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  1. View Conversation
    I'm not a part of that site. I believe it has been like that for some time. Don't know. They are pretty good about the info.
  2. View Conversation
    No, they don't. Have you ever written a college paper before?
  3. View Conversation
    and thats why you can have all the greatest scores on an IQ test but you'll never realize that you are socially retarded. True intellect is taking what you have learned and applying it to what you already know to make a judgement call on an issue.

    I've yet to see you make an original thought for yourself and I challenge you to do so. If you really had such a high IQ score then why do you sound like an average rambling 13 year old on this website.
  4. View Conversation
    Leave me alone.
  5. Why did it post on my page? O.o"
  6. View Conversation
    My problem is that you really pissed me off, and I'm kind of fuming right now, so shut the **** up.
  7. What ever it is, tell me if it is an insult, why are you hiding from telling me?
    "Someone who mindessly follows and emulates anything and everything in the name of fame/recognition. A waste of flesh and brain cells."
  8. View Conversation
    lol no, thats a black sheep.

    look it up if you don't know, thats how you learn things amirite?
  9. View Conversation
    look it up
  10. View Conversation
    Seriously, Odin... seriously... you should learn how to NOT let yourself be offended by EVERYTHING.
    Besides, what happened to your plan of "not showing emotions in your posts anymore"? Seriously, Odin! If you don't want to get any warnings anymore, you should do just THAT. And maybe, just maybe, it's not good to say that you're intelligent and then flame people for not believing in IQ tests. Sorry to say that, but when you do that, it looks like you're not intelligent AT ALL.
    Try not to be too personal in an internet forum. If you like to, you can read the posts and then THINK (just THINK) that you're better than everyone else. But don't POST it.

    It's not that I dislike you. But sometimes I really think that you should know better after various warnings... Please, think about it.
  11. View Conversation
    I don't even know what that means. Try English.
  12. View Conversation
    Don't come to me, telling me that the country that my members of my family have died defending, sucks. You have the right to tell me that America sucks, thanks to people like them, just as much as I have every right to call you a fucking moron for thinking that. You also capitalize the name of the country, douche.

    Saying shit like the pisses me off, and is highly offensive. But thanks, you've inspired me to go and take some nice pics of the battle flag my grandpa captured from the Japs back in WW2. I hope you like them.

    You have yourself a nice day, while I go and enjoy my beer and collection of trinkets from dead Japanese soldiers.
  13. View Conversation
    replying to a post with a simple lol or LMAO is pretty bad. Click on the Thread name in the rep to see what post people repped you for.
  14. View Conversation
    creepily enough it also seems like we like the same kind of women. lol. Red hair, green eyes.
  15. View Conversation
    I get very opinionated online, much more then I am in real life and it generally just gets me in endless fights with really stubborn people. Its a terrible habit I wish I didn't have, I had to abandon Youtube for a whole year because people refused to admit defeat or concede on any point. Basically it was nice to see some of your posts coinciding with some of my opinions.
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About Angel of Iniquity

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Date of Birth
May 7, 1990 (34)
About Angel of Iniquity
I am born of light, but has lost it's wonderful luminosity. Power, hatred, pain and darkness envelop me, and I aim to spread it to you.
In a place far from the exalt.
Piano, Kyokushin(martial art discipline), and designing my own video game.
Favorite FF?:
FF8, and then X, followed by 5.
Dark angel, to spread death on all light warriors of this earth.
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Yea right
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Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...


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04-05-2011 10:53 PM
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04-05-2011 10:57 PM
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