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  1. View Conversation
    got into a show its a really good anime called soul eater
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    Its going pretty well for me,school has kept me busy.I dont have any money for Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep,and I'm tryin' to save up like crazy!I want that game BAAAAAAAAD!!
  3. View Conversation
    sup how ya been?
  4. View Conversation
    Heyy,how's it going? I haven't been on in forever.
  5. View Conversation
    Thankee, ma'am I am feeling a bit better tonight. Hopefully it continues into the morning.
  6. View Conversation
    I end my own misery, thank you very much
  7. View Conversation
    Oh, I see how it is...
  8. View Conversation
    So there is this Zombie Apocalypse that is going on in Norfolk next Friday night (Oct 22); it is basically a variant of manhunt but a zombie theme for halloween. Anyways there around 4 thousand people who are wanting to attend which surprised the organizer. She didn't think it would blow up so huge. She's scheduling another event in May as well from the huge response she received. Also, for the May event she will choose a bigger venue that way more people can participate. Anyhuma, in order to be a runner (human running from teh Zombies!!!!!) there will be a first come, first serve basis; I'm arriving super early to make sure I get in. They have a facebook page under "Survive Norfolk".

    My friend told me about it. At first I was a bit worried b/c at each checkpoint there is something the runners must draw on paper or take a pic; what I was worried about was people splitting into groups going to different checkpoints, take a picture, send to their friends and then head to the finish zone. But the organizer added that at each checkpoint an agent must stamp, the runner's map, person, paper, something to say that they actually went there. I'm going to scope the whole area Sunday - weather permitting - to get a better idea of where I can go. I know where the area is but I'm not too familiar with the area.

    Unfortunately, the ODU parkour team will be zombies so that will make it difficult if I come across one of them. The way to the finish line is a major choke-point with only two ways to get their and they are tight areas. Damn zombies will be camping out there waiting for people. The good thing about when a zombie gets a runner is that they must stop for the runner to hand over their armband; the zombie with the most "kills" will receive a prize.

    I'm going to try to win this thing.
  9. YAY!!! I'm Finally A Dragoon!

    Now Thats My Kind Of TFF Title ;P
  10. View Conversation
    Glad you enjoyed it haha. Its not very often I find things funny enough to laugh at, but this one did it. As for other humor related things i've been into madlibs. I started a madlib thread over at the lit forum so whenever i come up with madlibs that i think are postworthy they will go there.
  11. View Conversation
    you must watch this, i just about lost it tonight because of what the video contained. (it was that funny to me) YouTube - SonicCD++
  12. View Conversation
    Goodness it's been so long! I'm just starting to feel really bad for you now =/ It has been a a while, MCAT and Medical School preparations have really started to take over, and with class as well I've been going 1,000 mph lol I'll be around more often though.

    P.S. I can't find the answer to your FFIX trivia question anywhere, unless you mean either the Capulets or the Montagues (spelling?) like in Romeo & Juliet lol
  13. View Conversation
    I really don't think I deserve the honors of the final kill seeing I was inactive as an obliterator for so long but if you guys are fine with it then I will make it one hell of a thrill kill.
  14. View Conversation
    read your journal, dang that long trip didn't change anything? hopefully you'll be getting back your voice one way or another. Its also good to hear your cousin got taken care of, hope things go well for the both of you.
  15. View Conversation
    Dodie, you're not still silenced are you? Tell me that you got your voice back by now.
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About Dodie16
I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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VII and XII all the way, baby.
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