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    That's a good reason. Also, all those awards and such take place at the end of the year, so maybe they're released then so the games will still be fresh on people's minds when it comes time to vote? I dunno. That's just a shot in the dark. Take your time and enjoy your games though! There's always the summer "gaming drought" to get caught up if you're behind. ^^

    I wanted: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the Uncharted Collection (both games packaged together, $40. Not bad!), L.A. Noire, Mass Effect 2 (want to get caught up on the story before ME3 comes out, which is another game I want in the future), and Okamiden (I feel so ashamed that I haven't gotten this one yet...). I'm sure I can find a lot of those used, which will save me a considerable amount of cash. :3

    Since you seem to like the more "cult-hit" games, do you know of, or have played, a game called NieR? It's actually quite good. It's an action-adventure title, and fairly button mashy, but the dialogue between the core characters is pretty great. Also, the soundtrack is very nice.

    It's all good. I don't mind. And that's sweet that you think I'm awesome, or at least I remind you of someone who was awesome (which means I'm still awesome by proxy ). Maybe one day you'll see them again.
  2. View Conversation
    Oh man... Now you're really making me want to go out and get the collection ASAP. Hopefully the price does drop quickly, but still ~$40 isn't too much to pay... Maybe I'll get it soon. :3 I'm glad you finally got the games though. ^^

    I enjoyed Arkham Asylum very much when I played it, and from what I've seen of City, it looks to be much grander. Plus, Batman keeps all his stuff from the first game, so it'll be nice to have such a wide array of gadgets in the beginning.

    Ah yes. "Broketober" is upon us! I wonder why game publishers don't space out more releases throughout the year instead of waiting at the tail end to do it? :/ I've been looking at a few games, but Batman is probably my only must-buy game atm. One of my TFF buddies is super excited for Skyrim, and he said that I should try out one of those Oblivion games sometime. They seem like quite a time sink though, not that it's a bad thing. It's good that a game has a lot of content. You definitely get your money's worth.

    Rambling is good! You can learn some interesting stuff that way. :3
  3. View Conversation
    Oh nice. ^^ I'm glad those movies were still enjoyable, plus you got to see young Keanu Reeves~ :3

    I dunno if field hockey is a thing around here, at least not for people out of school. Participating in sports wasn't mandatory when I was in school. so I didn't participate, but that's changed a little since. Now, kids have to have some kind of physical type of activity in their curriculum, or they won't have the credits to graduate. I guess schools didn't care if my generation got lazy and fat.

    Yeah, I have a pretty fast metabolism, but I still keep an eye on what I eat. I haven't had fast food in Lord only knows when. I still crave it sometimes, mostly pizza.

    I think SotC precedes ICO, if fan theory is to be believed, but they're both really great, so whatever you wind up doing, it'll be wonderful. :3 I can always pop in the PS2 games to tie me over until I can get the PS3 collection, so no worries about me. I know what it's like to be super excited over something others might deem silly. I'm super excited for Batman: Arkham City. Once October gets here, I'll be giddy all the time until I get my hands on a copy!

    Youtube is being crabby to me, but I finally got it to load. Looks interesting. I like the visuals a lot. Very "Rez" like, which considering who created it, that was probably intentional. :3 Never played Rez before, but watched a few vids. Seems like it'd be a pretty tranquil experience.

    My username comes from my nickname that my youngest brother called me. He was born with Down's syndrome. When he says my name, it sounds like Dodie. The 16 came about because that's when I got my first online screenname, which was Dodie16 on AOL. So, I've kept this name (or some variation of it) for a looong time. x3
  4. View Conversation
    No problem at all. I know how it is to lose a pet. Good on the lady for doing that too. I think most folks around where I live would have just assumed it was a stray, which is why I keep my cat indoors. She's not fixed either, so I don't want her going out and getting preggers.

    Oh, field hockey! Haha, that's awesome too, though I don't think I'd have the gumption to play that either. If I saw people charging at me, I'd run the opposite direction.

    I'm a lady of simple pleasures. x3 And yeah, we have Domino's, though I don't think I've ever eaten pizza from there. There's a Pizza Hut up the road from where I live, so my pizza usually comes from there. There's also a McDonald's, Taco Bell, and a sit-in restaurant called George's pretty close by too (within walking distance). I can't believe I'm not overweight or something from being so near those places. I used to live out in the countryside, so I know how it feels to live away from it all.

