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    Yeah, I can't seem to figure out the VX style, so... yeah.

    I think I'll be a lttlee more active now >.'

    I've seen her on DA, here's hoping she hasn't forgotten us!

    Ah, I meant the old one where you fought the clones, but I can wait! XD

    BTW, your movelist is up on the CoC MUGEN Reboot thread. Lemme know what you think!
  2. View Conversation
    'Sup. Your turn. FINISH HIM! XD

    I've officially rebooted the whole CoC MUGEN. BTW

    BTW, could you re-upload the CoC latest demo pl0x?
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    I've made the update with an Index. You can use it to zoom to whatever category you want.

    I see. I can't say I've ever heard of such a thing before.

    I think I'll wait until the story document is started and finished. Then we can figure out a name.

    I was sure I was viewing conversation when I posted that... Maybe there's a glitch. We should probably use PMs, then.
  4. View Conversation
    Can you share that? I've long since lost the files to the latest demo. (Thanks to my previous crap computer dying on me.)

    Not sure if I'd like that. I like seeing the sprites in action. But you could do that, if this proves too troublesome...

    If Alther can do it, then rely on that. If things have already reached this point, then desperate times call for desperate measures.

    Oh, I know we will. And we will pump out a sequel someday. This FD I'm going to be sending you should prove that we're closer than you might think. And yes, I've been thinking the same thing, actually.

    I think I see what's wrong. I go to my page and see your comment and accidentally post a new message on my profile instead of Viewing Conversation and replying. This should fix it.
  5. View Conversation
    Heh, the colors arn't THAT strong, I don't think. Or have I been watching too much anime and playing too much BlazBlue?

    Heh, I knnow, but it'd be wicked sweet if some company said "Hey, we wanna make your manga into a show. You get 25-50% of the profit." XD

    I know, I'll do it later.
  6. View Conversation
    Yeah, the MUGEN ones. Would you mind giving me some tone tips?

    Will do, I'll run the stuff by yah!

    Same here. I'm hoping it would become at least on the level of Bleach.
  7. View Conversation
    I'll see what I can do XD I'm poor too, ya know? (and I need PS Store cards!)

    Eh? You mean the way they're shaded? That's the Bleach DS Shading! Or do you mean the saturation? Explain a little better please.

    Errrrm... I'm more or less basing this off of the classic CoC "Demons vs. Corrupt Angels" concept (although the Corrupt Angels will really only be important in the final arc and stuff, I'm currently working on the first part where Alther escapes the Angelic Insane Asylum/Concentration camp at the beginning.) Once that's done, I'll try to get a hard copy to all of the members! Chapters 2-3 introduce you and Arch (decided to keep him, at least for comedic relief, if nothing else.) I'll PM you more if you've kept your interest through the fact that I'm basing it off of classic CoC.

    I'm hoping that it may, one day, become an Anime! XD
  8. View Conversation
    LOL! I'll try to get on more often then two days a year XD Again, once they are inked I'll post up the first Page or so, as a "teaser" (first pages, maybe first chapter'll be free. I'm intending on making some cash off of this manga >:-).

    'Kay. Also, you wouldn't be working, you'd be giving feedback on characters and such I DO need to get back to the CoC MUGEN, been busy with School SCV Blazblue and RA2 XD I'll probably do some other main character sprites today or tomorrow. *hopes nobody hates on me for the designs I'll be spriting.* Of course I've been getting a little better at spriting now, so that's a plus...
    Expect at least the basic sprite for Alther, Meigumi, and Ralzter (hopefully) by the end of the week!
  9. View Conversation
    "I said shoot me again, I ain't dead yet!" - random cool song I heard on randomness

    What's up Elyon? I've gotten a beginning for the manga started! and... not much more I'm afraid XD
    I've got the first and last arcs all planned out (the last one in excruciating detail, including a rather... brutal combination (poor Krystal/Krysta/whatever her name is now)) I'm also currently ironing out a second arc. I would like at least two or three others, so I might PM you about concept characters, and storylines, capiche?

