Happy birthday to a person who I do not know!
Goodness, you're an odd one. Happy birthday.
Thanks Happy Birthday to you too!
Haha. Happy birthday dude. Hope you have an incredible day filled with Pokemons you love.
SERIOUSLY? ...lmao XD Which one? And hi ^^. Haha.
i'm saving up for this http://www.jerrock.com/66/files/Imag...l_ride_big.jpg and a DW 7000 series double kick
what do you play with?
i use a peavy but thats cause i'm poor i either want pacific kit or pearl how about joops?
I had two lots of pancakes yesterday. Chocolate AND normal. =DDD They are rather good on a cold day eh? Chocolate + double cream, and normal + lemon juice + sugar = <333
I called you Sipral Architecht in my rep comment. I just realised as soon as I hit okay. Go on. Laugh at my misfortune.
xD Well I wanted it and they didn't come to pick it up. They hadn't put money on it so it wasn't like it was theirs.
No but I stole someones from work that was on hold =D
But... Delibird can't learn Mud Sport...
Well, Blizzard only has a 70% Hit ratio, and a 10% chance of Freezing, so I'll only get Frozen 7% of the time. And if I do, Full Restore! And if not Frozen, Thunderbolt again! >=D
But Delibird is Ice AND Flying... So Thunderbolt is super-effective. And if combined with Calm Mind, I reduce your Blizzard and increase it's potency. >=D
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