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    Well you're by far one of the more prominent newer members. So I thought I'd drop you a line and say hello. I used to be on here a lot but not so much anymore. Suffice to say, you seem pretty cool and I see Cilla has taken a shine to you too. =]
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    That's not bad, especially considering that was our first main topic we ever discussed a bunch, and you did inspire me after that. =] Sure, lets go with that!
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    At least it will be worth it =]
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    And I have another week of study before my first exam. Kill me.
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    I s'pose..?

    I think there's a limit to popular culture comparisons
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    Not only that, but the cost of fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are included in calculations of the US' 'official development assistance' (ODA). No surprises, Iraq and Afghanistan contribute the greatest proportions of the US "aid" budget.
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    You know... The Calm is actually a really good analogy. Yuna was seeking both an eternal Calm, and did not wish to lose her friends. A win-win. Except the comparison falls apart when you consider that they still fought Sin (the enemy), instead of doing something to perhaps placate it, and prevent it from causing destruction. Maybe just get a whole bunch of people to keep singing the Hymn of the Fayth? I dunno. It works though.
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    This is from my text book:

    "Every year the world spends about $1.2 trillion on the military, and less than $2 billion on the UN regular budget. The whole budget of UN operations, peacekeeping, programmes, and agencies combined is less than $20 billion, or less than 2 percent of world military spending."
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    You get results faster, more directly, and without compromise (if you win). If you lose, you lose everything.

    If you don't war, results are harder to achieve, issues will have to be compromised, and you run the risk of a mutually-dissatisfying outcome that doesn't solve anything.

    That's being realistic about it. But I see war as a bandage, but not the antiseptic which is needed to prevent infection.

    And then factor in the human cost. What of the people who are just in the way of war? So often we focus on the leaders, but what of the countless others who are personally affected by war? What of the people in Cambodia who still live in fear of unexploded ordinances (UXOs), dropped by US planes as they flew back from Viet Nam and weren't allowed to land back in Thailand with their payloads?

    War, though tempting, is never justified. People may seem evil, but there are other, more worthwhile and effective strategies.
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    Go for it. War doesn't solve anything. Even if you guys manage to kill Osama, all it will achieve is another disaffected young radical rising from obscurity and seeing our 'freedom' as his 'oppression'. If, however, the US puts more effort into the underlying causes of extremism (primarily poverty), then it can still hold Osama accountable, and he would be far less likely to inspire someone else to pick up his reins.

    You know what's really terrible? I'll tell you. It's that the world spends the equivalent of <2% of the global military expenditure on expenditures to the United Nations. What does that tell you? That we're a lot more adept at killing each other than working together. Something needs to change.
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    Ideals are a beautiful thing.

    The main thing with the Iraq war, however, is that it is illegal. The UN Security Council was split, two (US and Britain) for, and three against. The US and Britain went ahead anyway, and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan called the war "illegal". It's probably my biggest beef with the US and UK. What if another country came into your country because it just decided it didn't like your leader, overthrew your government, and replaced it with a fragile government? I'm not saying Saddam (and the Taleban for that matter) were obstensibly good, but the US just can't run the show like that, violating international norms left right and centre.

    Even if the UNSC had supported an invasion, however, I still wouldn't support the war. War only breeds more war. Hell, why are the Israelis and Palestinians fighting? Because one side commits violence, so the other retaliates, then the other retaliates the retaliation, and so on.

    Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik.
  12. View Conversation
    "I used to think war was pointless, and could some how be avoided no matter what the circumstance( hippie thoughts) But once my dad explained it to me ( the reasons for the Iraq war) and "why" we fight it kind of enlightened me."

    Hold on to your ideals. If you think something is wrong, it probably is.
  13. View Conversation
    Oh, what do you study =]?
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    How are you going =]?
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    Hey nice Haruko avatar!

    Man, this is like the first time my creativity's failing me... I can't think of a title for me. xD
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Ta DA!!!:

Alright, who censored my rocketship?

From The Clint Eastwood
I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.


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