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  1. View Conversation
    That son of a....!
    Okami is one of the best games ever how could he say that?!
    No wonder you are pissed it pissed me too!
  2. View Conversation
    Hey thank for the Conversation today Dodie, i enjoyed it I might be back on later to bug you with some more questions later For now, Peace!
  3. View Conversation
    Good, glad he's better! Well i have heard of people losing their voice, but losing it for months on end is something that still baffles me. Well its good that your boss is being so cool about the situation, and just stay positive an enthusiastic and good things will happen

    To bad they didn't!
  4. View Conversation
    Everything is okay with him now though, right? Well that doesn't sound like a very pleasant way to have to leave college, but i bet it gave you more responsibility in the long run?

    The same thing happened to me about a month ago, besides a sibling of mine being in the hospital! I think more opportunities opened up for me after doing the right thing though, and i am sure the same thing will happen for you.
  5. View Conversation
    A Fantasia 2000 reference? I may have to give you some e-props for that. I saw that in music class in middle school, that movie was really cool.

    And I'd be honored to have tacky statues made of me and put on every lawn. That'd be badass. Hell, even FDR has a bobblehead.
  6. View Conversation
    Well im sure things will come back into play for you Why did you have to return home (If you don't mind me asking)?
  7. View Conversation
    Have you ever thought of going to college, and doing something their with your art talent?
  8. View Conversation
    Hey. Flamingos are noble creatures. You should take that as a compliment, young lady.
  9. View Conversation
    I wasn't very good at it either, and as you did I just played around with it mainly.

    Yes i did play Ocarina of time, but it was my friends game. When i did finally pry the controller from his hands and played I never got passed the big tree

    Yea a lot of people don't like it for that reason! Any game with a sandbox system i just can't help but love.
  10. View Conversation
    On the Nintendo i played allot of the Mario games, Jaws, Mega man, and the dunk hunt game that was with the first Mario bros game.

    As for the SNES I loved playing Mario Paint, Contra III, Goof Troop (I beat this game like 10 times) Super Mario World, and Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island (Which I played way to much)

    For the N64 i really enjoyed Mario64, Star Fox 64, and a star wars game i still cannot remember the name of (it had a storm trooper on the front cover)

    When the PlayStation came out, that's when i really got hooked on the FF series, and started on the old school games for the GBA. On this system I enjoyed Dino Crisis, Crash bandicoot, and some others i can't really think of at the moment.

    On the PlayStation 2 i enjoyed Mercenaries, Blitzes, Shadow of the colossus (Never beat it though, just rented it) and Some of the Spyro games were alright. My fave games on this console were the GTA series.

    For the xbox/360 (Which was one of my fave consoles) I got into the Halo series hardcore (until 3 came out) Gears of war 1 & 2 (These are some great games) GTA 4, Just cause, Saints Row, TES3 Morrowind, and TES4 Oblivion (I loved this game).

    There are probably tons of other games i played but cannot think off them at the moment, but theirs a few i really enjoyed throughtout my childhood to today.

    If you have any questions just ask away
  11. View Conversation
    Yes I have, and i loved it! It's been a while since I have used it so I am trying to remember the feeling you get in your throat, AHhha their it is, and whatever the green flavor is (I loved that flavor the most) and (As long as it isn't cherry im good on the gagging )

    Haha, yea my VM's are lame like that

    Quote "I suppose sometimes you just gotta take a chance and see what happens." Quote

    Hey! I could say the same thing to you (Trying to put all the pressure on me I see) J/k.

    So besides the FF series, what other game/s did you really get into?
  12. View Conversation
    Lmao! It's really not that bad compared to cough medicine (Now that stuff is bad).

    yea i agree i can never think of anything interesting to type about or if they would be interested in talking about that, etc..
  13. Hey Dodie (=^_^=) How Are You Today?
  14. View Conversation
    hey dodie how have you been
  15. View Conversation
    Yea to true! Haha, I can get pretty grumpy myself when I'm sick I drank some vinegar and honey which always helps, and yea i overdosed on the ZZZ's.

    Yea I guess theirs not much to say about it, just thought i would ask though.

    Well I'm going to go see if i can find anything interesting to post about before jumping off. Have a good night dodie, and send me more VM's every once and a while, I'm not that boring
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I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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VII and XII all the way, baby.
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