    Oh, man.. I'm jealous! Which are you going to play first? ICO isn't all that long, especially if you've played it before and know your way around the castle/puzzles. I haven't heard of Child of Eden, but I might look it up. Need to expand my gaming tastes anyway. I do not own a 360, because most games I've wanted are on the PS3 as well, and I thought getting a PS3 would be a much wiser investment. I would like to try out those Fable games though.

    I've used the youtube to MP3 converter for a couple of songs in the past, and I did like it, though my iTunes is pretty finicky about where songs go when I use it. But you are right, that it is a LOT faster to use than going through threads upon threads of links looking for what I want. I won't tell that you linked me music converters. :3
  5. View Conversation
    Oh, I know what you mean. I can't spell it but maniquin?? I use that sometimes too
    Whenever I look at your username, I can't seem to get gummy bears out of my head XD
  6. View Conversation
    It's normal to miss her. She was a part of your life and your animal companion for a long time. She was loved, and she'll be greatly missed. It's good that you're letting yourself grieve instead of bottling up those emotions. It's much healthier than the latter.

    Hockey, too? Wow. :3 I haven't watched much of it, but it seems like it'd be a tough sport to play. Players have to hit a tiny little puck on slippery ice while wearing immense padding and other players try to bash into them. >< I'd fall on my ass as soon as I hit the ice, though I suppose that's what practice is for! There's new pictures added daily on FPD, but you can click through the site as much as you want for a new picture. There's some ridiculously yummy looking food on that site, such as THIS, and THIS, and THIS, and finally THIS ONE. Your mileage may vary on those, of course. ^^ As for my favorite, oh geez... I love pretty much all kinds of food, though my favorites would probably come down to cheeseburgers, various Mexican food, and sushi (I don't get that last one very often though).

    Yep, pretty much. Just lay down and look up, and hope some image appears. Aww, thanks for offering~ but I'll eventually work through this block. ^^

    I used to get mistaken for being quite a deal younger, but I suppose I finally aged up. I used to dislike it, but now that it doesn't happen much at all, I wish I could go back to having it happen. Heh... Fickle, fickle me.

    I'm not offended at all. You know what you like and don't like, and that's all that should matter. ^^ And I don't mind being called odd either.

    Aww... I'm sorry... I hope someday that you'll get back in touch with them somehow. It sucks to lose contact with a good friend. I've had computers since I was a teen, but it was for homework and such only. When I hit 22, I got my own laptop, and internet connection, so I started venturing further and further into the wilds of the 'net. Started getting into forums when I was 23, and call TFF my main one. I lurk in others, but only sign up if I have to (such as to view links for music downloads... Shhh! Don't tell anyone )
  7. View Conversation
    I suppose that would make quite an awkward moment... I'd like to think that if I was in that situation, I would offer some kind of apology/condolences to the pet's owner, but you never know what you'll do until it happens.

    Haha, I really should sometime. Get off my lazy butt and get active. :3 As for sports, I'm not big on them, so I don't play anything. I am more of a solo-activity type of person. Did you get yourself something to eat? :3 I love food, and here's one of my favorite sites all about it. (warning: may cause intense drooling!)

    I listen to music all the time, and it does help, but I'm not really getting much inspiration from it atm. What usually inspires me is looking at my ceiling, as crazy as that sounds. It's texture-painted, so I let my eyes wander around it until some mental image appears and I try my best to scribble some kind of form up. I'm not getting much of anything out of it today though.

    I'd hate to say "never", but I don't feel a very strong inclination to have them, especially not now. I don't think I'm responsible enough to care for another life. "Doubt you'll ever get to have any"? Does that feeling stem from your nervousness? It's okay. There's still plenty of time before you even have to seriously consider if you want to start your own family or not, and even then, adoption is a great thing. If I do decide to raise kids, I would seriously consider that option before having my own.

    Well, it's good to be odd. It's more memorable and fun than being normal!

    Wow, you have a lot of experience with forums! So I suppose you've seen a lot of 'em come and go? Are there any that you miss? I would miss this place a lot if it went kaput. TFF is my second forum (a Sims 3 forum being my first), but this is the first one where I made friends. ^^
  8. View Conversation
    Seriously? It looks awsome. It looks too real !
    -shakes head all around-
    Nope, still amazing

    I get the proportions all mixed up, so the drawings end up looking weird :/
  9. View Conversation
    Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your kitty... Did the driver get out of the car and apologize or anything? I'm glad you're feeling a little better, and got to vent out your frustrations. It helps to be able to do that.

