! That makes it so exciting x3. I rarely get to see a family reunion... just mainly get to see my mum and dad xD. Thats it... O_O! Very boring x3.

    *Glomp de glomp*
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    My only plan is to stay sane while all the packing is done here x3. The sound of people taping up boxes is driving me crazy xD! Just the same thing over over and over *Sighs*
    A family reunion sounds fun! I hope you have a good time :3 *Glompliness*
  8. View Conversation
    I'm good! Feeling accomplished as I finished the sketch for Fate xD They keep me busy here ;3.
    Got anything fun planned for today? ^_^ *Glompglomp*
  9. View Conversation
    PurpleDiamond!!! ^____^ Haaaai x3 *Glomples*
    How are you today? ^_^;
  10. View Conversation
    Hehe, it's just a random thought x3 Hope I see you today! I may not... as I"m in the middle of moving house =X So much packing... *Sighs* Ah well x3

  11. View Conversation
    Nuuuez! Dx. Well, you can add my Yahoo from MSN, because my friend did it Dx Idk v.v; You can try if you want.
    My yahoo is [email protected]
  12. View Conversation
    :3. Do you have a Yahoo or an AIM? If so, can I add you on either?
  13. View Conversation
    Well I'm not actually happy, but I'm not intentionally an asshole either. So I'm being nice. :]. Trust me.. my rl is horrible. So I spend my time here when I can. Unless there is a decent moment that pops up.
    And really? Thunder is scary? //.o; -Hugs.- It's okay :3 It's just scaring off the ghosts of all the turkeys we kill
  14. View Conversation
    Amarhika. :]. I wanna live in Puerto Rico or Guatemala though.. v.v; And thunderstorms are soothing to me. Nothing is more relaxing than lying/sitting down quietly and hearing rainfall and the rumbling of thunder. Take it from an emo. :].
  15. View Conversation
    Lol. No they do not :+. What country do you live in?
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    waltz for the moon

  5. Neo Nagisa  Neo Nagisa is offline

    Sh*t! I just cast Firaga on myself!

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    I feel epic...

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