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    Eh, not well, still trying to decide how to do the sprites, bases, and whatnot, so sending me info and possible sprite bases would be a good idea, while I wait, I'll make an Ulqiorra I guess.

    Do you want me to PM you about the various types of sprites and gameplay styles I can (attempt)? I'll let you help decide what style I should use fo our MUGEN fullgame (and help with the screenpack (menues and such)).

    BTW, Ralz told me to ask you for details on the story.
  2. View Conversation
    Oh, wow, I didn't think you were doing this! I'll read it write away!

    EDIT: The only thing I have to say is Invictus just reduces physical damage to 0. There's no reflecting damage like with Goddess's Veneration. Oh, and Ralz only has Leviathan for a summon. Odin is cut. That's it, and the rest is good!
  3. View Conversation
    It's okay, we can have 9999 ATK. I doubt any sane person would go that far. They'd just get their stats to a comfortable number and move on. If anyone WERE to go that far, they should be commended.
  4. View Conversation
    Yeah, but I've seen the stuff XP can do. It looks waaaaay better. Besides, I've heard people discuss that VX is just the beginner version of XP. In some videos I saw, someone was actually able to make a Sphere Grid system. I loved that.

    But, that's just my view.
  5. View Conversation
    Oh, well. Maybe its for the best. Of course, if a sequel for this game is made, we'll have to switch to XP. It can do WAY more.
  6. View Conversation
    I will resign then, I suppose...
  7. View Conversation
    All right, I will!

    When did I say it was sleeveless? 'Cause it's not.

    DBZ, Bleach, School, MK9, Wrestling, Infamous, and MUGEN have sapped my time away.
  8. View Conversation
    All right, then. You have everything you need, though, right? I'm writing a motivation document for all the characters. Basically, I've taken all of our ideas and applied them to give characters backgrounds and goals. I'll send it to you once I'm finished. Shira and Dimitri were complicated for reasons you'll soon understand.
  9. View Conversation
    Aw... D:

    When would we have expected the demo?
  10. View Conversation
    Don't worry, we won't seem lazy if we choose the best tracks!
  11. View Conversation
    Another question. Without a composer, are we going back to just using other peoples' themes?
  12. View Conversation
    Hey Elyon! Mind updating me on story changes and character changes! Thanks!

    (BTW: I noticed you mistook something Alther's coat is NOT a cape, it's just a coat.)
  13. View Conversation
    Passive scripts? Sounds interesting. Although, I'll let you decide what you want to do with it for now.

    Will this be in the demo? Would be an excellent chance to experiment.
  14. View Conversation
    So, basically, what happens in the final battle determines the ending? I guess I can come up with one bad ending. If its possible to have a time limit on one of the final bosses, and if you're too slow, it automatically moves to the bad ending. Sorta like X-2.

    Put in as many endings as you can. Including wacky ones!
  15. View Conversation
    They seem to have a place in the party menu, so it must not be a glitch, but something unintentional. Please explore this possibility, as it can open the door for more strategy in certain battles!

    Certainly felt like a "bad ending," anyway. As long as there's a perfect Best Ending to go along with it. I assume the choices we make dramatically impact which ending we'll get? I like multiple endings.

    BTW, is New Game+ possible? Or no? I had a strong feeling it isn't, but it might assist a multiple ending game.
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About Elyon Seraphim

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Date of Birth
August 29, 1990 (34)
About Elyon Seraphim
I am a male human(?) being coming from the world of Tellus. While i am quite positive that i am chaotic good in both mind and soul. My flaw is that i am kind of anti-social, but i assure you that i just mean everything well, and that i like conversations and speculations, or even just mindless philosophizing.

But i digress, i am a person who is naturally good-willed.
Falling from the Sky
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I, IV, V and IX.
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