    Once I ink the pages, I'll PM them to ya (currently can't ink them though <_<)
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    Not really. It's more or less there for those who want some real closure on the story, as well as a proper teaser for things to come. Though, being an ending, once you beat the final boss, you go back to before you fight Shira. Hmm... maybe it's not worth it to have Ladon, in that case.

    No, Elyon only has single-healing, same as Ralz and Dimitri. (Unless you mean his special skills like Temperance.) I'm not sure I share your viewpoint. Characters having weaknesses is a good system, I think. Unless you want Krysta dropping dead a lot in a volcano area, you'd be best to either swap in Nova, or use the Synthesis system to give her some fire resistance. (BTW, do you want only synthesis to cover element properties? Perhaps only accessories to cover it? Or maybe both? I'd prefer synthesis covering things like Element Boost and Status Strike, but maybe having accessories to cover weaknesses would be a good idea, too.)

    With 50% EXP, the player would be more inclined to swap in the reserve members now and then. But with Full EXP, it's also more or less saving on grinding. I'll leave this to you.

    I kinda think that'll come up without any real input. When making the bestiary more recently, some of the later bosses get a Speed or 3-400. And in my stat leveling charts, (which may be way off) Ralz got like... 250. I can see it working for Krysta, and probably Elyon, too. I did my best to make the status effects in a way that they wouldn't lose worth by maxing your stats. Valor and Inspire change the damage you inflict, not the stats. (i.e. you deal 2000 with an attack, under Valor, it's 2500.) Barrier halves the damage you inflict. I expect Krysta might be dealing around 2-30000 damage with a basic physical attack at 999 Strength, though she'll never reach that much without stat boosting.

    I am now in the makings of a "last" document, that basically has everything in it, Skillset, Inventory, Synthesis... It's got a ways to you. If you'd like, I can show you what I have so far.
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    I do seem to notice Ladon coming up a lot lately... If you truly want, I can make him a party member in the afterstory. I've also decided that the afterstory is basically an extended ending you can play through. He can be added to the roster because Elyon will be... unavailable.

    I removed the Charge and Focus skills sometime ago, but now I'm bringing them back as grimoires for all characters to learn. Nova and Krysta get Focus and Charge, respectively, but no one gets anything else naturally. I'm not sure what other special skills there are to offer outside of maybe more physical skills, but I feel elemental and physical skills shouldn't be tampered with too much. And no, I don't plan to go overboard with this. Krysta's not suddenly gonna replace Meigumi at her job. I'm thinking this:

    Single-targeting healing
    Double and Triple Strike
    All basic buffs
    All basic debuffs
    Charge and Focus

    This way, there's still plenty of specific skills no one else gets. Meigumi and Laevateinn are still the only ones who multi-heal. Ralz and Nova keep their "state buffs" and Krysta is still too strong for her own good. I didn't want to delve into physical skills because considering how some characters' stats vary from one another, I took the liberty of altering the damage formula for some of them. For example, Ralz's skills are stronger than normal to compensate for his lower Strength. The element thing is really because each character is proficient in a single element (though some have access to more) and are consequentially weak to the opposing element. (i.e. Nova is weak to Ice, Elyon is weak to Dark, Laevateinn is weak to Earth.)

    If we had that function, then I would definitely not go with this grimoire idea. You could switch in characters as necessary to perform their roles and then send out the ones who inflict the most damage in the shortest amount of time. Oh, is EXP shared to non-active party members, too? I planned that the active team gets the full EXP, while the reserves get 50%. Though, that would also possibly force some characters into a support role only. Though, I suppose the system could also work in terms of reserves.