    There are tennis courts at the park, but I don't own any equipment, and I'm not sure if there are any rentals around. Ah well. Maybe one of these days I'll pick some up and play an actual round or three. It'd be great exercise. You should join the club! I can understand about being shy though, but it sounds like a great way to meet people who enjoy the same sport as you. And yeah, cookout = BBQ ^^

    Oh, yay~! Glad to hear you got some creative spark going. I'm feeling a little "blocked" myself right now though. Stuff I scribbled up just isn't doing anything for me atm... Maybe it's time to take a break for a bit.

    Not a problem. ^^ And yeah, my family is pretty big. My mom always wanted a bunch of kids, which is probably why I don't think I want any.

    Heh... Didn't mean to creep you out. I'm not a stalker, I just pay close attention. And I think I'm all guessed-out, because I can't think of anyone else that we would both know.

    D'aaww~ :3 *huggles back* And yeah, I was a little worried that I was pestering you too much, especially if you wanted to acquaint yourself with the forums, and you were stuck writing these VMs. Good to know that's not the case. ^^
  10. View Conversation
    I watch a fair bit of Video Games Awesome. I really like the set-up that their show has. As far as Let's Plays, I'll catch some of Chuggaaconroy's stuff occasionally. Can't say there's really any other dedicated LPers that I follow.

    You play tennis? That's pretty cool. ^^ Closest thing I've ever played to tennis was on the Wii. As for my summer, it was alright. It got far too hot in the middle of the season to do much of anything, but I did catch a few cookouts here and there.

    Ack... I know what you mean about being out of practice. I used to do a lot of figure sketches and stuff, but I put down drawing for far too long, and now all my proportions seem totally wonky to me. :/ I'll get better with practice though.

    Oh, crud... I thought you'd already seen it... Sorry about that spoiler! ^^; There are a ton of heartwarming moments though, so maybe it will still be an enjoyable watch for ya.

    Heh... I suppose you're right, on both regards.

    If you want, "big sis" is fine with me. ^^ I don't have any sisters at all. I was stuck with all brothers: 1 older, and 2 younger. Do you have any siblings?

    I have visited SOU before, when Fate was doing a lot of those banner contests. He pm'ed me about taking a look at one of the contests to see....something... I forget what exactly. It was a fairly long time ago. Padraic, Ralz and Meigumi are really good friends with Fate and VMM, so I figured you would know them through association. It's a small internet, after all.

    Oh yeah? Maybe I'm their internet doppelganger! OOOoooOOOOooooo~

    And nope. You're no bother at all.
  11. View Conversation
    Thanks for the link~ Since it's amusing, maybe I won't have to watch it with my lamp on next to me. Cut the scary with humor! I'll watch it when I have a bit of time *bookmarks* ^^ Wow, her playlist has all kinds of creepy games.

    Maybe you can pick up a new swimsuit now, since it's in the after season (therefore cheaper), and you'll have it for next year when you'll (hopefully) get to use it. I tend to do that with summer clothes.

    Well, he said 200 was a nice number to stop at, but it was pretty fun. :3 Also, I really need to work on more original stuff. Fan art is cool, but I need to use the imaginations more!

    Oh yeah, I bawled when Marley was on the veterinarian's table, and Owen Wilson's character was telling him what a good dog he was before he was put to sleep... I'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about it... I'm very partial to dogs (and cats), so it was hard watching that scene.

    Oh, I know. I do hide my age, because it does feel a bit strange to be posting on a site that has a fairly younger crowd. Maybe that's just me though.

    Yep, I know them. VMM doesn't sign on much anymore, but I still get to bug him sometimes. Fate signs on more often, but he's definitely not as active as when I first joined here... The times they are a-changin'. As for others: I sort of know Padraic, Ralz, and Meigumi, but not as well as Fate and Vivi.

    Long VMs don't bother me at all! x3
  12. View Conversation
    Well thats nice. So.......
  13. View Conversation
    It was good coz i got a chance to watch SUPERNATURAL.
    So, are you enjoying the forums so far???
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    How was your weekend?
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    I guess I'll be playing that, then. =P
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June 21, 1986 (38)
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Lazy person who eats a lot.
Art & design, gardening, learning, Maaaaaaaybe gaming, keeping fit (I try) and the usual things like music ect.
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Final Fantasy IX & XII
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