Well, he's not a total failure then. What I actually said was I wish I had purple crepes. But whatever. Anyway, my Gardevoir kicks your Delibird. Thunderbolt! =D
Delliibiirdd <3
Methinks he is. I have a PhD in Delibirdinese. Tell him Del-bird-del-del-delibird-bird-deli. He'll know what I mean. (Duh. He's a Delibird)
Go Delibird!!! Deli-deli-bird-bird-delibird! Which translates roughly to Delibird is teh awesomes.
Delibird is Awesome!
Although exams are killing me, but I think I am fine! What about you?
Hahaha, Thank you for compliment in the "Your opinion on the above Avatar" thread! ^^;; It made my day!
Oh yeah O.o ...Whoops? Haha. Hmm. Fat kid? Make sure you give 'im a lolly pop. A BIG one. With the swirlies in it. XD
Nah. Fat cats are cute! ...As long as they're ginger and stripey. Otherwise they're just...bleh. Haha.
That dirty little whore. No wonder she always looks so happy. Professor Oak was a stud.
Don't make me smack yo' bitch up. My Pikachu has a rod of lightning for you. Cause he's one dirty yellow man/guinea pig?
Well. I tried to obey your journal. But it wouldn't let me. Repped you recently, methinks. What a clevar ploy though! I think I shall try that when I start my new journal. Yoo is muh hee-row. =O
Why, sure!! Though I think I had added you already...if not, expect it to be soon enough. I did participate once, so I know how exacting the judging can be.
MIENZ GUD FNX! Actually, I'm a little sad. Andrew (ze boyfriend) left an hour ago, and since he lives ages away, I'll have to wait until August to see him again face to face. I know I'm being silly, but I can't help but cry on the platform. At least I make it an awkward spectacle for all around me.
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