    I just don't see worth in Haste, then. As I said, it's a turn system, everyone WILL get a turn, no matter what (unless you manipulate things). If all one can change is the order of turns, it's not as valuable in that regard. If we had a system like FFX, where we could possibly get more turns as a result, then that would be something. I suppose I can keep it around, but it seems like a waste if you're already decently fast. Not to mention, most characters get those first-turn skills, which bypass Speed, anyway... I could see it possibly fixing Krysta's flaw, though.
  12. View Conversation
    Um... Ladon isn't really a party member, at least not of the permanent variety. As a guest, he doesn't get access to Grimoires. I find the letter thing a little easier to spot when creating these specific grimoires. Now, for the next bit, what should we make available? I initially had all the basic buffs and debuffs available for learning. Then, I thought of all single-target healing, raising, purifying and I didn't want elemental grimoires, like Blaze and Rupture, as I still want the characters to fulfill a single element, even if they aren't particurarly proficient in it. And then physical skills, I mostly realized there are very few skills that are shared between characters. There's Double and Triple Strike, but that's about it. I was thinking of having Grimoires with a basic name, but when applied to the character, the actual skill name is something else.

    Well, Alther focuses on skills that ignore certain aspects of an enemy's resistance. Meigumi is the basic white mage who focuses on the healing and sustenance of the party. Krysta is the physical god, but suffers due to slow speed. Each character serves some kind of role.

    I don't know if you're ready for this, but I'm thinking of changing Haste's effect to a more Evasive one. Like, it adds a flat 25% to the Evasion stat. I mostly thought of this because of the way turns work in this game. It's a round-based system, which means everyone WILL get one turn before it's over. The only thing to consider if who goes before who. Thus, Haste with this effect will be more useful over all. I think so, anyway. Really, the only way for something to become obsolete is to raise your stats to their maximum (999 or maybe 9999?) so much to the point where why even continue playing the game?
  13. View Conversation
    Ok, so the description can do it, but I also realized we can also use each character's first letter in their name. So, like Cure Grimoir [E] for Elyon is possibly. Of course, we'll use the description, too. Though, to be frank with you, is this an all-right idea? We COULD still have characters that fulfill their roles singurlarly. Like, Krysta is the physical god, Alther is the debuffer, Meigumi is the healer. Everyone has some kind of role. And Elyon gets some status buffs to help out, later. Would you be okay with essentially shattering this balance?

    I do plan to make use of day/night sequences in towns and stuff as the plot demands, but freely switching day/night doesn't need to exist.

    Yeah, I figure this is better, though most status buffs give the Valor status, and we can't really stack the same effect twice. Though, Nova gets those skills that very slightly raise stats (which altogether is a different state, entirely).
  14. View Conversation
    I almost feel like a new member.

    Hmm... any new forum resolutions?
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    Oh my, I just got back from a trip in northern Michigan and... the forums upgraded? o_O I barely recognize the place!

    I've remade the skillset (again), this time to fit my needs better. I've even added some new skills and reorganized them better. I'm thinking (and this is just a thought) of maybe using grimoires to teach other basics skills to other characters. Like teaching Alther the positive status buffs when he's already made for the negative debuffs. I originally planned each character to get certain skills that go beyond their set roles, but if I'm going to do that, I may as well offer this option to players as well. Of course, this means you'll have to make grimoires to fit these goals, but the recipes are already available, you just have to make them.

    Of course, if you don't want either of those ideas, just keep in mind only two characters out of eight can handle positive buffs, and another two for negative debuffs. And only ONE for status effects like Virus and Confuse.

    I was also thinking of some kind of event system. In it, days pass in the game with a special effect being active during it. Like gain more EXP or recover HP and RP after battle or even increase damage increased by enemies. This is basically the give inns a purpose for existing, as save points do the healing. As for how they work, when you sleep, the day changes to the next, offering a new effect for that day. And unlike The After Years, it would pretty much be in effect until you sleep again. Currently, I have 10+ effects in mine, including a day where nothing happens.
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August 29, 1990 (34)
About Elyon Seraphim
I am a male human(?) being coming from the world of Tellus. While i am quite positive that i am chaotic good in both mind and soul. My flaw is that i am kind of anti-social, but i assure you that i just mean everything well, and that i like conversations and speculations, or even just mindless philosophizing.

But i digress, i am a person who is naturally good-willed.
Falling from the Sky
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I, IV, V and IX.
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