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  1. View Conversation
    Thanks for the rep. Sadly, I don't think many people liked the idea. I've seen it work fine, only members could post in it. All mods were able to take care of anything that was wrong. Oh well.
  2. View Conversation
    i'm really hating my limited website access ><. if all the other sites worked on me this wouldn't be so inconvenient. however i can access the ones i can't here on my aunt and uncles desktop but i don't know their login password at the moment. *sigh*
  3. View Conversation
    What would the person who had been disposed of being themself do? Try to take back their life? But wouldn't that not be who they were supposed to be?
  4. View Conversation
    yeah, i'm a cat person. i love cats so much <3

    The mall of america is an amazing place as i've wrote in my journal. but hey, if i ever get the chance to do this and if you're willing to, we should vacation somewhere fun lol.
  5. View Conversation
    Wouldn't it be so degrading if a council of people said that you were unfit to be you and have somebody else take over your life. Talk about depressing.
  6. View Conversation
    let me tell you about the cat at my aunt and uncle's. she has an odd way of playing with toys like a ball. i would have to throw it up to a high place and she'll run after it and then lie in wait for me to throw it somewhere else again and sometimes when i get close to her she arches her back. its hilarious.
  7. View Conversation
    OMG! It's you! I always wanted to meet you and now, here you are! I think I'm going to faint! Somebody catch me as I swoon.
  8. View Conversation
    Thank youuu <3
  9. View Conversation
    I really need a sort of translator between Photoshop and GIMP. xD The one where you reduce the opacity of the brushes behind to give depth is one of my favorites, plus it's one I'm sure requires no "translator" in GIMP. ^_~ A help thread? That's a good idea; that way people can ask others how to do certain techniques. =) I'll edit it in, but my thread's gonna get pushed back since no one's sharing anything but me. x3

    Nuuu, I wanna see. I can't remember what it was besdies Riku.

    Hahaha, what did you think I was talking about? ^.~ Oh, and the thing I said where you stuff on design to cover up your text is something like this:

    You start out with text like this:
    Then you put on the brushes:
    You look for the edges that are off (red means erase and blue means brush more to cover):
    So you get something that's kind of covered up and looks more natural:
    Though, you should avoid having too many sharp edges, which I had. ^_^"
  10. View Conversation
    sounds like you and your friends had a fun time. i remember doing video recordings with my friends. two of us were supposed to be running away from his younger brother who was supposed to be a ghost and we were all screaming running around the room. it was alot of fun and hilarious to watch afterwards.
  11. View Conversation
    more offenses eh? haha i like to be ridiculous when it comes to stuff like that. and thats got to be the first time i've ever taken a pic without my shirt on lol.
  12. View Conversation
    and did you get my recent pm to you?
  13. View Conversation
    i just thought of something to ask you... what do you think of my voice since hearing it twice on video?
  14. View Conversation
    i got good news, i'm able to get on msn however i have to do it via ebuddy from where i'm at. so if you're up for chatting me up whenever you're available i'd be happy to talk
  15. View Conversation
    well the thing is, i had to talk quietly in the last video because my dad was sleeping in the hotel room. i was gonna get the family cat showing on the video but she wasn't in the room haha. so whats going on with you tonight?
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I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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VII and XII all the way, baby.
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Evil BAD Guys
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03-25-2023 06:50 AM
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